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Stay informed about daily folders, absences, lunch times, schedule, homework, and behavior expectations for your kindergartener. Contact us for any transportation changes or questions.
Welcome to Kindergarten! Mrs. Howerton and Mrs. DuBois
Daily Folders Please make sure you are checking your child’s orange folder each night. Your child’s behavior report will need to be initialed every night. Thursday folders will have correspondence from PTA and school. Please make sure folders are signed daily.
Absences and Tardies Students should be at school by 7:50 each morning. Attendance is very important. Parents will be notified by the school after 5 absences. Please send in a note within 3 days of when your child is absent.
Transportation Changes If there is a change in your child’s transportation, please write me a note, sign and date it and place it in the money and notes pouch. You may also email the front office with a change in your child’s transportation. All emails must be in by 1:50 p.m. Katherine.Mehal@cobbk12.org Carmen.Lumpkin@cobbk12.org Laura.Howerton@cobbk12.org
Breakfast If your child is eating breakfast at school, he/she needs to be here by 7:40. The cost for breakfast is $1.50.
Lunch Our lunch time is 10:23! The price for a student lunch is $2.35. You are always welcome to come and eat with your child. The price for an adult meal is $3.50. Please no fast food items or soda.
Schedule 8:00-9:00 Writers Workshop 9:00- 9:15 Snack/Phonics/Sight words 9:15-10:15 Readers Workshop 10:23-10:51 Lunch 10:51-11:00 Bathroom Break 11:00 -11:20 Recess 11:20-11:45 Number Talks 11:45-12:25 Specials 12:25-1:25 Math 1:25-2:00- Sci/SS/ Health
Homework The only homework your child will have is to practice sight words and read each night. Every six weeks we will introduce a new set of sight words. At the end of that six week period your child will be tested on those sight words.
Literacy • Small differentiated groups for individual learning • Whole group mini lessons • Guided Reading and Guided Writing • Sight Words and Phonic • Instruction
Interactive and Hands on • IntMathegrated into Language Arts ito emphasize learning goals • Daily number talks • Small differentiated learning groups for individual learning • Whole group mini lessons • My Math Curriculum • Math Journals
SS/Sci/Health Science Lab with Mrs. Divelbiss STEM activities Field Trips to emphasize learning goals
Snack We will be eating snack every day. We do community snack. Please send in a bag of pretzels, cereal, crackers, etc. that we can share as a class. I will send out a email when supplies are running low.
Due West PBIS Positive behavior intervention & support
What is PBIS? Comprehensive, evidence based, data driven approach to positive student discipline District & State supported initiative that earns Due West CCRPI points Three main components • Teach appropriate behaviors & expectations across settings • Reward students when behavior expectations are met • Consistent interventions when behavior expectations are not met
Focus on the Positive • Fosters a positive school climate for all stakeholders • Consistent school wide acknowledgement & reward for students demonstrating Pioneer P.R.I.D.E. • Due West Dollars earned & redeemed for grade level determined rewards • P.R.I.D.E. Points – classes work as a team to earn 100 points, then celebrate with a class chosen reward on designated Friday • Not just for students! Staff earn rewards for noticing positive behavior!
Pioneer P.R.I.D.E. • Participate • Respect • Inspire • Do the right thing • Exercise safe behavior P R I D E
What Does it Look Like? Students are taught specific school wide expectations for both classroom and non-classroom settings
Pioneer P.R.I.D.E With positive encouragement, we believe our children will display Pioneer P.R.I.D.E. across all settings, and be positive role models in the Due West community Mistakes are opportunities to learn!
Interactive and Hands on What happens if students don’t follow the expectations? • MAJOR OFFENSES • Serious offenses tied directly to the CCSD Student Code of Conduct (JCDA-R) • Result in an Office Referral, administrative investigation, & possible consequences according to the JCDA-R policy • JCDA-R is available online & in your Family Information Guide • MINOR OFFENSES** • Verbal aggression – name calling • Disruption – talking, annoying others • Lack of participation/Off task • Mild disrespect/arguing • Rough housing – pushing, accidental hitting, etc. • Misuse of materials • **This is a sample, and NOT to be considered an all inclusive list.
Consequences for Minor Offenses Primary (k-2nd) • Students given up to 3 reminders • After 3 reminders receive a P.R.I.D.E. letter on the clipboard
Consequences for Minor Offenses Intermediate (3rd-5th) • Students given up to 3 reminders • After 3 reminders receive a P.R.I.D.E. letter on the clipboard
What Can I Do as a Parent? • Volunteer your time to help with PBIS (making copies, cutting out Due West Dollars, etc.) • Donate items on the classroom student Due West Dollar Rewards chart • Donate or solicit donations for items that could be used for PBIS raffles for staff • Praise & encourage your child to support them in following the Pioneer P.R.I.D.E. behavior expectations • Have conversations with your child about how to learn from mistakes when letters are earned and make better choices next time
Report Cards • *No Letter Grades (Rubric) • 3+ - Exceeds Standards • 3 – Meets Standards - Consistently • 2 – Progressing Towards Meeting Standards • 1 – Limited Progress or Does Not Meet Standards
GKIDS Georgia Kindergarten Inventory of Developing Skills Test each student at various times throughout the school year. Parents will receive printout of results at end of school year.
Blog/Seesaw ://www.duewestes.com/ Kindergarten has a community blog. The blogs is updated once every nine weeks with curriculum highlights. Our class will have it’s own Seesaw account. Think of it as a safe and educational Facebook for our class- where you see only your child’s work. I will send you a link via email.
Parent Volunteers We would love to have parent volunteers. You can: Be a mystery reader Help with class parties etc. Field trip Chaperones Room Parent will be assisting with the scheduling of Mystery Reader and Holiday Celebrations.
Thank you all for coming. Any questions??? Don’t forget to join P.T.A. The cost is $10.00