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St Andrew’s and St Bride’s HS Professional Reading Group

Explore the role of teachers as change agents in education through the Professional Reading Group with Kenneth Muir. Discover the importance of teacher empowerment and development of agency in driving educational change and enhancing teacher autonomy. Gain insights into fostering reflective practice and professional leadership to shape the future of Scottish education. Join the discussion on teacher agency, autonomy, and voice in building a more empowered educational system through universal engagement.

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St Andrew’s and St Bride’s HS Professional Reading Group

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  1. St Andrew’s and St Bride’s HS Professional Reading Group Empowerment and Teachers as Agents of Change 22 October 2019 Kenneth Muir Chief Executive and Registrar www.gtcs.org.uk @GTCSKen GTC Scotland

  2. Coaching Wheel: Reflection against the Professional Standards GTC Scotland

  3. …an empowered system… …enquiring professionals …change agents… …leaders of educational change… …empowering teachers and practitioners… …teacher autonomy… GTC Scotland

  4. GTC Scotland

  5. At the heart of this system change is the development of teacher agency and professional voice; and ensuring that professional leadership and reflective practice are the key drivers for Scottish education. Successfully taking forward such an empowerment agenda will require universal engagement. GTC Scotland

  6. GTC Scotland

  7. …the empowerment agenda… …building teacher agency and autonomy… …the empowered teacher voice… GTC Scotland

  8. GTC Scotland

  9. GTC Scotland

  10. Other reading to consider GTC Scotland Why Teachers Must Become Change Agents,Michael G. Fullan, March 1993 | Volume 50 | Number 6The Professional Teacher Pages 12-17 Teachers as Agents of Change, George Couros, Blog, January 2013 Teachers as Agents of Societal Change, DzintraIlisko, Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability, Vol 7, 2007, pp14-26 DevelopingTeachers as Agents of Inclusion and Social Justice, NatasaPantic and Lani Florian, Education Inquiry, Vol 6, No.3, September 2015, pp 333-351 EBSCO e-books in MyGTCS/MyPL on GTCS website

  11. Why Teachers Must Become Change Agents, Michael G. Fullan, March 1993 | Volume 50 | Number 6 The Professional Teacher Pages 12-17 “But we are facing a huge dilemma. On the one hand, schools are expected to engage in continuous renewal, and change expectations are constantly swirling around them. On the other hand, the way teachers are trained, the way schools are organised, the way the education hierarchy operates and the political decision makers treat educators, results in a system that is more likely to retain the status quo.” In your experience, how true is this today? GTC Scotland “Teaching at its core is a moral profession. Scratch a good teacher and you will find a moral purpose.” What is your moral purpose?

  12. Why Teachers Must Become Change Agents, Michael G. Fullan, March 1993 | Volume 50 | Number 6 The Professional Teacher Pages 12-17 GTC Scotland “To break the impasse, we need a new conception of teacher professionalism that integrates moral purpose and change agentry, one that works simultaneously on individual and institutional development. One cannot wait for the other.” Four elements of professionalism 1. Personal vision-building – Examining and re-examining why we came into teaching. Asking the question “What difference am I trying to make personally?”

  13. Why Teachers Must Become Change Agents, Michael G. Fullan, March 1993 | Volume 50 | Number 6 The Professional Teacher Pages 12-17 GTC Scotland 2. Inquiry – “the engine of vitality and self-renewal”. “Inquiry is necessary for forming and reforming personal purpose. While the latter comes from within, it must be fuelled by information and ideas in the environment.” “Teachers as change agents are career-long learners, without which they would not be able to stimulate students to be continuous learners”

  14. Why Teachers Must Become Change Agents, Michael G. Fullan, March 1993 | Volume 50 | Number 6 The Professional Teacher Pages 12-17 Personal mastery and group collaboration thrive on each other in learning organisations GTC Scotland 3. Mastery – “People behave their way into new visions and ideas…. Mastery is necessary for effectiveness but it is also a means for achieving deeper understanding. New mindsets arise from mastery.” 4. Collaboration - “There is a ceiling effect to how much we can learn if we keep it to ourselves. The ability to collaborate is one of the core requisites of postmodern society”

  15. GTC Scotland “ The most successful education systems invest in developing their teachers as reflective, accomplished and enquiring professionals who are able, not simply to teach successfully in relation to current external expectations, but who have the capacity to engage fully with the complexities of education and to be key actors in shaping and leading educational change”. “Teaching Scotland’s Future” 2011

  16. GTC Scotland Teachers should be: “Increasingly expert practitioners whose professional practice and relationships are rooted in strong values, who take responsibility for their own development and who are developing their capacity both to use and contribute to the collective understanding of the teaching and learning process.” “Teaching Scotland’s Future” 2011

  17. GTC Scotland

  18. Scottish Education and Curriculum for Excellence

  19. Curriculum for Excellence What is it trying to achieve? Improve outcomes for all learners Close the Attainment Gap Improve standards Create a high-performing education system Sustain long-term improvements in school and education system CULTURAL and MINDSET SHIFT

  20. Pre-CfE Qualifications and Assessment Curriculum, Learning + Teaching

  21. Post-CfE Curriculum, Learning + Teaching + Assessment Qualifications

  22. Steer from the top Pre-CfE Excellent outcomes for learners challenge support Teacher agency

  23. Empowerment • Trust Post-CfE Less steer from the top • Revised Inspection Models challenge • RICs • Revised Education Scotland • Increased focus on teacher professionalism • Refreshed Professional Standards and Code • Professional Update support Excellent outcomes for learners Increased teacher agency • HT Charter • Career Pathways • Leadership

  24. Scottish Education and Curriculum for Excellence Not so much a curriculum….. …more of a mission statement

  25. Future Learners “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn”Alvin Toffler 1972 GTC Scotland

  26. Future Teachers and Schools The least effective teachers and schools of the 21st century will not be those that cannot change, but those that are not empowered to continuously innovate, collaborate and evaluate their impact GTC Scotland

  27. Schools as Learning Organisations GTC Scotland

  28. Schools as Learning Organisations GTC Scotland

  29. GTC Scotland

  30. GTC Scotland

  31. What conditions do you think most limit teacher agency? GTC Scotland

  32. GTC Scotland

  33. GTC Scotland

  34. GTC Scotland

  35. GTC Scotland

  36. Empowerment and Teacher Agency 10 0 GTC Scotland

  37. @GTCSKen ken.muir@gtcs.org.uk

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