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Animal Welfare Compliance Guidelines: Easy Tips from the IACUC" (56 characters)

Learn the essentials of animal research compliance from the IACUC team. Renew protocols, follow guidelines, and ensure proper animal handling. Stay current with regulations to avoid interruptions in your research. Get the needed information and guidance to keep your work compliant and ethical.

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Animal Welfare Compliance Guidelines: Easy Tips from the IACUC" (56 characters)

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  1. Compliance… It’s easier than you think!! Office of the IACUC Mike Andrews IACUC Training and Compliance Coordinator

  2. We as a research community are charged by the public with the responsibility to assure animal welfare in exchange for the privilege of utilizing animals in the advancement of human welfare.

  3. Just a few basics…

  4. IACUC Committee Vet Review IACUC Administrator DMR Approved for 3 years The Animal Protocol 2 years, 9 months Time to renew! Administrative DMR Committee Amendments? PAM every 6 months

  5. Definitions IACUC – Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee OAR – Office of Animal Resources PHS & NIH – Public Health Services & National Institutes of Health OLAW – Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare AAALAC – Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International The Guide – The Guide to the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals USDA – United States Department of Agriculture APHIS – Animal and Plant Health Inspection Services AWA – Animal Welfare Act Compliance – Following all regulations set forth in the PHS Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, the Guide and AWA Reportable Event – Departure from guidelines that is reported to Grantors

  6. Regulatory Oversight of Animals Used in Research USDA (United States Department Of Agriculture) PHS (Public Health Services) AAALAC, International (Association for the Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International) NIH (National Institute Of Health) APHIS (Animal and Health Plant Inspection Services) OLAW (Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare) AWA (Animal Welfare Act) “The Guide”(The Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals) UNIVERSITY OF IOWA IACUC (Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee) AP or Protocol (Animal Protocol) Investigator

  7. USDA has announced this is the: AGE OF ENFORCEMENT

  8. The new “Guide” is out The IACUC and PAM are here to “guide” you through the new Guide: Educate Resource Connect http://nexus.od.nih.gov/nexus/nexus.aspx?ID=473&Month=06&Year=2010

  9. The IACUC and PAM are not the “cops”!!! Information on Animal Protocols remains up-to-date and in compliance. Foster a teamwork environment between the laboratories and IACUC. Allow for an exchange of information and education. Create consistency in policies which allows consistency in research performed at the University. Our purpose is to allow your research to proceed without interruption or jeopardy!

  10. Some common Compliance issues…

  11. Uncovered cages in public areas • All cages and transport vehicles, regardless of whether they contain animals or not, must be covered when outside of Animal Resources facility. • Animals\caging must not be visible. • Carry no more than 2 mouse/rat cages. • Must use cart for more than 2 mouse/rat • cages. Material covering the cage must be oxygen permeable. A plastic garbage is not an acceptable method!!

  12. If your mouse is looking back at you, he is NOT covered!

  13. Animals being housed in laboratories without prior approval Animals cannot be kept outside of the animal husbandry facilities for more than 12 hours (USDA species) or 24 hours (rodents) without IACUC approval. This is a federal requirement!!! This request requires the convening of the full IACUC before approval can be granted!!

  14. Not cleaning up animal waste You are responsible for cleaning up after your animals! University custodians are not allowed to handle animal waste.

  15. Proper Use of CO2 in Euthanasia Procedures • Animals should remain in original housing cage. • DO NOT COMBINE animals from any other cage. • Filter top must remain on cage. • Gently insert tube through water hole flap. DO NOT TOUCH! • Turn on CO2 gas to Level 15. • Maintain gas flow until • breathing stops, AND • Continue gas flow for 1 • additional minute. • Turn off CO2 gas.

  16. Remove tube. • Leave animals in cage with CO2 for at least • 5 more minutes. Flap must remain closed Filter top must remain in place Flap must remain closed • Perform confirmation of death as described • in the approved Animal Protocol. • After confirmation of death has been performed, place animalsin plastic bag. • Tie a knot in the bag. • Place bag into a red container in the cooler.

  17. Confirmation of death must be performed on every animal • It is required that a confirmation of death be performed • on every animal being euthanized. The method of confirmation must be identified in the approved Animal Protocol. • Examples: • Animals under 500 gm: • Cervical dislocation • Decapitation • 15 minutes in a CO2 charged chamber post-respiratory arrest • Thoracotomy • Vital tissue harvest (must include brain, heart and/or lungs) • Animals over 500 gm: • Bilateral thoracotomy • Vital tissue harvest (must include brain, heart and/or lungs)

  18. Misuse of animal access: Cameras/cell phones • No photos are allowed in the animal housing facility with a cell phone or any other camera, except with written authorization from the Office of Animal Resources.

  19. Misuse of animal access: Entering facilities • Do not allow people you do not know personally into the facilities. • Do not admit other people into the animal facility or animal rooms. • You are authorized only in animal rooms where your animals are housed.

  20. The Definition of Surgery: Disruption of any integumentary surface of a living animal by any means other than a hypodermic needle, biopsy needle, ear punch, or tail snip is considered surgery.  All persons performing survival surgeries must be observed performing one surgery • Surgical reports must be maintained! • Surgical records are a record of what • actually happened, not a reiteration • of what is stated in the Animal Protocol • Date • Animal Protocol number • Animal ID • Procedure • Anesthetic agents • Time of induction • Time of recovery • Date(s) and time(s) of analgesia • Post-op monitoring • Date when sutures are removed • or are no longer present If it’s not written down, it didn’t happen!!

  21. Where are your Animal protocols???

  22. Performing procedures on The wrong animal or Animal Protocol (AP) Before performing any procedures, double-check the AP number on the animal cage to the approved AP to verify that the procedure is approved under that AP number.

  23. Performing unapproved procedures: Before performing any procedures, double-check that the procedure to be performed is approved under that AP number. A description of the procedure must be approved on an AP before it can be performed.

  24. Unapproved Personnel: • Before performing any procedures, double-check that the person who is about to perform a procedure is listed on that AP number. • It is required that each person working with animals must be listed on each AP. • You ARE NOT approved if: • You are listed on one approved AP, but are handling the animals approved under another • Your PI is listed on an approved AP, but you are not • An amendment has been sent in, but not yet approved

  25. Incorrectly Transferring Animals Between PIs Animals transferred to a different PI and AP cannot be used until transfer has been approved!!! Signatures from both labs must be obtained. Originating lab Receiving lab

  26. How to Transfer Animals Between PI/Labs • Originating PI/lab tech labels each cage to be transferred with a Purple Transfer Card (obtained from the Area Supervisor). • Originating PI/lab tech fills out the top section of a yellow mouse slip for “Transfer Mice.” Originating lab must sign transfer slip. • Receiving PI/lab tech must fill out the bottom section of the transfer slip. Receiving PI/lab must sign the transfer slip. • After both signatures have been obtained: • Give to area Supervisor, OR • Give to area Caretaker, OR • Leave slip on one of the labeled cages to be transferred. Receiving PI/lab CANNOT touch, use or move the transferred animals until the Receiving PI/lab has received an email from OAR stating that the transfer has been approved.

  27. How to Transfer Animals Between Rooms • PI/lab fills out yellow mouse slip for “Transfer Mice.” • If OAR is moving the animals: • Label cages with a Purple Transfer Card (obtained from the area Supervisor) to be moved by OAR • Leave slip on one of the labeled cages to be moved, OR • If the PI/lab is moving the animals: • Obtain a signature from the area Supervisor/Caretaker (to ensure the building/room change is suitable and available) • PI/lab can then move the cages • This option is only available when a car or van is not required for the move

  28. To summarize: KNOW YOUR Animal Protocol!!! If you are not sure, ASK!!!

  29. Questions Concerns? Comments?

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