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Explore UIB: A Mediterranean and European Academic Haven

Discover the University of Balearic Islands, situated in the enchanting Balearic archipelago, offering diverse degree courses in a vibrant Mediterranean setting. With a focus on research excellence, environmental responsibility, and international partnerships, UIB is a top choice for students seeking a quality education. Explore student exchange programs, outstanding graduate employment rates, and a thriving research environment. Immerse yourself in the rich cultural tapestry of the Balearic Islands while pursuing your academic goals at UIB.

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Explore UIB: A Mediterranean and European Academic Haven

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  1. UNIVERSITY OF BALEARIC ISLANDS (UIB) A fantastic place to study, and to stay …

  2. The Balearic archipelago is located in the western Mediterranean. It is made up of the islands of Mallorca, Menorca, Eivissa, Formentera and Cabrera. Palma, the capital of the Balearic Islands, is a city open to the sea. All the different Mediterranean cultures and people passing through have left an indelible cultural legacy. The UNIVERSITY CAMPUS lies in privileged natural surroundings, 7.5 km outside Palma but only a few minutes from the city centre thanks to the modern access routes and public transport. The University also has two large UNIVERSITY CENTRES in Menorca and Eivissa, and small university centres in different towns of the Islands. BALEARIC ISLANDS

  3. BALEARIC ISLANDS • Four islands: • Majorca: • Palma is the capital • The major island • Population: 800.000 (mainly in Palma) • Ibiza and Formentera • Ibiza is the capital • Population: 120.000 • Minorca • Maó is the capital • Population: 100.000 • 14.000.000 of tourists each year • 35% of the population are foreign • Direct flights with most Europeans cities (specially during the summer season)

  4. Majorca • The Cathedral (in Palma)

  5. Majorca • The city centre, the Walls (Palma)

  6. Majorca • The cultural sites: Fundació Miró, etc.

  7. Majorca • The North Coast

  8. Majorca • The North Coast

  9. Majorca • The beaches of the north

  10. Majorca • The coast villages

  11. Majorca • The coast villages

  12. Majorca • The small villages

  13. UIB: a Mediterranean and European University • Offering a wide range of courses • Committed to culture • Respectful towards the environment • Renowned for research excellence • Open to the world

  14. University of Balearic Islands • Some photos

  15. UNIVERSITY OF THE BALEARIC ISLANDS: FIGURES Registered students Degree………………………........................................ 14.000 Masters and Doctorate (Official) …………………… 1.900 Other Postgraduate Programmes ...…………………. 1.639 Continuous training activities and courses & Senior University ………………………………………. 2.675 Teaching Staff…………………………......................... 1.218 Administration Staff…………………………………….. 685 BUDGET 2012 88.300.000 €


  17. Our new Degrees • They are adapted to the Bologna Process • 4 years (8 semesters) • 240 ECTS (60 per year). 1 ECTS = 25 hours of work of the student • There will be some others in the near future

  18. EMPLOYABILITY OF GRADUATES GRADUATE PROFILE 8 to 10 graduates find a job within six months 3 years after finishing their studies, 9 to 10 graduates are employed and are satisfied with the job they are doing 7 to 10 graduates have a job related to their studies 53% of graduates work in private companies The Management and Employability Office helps the students and graduates find a job and connects them with private companies and public institutions

  19. STUDENT EXCHANGE PROGRAMMES The student exchange programmes managed by the International Relations Office are: ERASMUS (Europe) SICUE-SENECA (Spain) BILATERAL AGREEMENTS CINDA (Latin-America, Spain & European HE Institutions) CIEE –ISEP (United States) AVERROES (Euro-Mediterranean) EUROWEB (Western Balkans) DRAC (Vives Net, Catalan speaking Universities)

  20. EXCHANGE STUDENTS - COUNTRIES 2010-2011. Source: International Relations Office INCOMING STUDENTS Austria Belgium Bulgaria France Finland Germany Latvia Greece Holland Italy Morocco Poland Portugal United Kingdom Romania Sweden Czech Republic Tunisia USA China OUTGOING STUDENTS Germany Austria Belgium Finland France Greece Holland Italy Ireland Poland Portugal United Kingdom Sweden Peru Chile USA Canada China …

  21. RESEARCH The UIB has become consolidated in recent years as a prestigious research institution. The UIB occupies one of the leading positions in national scientific production per researcher and has a high international level due to different collaborations with universities and research centres. Research is an active economic agent too in the field of innovation by creating and promoting business initiatives.

  22. ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY • The UIB is aware of its responsibility in environmental conservation so as to work towards a more equitable and sustainable model of society. • The Environmental Code of Practice was approved in 1997 with five main fronts: • Energy management: favouring the use of solar, thermal and photovoltaic energy; putting into practice actions aimed at saving electricity and fossil fuels. • Water management: saving drinking water and water for watering purposes, using grey water self-purifications lagoons, and restoring the campus water cisterns. • Waste management: by selective collecting and recycling • Direct protection of the natural surroundings and the historical heritage of the University • Putting into action environmental initiatives for people: increasing pedestrian spaces and green areas; and providing safe and healthy working conditions for the whole university community.

  23. UNIVERSITY OF THE BALEARIC ISLANDS: Transport and Academic Calendar • Transport: located in Valldemosa Road, 7.5 km from the city centre. How to get in? • Bus • Underground • Bicycle (there’s a bicycle lane from down town to the University) • Car • Academic calendar: • First semester: • From the last week of September to the last of January • Christmas holidays from 23th December until 7th January (after the Three Wise Men) • Exams from last week January until mid February (3 weeks) • Second semester: • From mid February until the beginning of June • Easer holidays: from Maundy Thursday until the end of the following week (10 days) • Exams in June (and perhaps early July)

  24. Living Cost in Palma • Live in Palma: Estimated monthly costs (in euros): • Shared flat: 250 euros • Food: 100/150 euros • Transport: 30 euros • School materials: 40 euros • Extras: 100 euros • Total cost: 520/570 euros

  25. Faculty of Economics and Business http://fee.uib.es

  26. The lectures... Theoretical Practical

  27. Our Bulding: Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos

  28. Facilities: Jovellanos Building 1 auditorium, 1 big library, 6 PCs classrooms (with185 PCs), Bar and restaurant, Wi-Fi everywhere

  29. Other facilities Campus Esport 8 paddel courts, 1 tennis court, 1 football pitch, 3 indoor basket/volley/badminton courts, heated swimming pool, gym, etc.

  30. Studies Degrees: Economics Business Administration Official postgraduate studies: Master in Tourism Business Management Master and ph. doctorate in Tourism and Environmental Economics (fully in English) Master in Accounting

  31. Degrees of Economics and Business Administration 4 years, 8 semesters, 240 ECTS Two shifts: Morning and Afternoon 60 ECTS per year (30 ECTS per semester): 5 subjects of 6 ECTS Languages: Spanish*, Catalan* and English * There are Spanish and Catalan courses for exchange students at no cost every semester for every level

  32. New ! Path in English: Almost half of the credits must be done in English It includes a semester abroad studying in English Degrees of Economics and Business Administration

  33. Pathway in English • To be awarded the Certificate of completion of the PATHWAY IN ENGLISH, students must obtain at least 100 ECTS (50%) of the degree in English. That is: • A minimum of 60 ECTS during the first three academic years (in core or compulsory subjects) • To go to a foreign university studying in English a semester (30 ECTS) • And the end of degree project (12 ECTS) • Other characteristics: • The maximum number of students per group is 45 • Students who cannot officially demonstrate a sufficient level of English will be asked to take a level test. When deemed appropriate, the faculty will offer/recommend to take an English course in September

  34. Subjects in English in 2011-2012 Indeed, the International Office offers courses in English for foreing students that can be found at http://estudis.uib.cat/es/Formacio_complementaria/lliure_conf/ass_angles/

  35. Structure of the Degrees ofEconomics and Business Administration

  36. An example of the distribution of credits / hours of a second and third year subject

  37. Implementation and Structure • In 2009/2010 started the first year of the Degrees in Economics and Business Administration • The grade consist in 240 ECTS (60 per year) • Each subject has 6 ECTS and the subjects are grouped in fields * In the first year (basic core) there are 8 (out of 10) subjects common to Economics and Business Administration

  38. Business Administration Marketing Accountancy Finance Organization and management Introduction to Economics and economic analysis Analysis of economic data Non economic instruments Economics Microeconomics Macroeconomics Public Administration Economics Spanish and International Economy Applied Economics Quantitative Economic Methods Economic History Business environment Non-economic instruments Main fields

  39. Schedule by years (Business Administration)

  40. Schedule by years (Business Administration)

  41. Schedule by years (Economics)

  42. Schedule by years (Economics)

  43. Business Administration Business Accounting and Taxation Management of Financial Businesses Administration and Management Management in Services and Tourism Management in Public Administrations Economics Consultancy and Planning Public Administration Globalization and International Organizations Tax System Elective modules

  44. We are waiting you …

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