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BM - 305 Mikrodenetleyiciler Güz 2017 ( 7 . Sunu ) ( Yrd . Do ç . Dr. Deniz Dal)

BM - 305 Mikrodenetleyiciler Güz 2017 ( 7 . Sunu ) ( Yrd . Do ç . Dr. Deniz Dal). ARDUINO İÇİN C ++ KÜTÜPHANESİ (LIBRARY) GELİŞTİRİLMESİ. LM35DZ Sıcaklık Sensörü. LM35 DZ temperature sensor gives an output of 10mV for every 1 degree Celcius.

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BM - 305 Mikrodenetleyiciler Güz 2017 ( 7 . Sunu ) ( Yrd . Do ç . Dr. Deniz Dal)

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  1. BM-305 Mikrodenetleyiciler Güz 2017 (7. Sunu) (Yrd. Doç. Dr. Deniz Dal)


  3. LM35DZ Sıcaklık Sensörü LM35DZ temperaturesensor gives an output of 10mV for every 1 degreeCelcius. WithaRef at 1.1V, the temperature range of the LM35 is limited to 0 to 110 degrees Celcius.

  4. LM35DZ Kütüphanesi ve Arduino IDE Ortamına Entegrasyon • LM35DZ • LM35DZ.h • LM35DZ.cpp • keywords.txt • examples • LM35DZTest • LM35DZTest.ino Arduino klasörünün altındaki libraries klasörünün bir alt klasörü. https://www.arduino.cc/en/Hacking/LibraryTutorial

  5. LM35DZ.h

  6. LM35DZ.cpp

  7. keywords.txt tab tab

  8. LM35DZTest.ino

  9. Sketch - > Include Library - > LM35DZFile - > Examples - > LM35DZTest


  11. Tek Dijit 7 Parçalı Gösterge

  12. Tek Dijit 7 Parçalı Gösterge

  13. Ortak Katotlu Tek Dijit 7 Parçalı Gösterge

  14. Ortak Katotlu Tek Dijit 7 Parçalı Göstergenin Pinout Diyagramı

  15. Ortak Katotlu Tek Dijit 7 Parçalı Göstergenin Testi

  16. Ortak Katotlu Tek Dijit 7 Parçalı Göstergenin Desimal Sayıcı Olarak Sürülmesi

  17. SSD (Seven SegmentDisplay) Kütüphanesi ve Arduino IDE Ortamına Entegrasyon • SSD • SSD.h • SSD.cpp • keywords.txt • examples • SSDTest • SSDTest.ino Arduino klasörünün altındaki libraries klasörünün bir alt klasörü.

  18. SSD.h

  19. SSD.cpp

  20. SSD.cpp

  21. SSD.cpp

  22. SSD.cpp

  23. SSD.cpp

  24. keywords.txt tab tab

  25. SSDTest.ino

  26. Sketch - > Include Library - > SSDFile - > Examples - > SSDTest

  27. SSD 1 SSD 2 9’s Complement


  29. 4 Dijit 7 Parçalı Gösterge

  30. Ortak Katotlu 4 Dijit 7 Parçalı Göstergenin Pinout Diyagramı

  31. Ortak Katotlu 4 Dijit 7 Parçalı Göstergenin Testi

  32. Görüntünün Sürekliliği (Persistence of Vision) Teorisi http://www.engineersgarage.com/microcontroller/8051projects/seven-segment-multiplexing-AT89C51-circuit Humanbrain cannot differentiate between two events occurring at a time difference of less than 0.04 (1/25)sec. Forexample, iftheindividualdigits of a 4 digit 7 seven segmentdisplayaredisplayed one after the other so fast, the human brain cannot detect the difference. Although only one digit is displayed at a time,it appears as a four digit number. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IpFqXNPH1NU

  33. Çoğullama (Multiplexing) Multiplexing is a techniquetocontrol morethanone 7 segmentdisplayswith a few IO pins.It is based on having two or more 7 segment displays and connecting them together. (An example of what they would display is 00, 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99.)But what we do in this case is control each GND (-) individually which turns it into a multiplexeddisplay. We will switch displays every 0.5mswhich gives us control of each display. It is useful when you are building a project with lots of components and are short of IOpins. Forexample, withoutmultiplexing, drivingtwo 7 segmentdisplaysrequires14 IO pins to control the whole circuitry. On theotherhand, we can control two7 segment displays with 9 IO pinsusingmultiplexing. http://www.instructables.com/id/Arduino-7-segment-countdown-timer/step2/What-is-multiplexing/

  34. PN2222 NPN Transistor (40 V, 0.6 A (600 mA), TO-92) Bipolar Junction Transistors, BJTs, are three-terminal devices. The terminals of a BJT are called the base (B), the collector (C) and the emitter (E). The symbol used to represent anNPN type BJT is shown in Figure a. The physical appearance of a PN2222BJT is shown in Figureb along with the relative locations of the base, collectorand emitter for that BJT. If we apply a voltage to the base of the BJT, current is allowed to flow from the collector to the emitter of the BJT. Typically, the higher the voltage applied to the base of the BJT, the more current flows from the emitter. The BJT can act as a switch; low base voltages turn off the switch (the emitter current is zero) while high base voltages turn the switch on (the emitter current is non-zero). http://www.digilentinc.com/classroom/Electronics101/p1.cfm

  35. An NPN Transistor as a Switch

  36. Ortak Katotlu 4 Dijit 7 Parçalı Göstergenin Sürülmesi

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