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FUEL POVERTY IN SPAIN Direct employment generation potential of thermal retrofits of residential buildings. Acción perteneciente al proyecto REPEX “Rehabilitación energética de edificios, una oportunidad de empleo verde en Extremadura, una solución a la pobreza energética”. Colaborador.
FUEL POVERTY IN SPAIN Direct employment generation potential of thermal retrofits of residential buildings Acción perteneciente al proyecto REPEX “Rehabilitación energética de edificios, una oportunidad de empleo verde en Extremadura, una solución a la pobreza energética” Colaborador
¿What’s fuel (or energy) poverty? Definition and relevance in Spain • A householdis in fuel poverty when • is unable to afford an adequate amount of energy services to satisfy its domestic needs • and/or has disproportionate energy expenses as a proportion of income • An issue with little visibility • primarily domestic and spatially diffuse • closely related to other forms of poverty and social exclusion • Impact of the global crisis:unemployment Proyecto REPEX Proyecto REPEX
Aims of thestudy • Estimate fuel poverty rates in Spain at the national and regional (i.e., Autonomous Communities) levels • Analyse the relationship between fuel poverty and unemployment in the context of the economic crisis • Present the impacts of fuel poverty on health, especially excess winter mortality • Gauge the direct employment generation potential of thermal retrofits in Spain • Assess fuel poverty-related measures and policies in Spain Proyecto REPEX
Methodological approach and data sources • Two measuring approaches • Household’s energy expenses and annual income • Household Budget Survey 2006-2010 • Household’s perceptions and statements • EU Survey on Income and Living Conditions 2004-2010 • Other data sources • Survey on Households and the Environment 2008 • Barometer of the Spanish Center of Sociological Research - CIS (Dec. 2011) • Monthly mortality data 1996-2010 (INE) Proyecto REPEX Proyecto REPEX
Declared indoor temperatures (for heating) Households and theEnvironment (2008) • But… • onlyfor2007 • only49% of allhouseholdsanswered • declaredTs, not real measurements Proyecto REPEX Proyecto REPEX
The impact of the economic crisis Barometer of the CIS (Dec. 2011) % respondents that have changed consumption habits for saving money as a consequence of the crisis Proyecto REPEX Proyecto REPEX
Fuel poverty rates (1) Energy expenses vs. householdincome % de householdsthatspend more than 10% of theirannual net incomeonenergy Proyecto REPEX Proyecto REPEX
Fuel poverty rates (2) Perceptions and statements % of householdsthatreport/state… Proyecto REPEX Proyecto REPEX
Comparing measuring approaches vs. severity of thewinter • In 2010 (approx.): • 10 % households • 4 millionpeople Proyecto REPEX Proyecto REPEX
Results at the regional level AutonomousCommunities Inabilitytokeepthe home adequatelywarm in winter More than 10% of annual net incomeonenergy expenses Highlands of the center and north of the Iberian Peninsula (less Madrid and theBasque Country) Milderregions: south, east and islands Proyecto REPEX
Excess winter mortality Relative EWM rates Out of 23,400 excesswinterdeaths, between 10 to 40%(2,300to9,300EWDs) maybe dueto fuel poverty,more thanroadtrafficcaccidentvictims in 2011. Proyecto REPEX Proyecto REPEX
Fuel poverty and unemployment Energy expenses vs. householdincome Proyecto REPEX Proyecto REPEX
Direct employment generation potential of thermalretrofits in Spain 16.7 FTE-year per million € ≈400 firms and entitiescontacted 25 valid cases 89 buildings 1.390 dwellings Proyecto REPEX Proyecto REPEX
Assessing policies, measures and elements of the legal framework Proyecto REPEX Proyecto REPEX
Key conclusions Fuel poverty in Spain • ≈ 10% households (4 mill. people) in fuel poverty • Substantial regional differences: 2 FP types • FP in Spain may be responsible for more premature deaths than road traffic accidents • Differential impact on unemployed households • Lack of specific measuresand policies • Thermal retrofits as a long-term solution to FP and as an employment opportunity for laid- off workers of the construction sector • Connection with other policy goals: energy security, climate change and urban air quality Proyecto REPEX Proyecto REPEX
Thank you for you attention Acción perteneciente al proyecto REPEX “Rehabilitación energética de edificios, una oportunidad de empleo verde en Extremadura, una solución a la pobreza energética” Colaborador
¿What’s fuel (or energy) poverty? Definition and components • A householdis in fuel poverty when • is unable to afford an adequate amount of energy services to satisfy its domestic needs • and/or has disproportionate energy expenses as a proportion of income INCOME EFFICIENCY of the DWELLING Domestic ENERGY PRICE Proyecto REPEX Proyecto REPEX
Relevance and background in Spain • An issue with little visibility • primarily domestic and spatially diffuse • closely related to other forms of poverty and exclusion • Background • EPEE project – European fuel Poverty and Energy Efficiency (Ecoserveis/ Intelligent Energy Europe) • Studies on poverty and social exclusion (Cantó et al., 2003; Laparra, 2010; etc.) • Data on residential energy use (IDAE, 2011) Proyecto REPEX Proyecto REPEX
Energy expenses and household income Criticalfactors Energy expenses vs. householdincome Evolution of theweight of energycarriersontheenergybill ELECTRICITY TARIFF DEFICIT Proyecto REPEX Proyecto REPEX
Impacts of fuel poverty on human health • Living in a poorly heated dwelling: • Has negative effects evident in terms of infants’weight gain, hospital admission rates, developmental status and asthmatic symptoms • Affects the mental health of teenagers • Is a cause of flu and colds and exacerbates existing conditions such as arthirtis and rheumatism • Reduces the dietary choices of households • Is a cause of premature death due to cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. Source: MarmotReviewTeam, 2011 Proyecto REPEX Proyecto REPEX
Fuel poverty-related excesswintermortality Out of 23,400 excesswinterdeathshappening in Spain in anaverageyear, between 10 to 40%may be dueto fuel poverty Proyecto REPEX Proyecto REPEX
Fuel poverty and unemployment Perceptions and statements % householdswitharrearsonutilitybills Proyecto REPEX Proyecto REPEX