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DuPont™ Corian® is innovation through beauty, colour and depth. It is strength and purity, reliability and performance.
Seamlessness as an agent of liberty What is DuPont™ Corian® is innovation through beauty, colour and depth. It is strength and purity, reliability and performance.But above all, it is inspiration - amaverick, seamless material thatcan transform any space, whether forinteriors or exteriors, through unlimitedpossibilities. Corian® brings personalityto virtually any type of environment,enhancing and facilitating the lives ofthose who use and enjoy its uniquepotential. Crafted into almost anything,in any place, for any purpose and ina wide palette of colours, it offers thefreedom to design, explore and create.Long-lasting, hygienic, durable andelegant, DuPont™ Corian® has a three-dimensional formability that has beenliberating inventive and artistic minds forover 40 years. www.corian.comwww.corian.co.uk
Seamlessness as an agent of DuPont™ Corian® is an advanced blend of natural minerals andpure acrylic polymer. It is a synthetic material - born of human imagination and exploration - and the result of a reflection uponthe demands of design. To make the most of Corian® in a world ofchanging environments, fashions and modes of communication, theinvitation to designers and architects is to transform this limitlessmaterial into a meaningful work of form and function. Kitchen Bathroom Food Preparation CLEAN, FUNCTIONAL, MODERNOur kitchens can characterise us, WELL BEING, ELEGANCE, DURABILITYNo space in the residential sphere haschanged as rapidly or radically as thebathroom. It is a haven within the home EASY TO MAINTAIN, PURE, TASTEFULWherever food is prepared or enjoyed,cleanliness is not an option: it mustbe optimal. The hygienic, durable andfunctional properties of Corian® makeit ideal for all those realms where food eloquently expressing our rapport withour homes, and with the world aroundus. Themes can span the spectrum that invites an escape from daily life, anda few moments of pampered peace. from a minimalist elegance thatconceals everything to a “we love tocook” solution where key equipment isopenly displayed and celebrated. Withits perennially modern personality,DuPont™ Corian® lends itself to almostany style of kitchen design. It permits afusion of sinks, counters or wall panelswithout visible seams, offering solutionsthat are aesthetically harmonious andfunctionally valuable - with hygiene as apowerful advantage. Corian® can play an integral role in theevolution of the bathroom. With its formability, extensive colour range andwarm touch, it lends itself beautifullyto the rituals of cleansing wellness and revitalization. What’s more, its resistanceto stains, scratches, mould and mildewmakes it a practical and sanitary partner. is king. On another level, manipulatingcolour, texture and shape is central to creating an appealing sensoryensemble. Nonporous, with no visibleseams and warm to the touch, thismaterial immediately inspires a sense of confidence and reliability and is easy to maintain. Conducive to a cleanenvironment, non-toxic, versatile, resistant and repairable: what elseis needed from a material to create a modern, elegant and practical food area?
liberty Design Inside out Retail INNOVATIVE, DURABLE, IRRESISTIBLEWhether for exterior cladding or interiordecoration, DuPont™ Corian® on verticalsurfaces allows designers to opt for pure,clean lines and inventive solutions. INVITING, PERSONALISED, STRUCTUREDRetail environments can be like theatre.The stage must be set using light, FLEXIBLE, MALLEABLE, WORKABLE When a fluid imagination meets themalleability of Corian® extraordinaryresults can materialise. The naturalsolidity of Corian® and its ability tobe shaped, carved, engraved and material, colour, and surface treatments.The tactile skin of Corian® is inviting The vision for that most basic of needs -shelter - has entered a new era. and naturally draws the human hand.Homogenous, translucent and easy towork, it can take on almost any form, beetched to showcase a logo or back-lit toadd drama. Multi-talented, DuPont™Corian® can be cast for store fronts, combined with other materials enablesnew perspectives on seating, tables,bookshelves, cabinets and many otherpieces. Morphing in three dimensionswith curves, sharp corners and organicforms to give meaning to shape, andshape to meaning, Corian® is a blankcanvas yearning to be brought to life. signage and wall cladding, display cases,counters and checkouts in almost any retail setting. Employ the endless designoptions of Corian® to establish a sensoryenticement of smooth textures, invitingcolours, ethereal light effects, strikingdecoration and pure inspiration. The durable, weatherproof qualities ofCorian® mean that it can be used to clada building’s exterior as well as for themultiple potential uses on its interior. Combining high performance,with elegantaesthetics and extraordinary versatility ofapplication, Corian® reveals new vistas ofpossibility for the designer.
Photos references: Cover: “Endless Nile” table design Karim Rashid, Photo courtesy of Karim Rashid Inc.; Back: “le Vase”, design ChristianGhion, Photo Leo Torri for DuPont™ Corian®. Kitchen: Wilhelminastraat Amsterdam, private apartment, design HofmanDujardin Architecten, Netherlands, Photo courtesy of Hofman Dujardin Architecten. Bathroom top: Five+sensotel, designYasmine Mahmoudieh, Photo DuPont™ Corian®; Bathroom bottom: Shower tray, “Joan Font” collection, design Joan Font,Nexa Arquitectonica, Photo courtesy of Nexa Arquitectonica. Food top: Gaya Restaurant, design Christian Ghion, Paris,Photo Jacques Gavard; Food bottom: Acafè (Autogrill), Colli & Galliano architetti, Termini railway station, Rome, Photo Arch.L.Filetici. Design top: Foliage bed, design Ilaria Marelli, Photo Sabine Schweigert for DuPont™ Corian®; Design bottom:Tete-a-tete rocking chair, design Laurie Beckerman, Photo Ken Cox. Inside Out top: Seeko’o Hotel, Atelier d’architectureKing Kong, Bordeaux, France, Photo Arthur Péquin; Inside Out bottom: Chantal Thomass’ flagstore, design Christian Ghion,Paris, Photo Jean-Pierre Delagarde for DuPont™ Corian®. Retail: Rendez-Vous Toyota showroom, design Ora-Ito, Paris, PhotoLuc Boegly. Lighting solutions top: Borlind City Spa (corso Como, Milan), design Burk Architekten, Milan, Photo courtesyof Moser GmbH; Lighting solutions bottom: Nautiloo lamp, design Delta Light®, photo courtesy of Delta Light®. Offices,Steinbeck Architekten. Healthcare: Rotkreuzspital, Zürich. Maternity Ward. Transportation: Sweden 54 by Sweden YachtsAB; photo courtesy of Sweden Yachts AB. Hotels: Adam & Eve Hotels, Belek, Turkey, Photo DuPont™ Corian®. Public Spaces:Urban, design Gen Kumagai, Eiki Dandsuka / Earthcape Inc., Lazona Kawasaki Plaza, Tokyo Kawasaki/Kanagawa, photoYoshihito Imaeda. Intelligent Surfaces top: Kitchen island, design Zaha Hadid, “Z.Island by DuPont™ Corian®”, Photo LeoTorri for DuPont™ Corian®; Intelligent Surfaces bottom: Briza radiator, design James Davis, Jaga, Photo Francesco Brigidafor DuPont™ Corian®. Lighting Solutions Offices Healthcare BRIGHT, LUMINOUS, SHINING DURABLE, ERGONOMIC, EASY TO CLEAN HYGIENIC, WARM TO THE TOUCH Translucent in certain colours and Work surfaces are an integral part We live in an era of unprecedented thicknesses, DuPont™ Corian® reveals of life’s labours. Serving as a resting medical advances and nothing is more its full radiance and depth when exposed places for all manner of equipment, precious than health. Non-toxic, non- to light. This quality lends Corian® not these surfaces also must be appealing porous and warm to the touch of DuPont™ only to the creation of atmospheric to human touch, and even conducive Corian® offers characteristics that make room-lighting, but also to sensuously to an atmosphere of creative thought. it an excellent resource for healthcare shaped lamps, dramatically illuminated Interaction between co-workers is environments -from operating theatres furniture, and luminous objects featuring mediated by their physical environment, to reception areas - as well as for patient a breathless range of surface effects. so a friendly, solid, beautiful, durable bathrooms and laboratories. Exceptionally DuPont™ Corian® has recently material which can be ergonomically easy to clean and maintain, and joined in introduced the Illumination Series of shaped, is a key resource for fostering a way that creates functionally seamless colour choices with added translucency a healthy working environment and surfaces, Corian® does not support the to give even greater scope for combining encouraging team spirit. Colour can growth of mould, mildew or bacteria, thereby reducing the risk of cross-infectionand hospital-borne illnesses. It can be Corian® with stunning backlighting influence mood and productivity and the solutions. extensive palette of DuPont™ Corian ® offers a broad chromatic spectrum tochoose from, yet the material also bringsa modern, businesslike, attitude and is easily formed into ergonomic designs,for example to safely accommodate wheelchairs. Last but not least, its rangeof colours helps to create a comfortableenvironment where both medical staff andpatients can feel at ease. sufficiently tough to withstand the dailyrigours of office life. Suitable for all types of surfaces, from desktops to meetingtables to kitchenette areas, Corian® is impermeable to ink and coffee stains andis easy to clean.
liberty Public Spaces WELCOMING, INNOVATIVE Museums, shopping centres, airportlounges, meeting points: Corian® fits in and functions superbly in all these spaces.Its longevity and ability to be repaired means it can stand up to constant use andeven occasional abuse, while its beauty, flexibility of design and rich chromatic range allow designers to add individuality. Transportation Hotels Intelligent Surfaces RESISTANT, CLEAN, PERSONALISEDNautical environments can be testing, INVITING IDENTITY HOME AUTOMATION Today, personal travel for work orpleasure is a linchpin in the planet’s There is a new dimension to the interfacebetween man and material. Now we requiring great resilience from marinersand materials alike. Even in the economy. When we travel, we seek ahome away from home. We want hi-techperfection, but it has to be convenient.Easy to clean and durable, yet naturallywelcoming in its range of colours andwarm to the touch, Corian® is a trustedpartner for the hotel industry. Whetherused to create an identity through abathroom vanity, guestroom tabletopor reception counter, DuPontTM Corian®performs, day after day. Its solidity,durability and lack of visible seamsguarantee easy maintenance andhygiene. Even on your travels, comehome to DuPontTM Corian®. can interact digitally with the furniture, glamourous world of mega yachts andluxury cruising, robust durability is as fixtures and fittings in our homes. The capability of embedding touch sensorsinto DuPont™ Corian® enables designersto experiment with a unique type of critical as beautiful form and finish.DuPontTM Corian® can be cut, shapedand joined to adapt precisely to thecompact spaces found on boats andto create unique, customised touches interaction in numerous environments.Touch base with smooth, silky surfacesmade of DuPont™ Corian® that can alsoreact to your commands. Corian® enablesdesigners to create aesthetically-pleasing,responsive surfaces that serve the humanbeing in ever-evolving possibilities. conveying the identity of the ship owneror the shipping company. Waterproof,naturally impermeable and resistant to extreme weather, it is the high-performance interior surface of choice forcruise ships, ferries, luxury yachts, navalvessels, houseboats, offshore platforms,sailboats and powerboats.
Seamlessness as an agent of liberty What is Corian®? DuPont™ Corian® is a solid, non-porous, homogeneous surfacingmaterial composed of ± 1/3 acrylic resin (also known as PolyMethylMethAcrylate or PMMA) and ± 2/3 natural minerals. The main mineralis Aluminium TriHydrate(ATH) derived from bauxite, an ore fromwhich aluminium is produced. complement to other materials likemetal, wood, stone, etc. ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY DuPont™ Corian® is manufactured incompliance with strict standards in orderto limit waste and energy consumptionat all stages of the production process.Both the material itself and the SOLID RESISTANT adhesives and sealants used to installit are GREEN GUARD Indoor AirQualityCertified® as producing low VOC Colours and patterns run through theentire thickness of the material and Since its introduction in 1967, DuPont™Corian® has proved itself to be a cannot wear away. DuPont™ Corian® is asolid material and cannot delaminate. remarkably durable material that is easyto live with. It cannot delaminate and emissions. stands up well to daily wear and tear.It resists most of the impacts, nicks INCONSPICUOUS JOINTS For additional information, pleasecontact your local representative and cuts that occur in heavy trafficareas. Corian® has been tested for its The applications for DuPont™ Corian®are limited only by your own imagination.Pieces of Corian® can be glued togetherinconspicuously to create a seamless Or call us on our free phone number:Or visit our website at: mechanical, thermal, electrical and othersurface properties. Please consult online www.corian.comwww.corian.co.uk at www.corian.com on the Specificationdatasheet the results of these specific look, giving virtually unlimited designpossibilities for surfaces. Long counters,for example, can be easily made in tests as well as details on the otherphysical properties of Corian®. 0800/962 116 (UK)1800/553 252 (IRL)0800/91 72 72 (F)0800/1810018 (D)0800/554614 (CH)800/876750 (I) pieces in a workshop and then joinedtogether at the installation site. Edgescan be built up to look thicker. HYGIENIC DuPont™ Corian® is a non-porousmaterial. It is solid through its entirethickness and can be fabricated withinconspicuous seams, rendering itssurface hygienic. DuPont™ Corian®surfaces do not support the growth THERMOFORMABLE DuPont™ Corian® can be thermoformedin wooden or metal moulds at controlledtemperatures in order to create various2D and 3D design objects. Embossing 0800/29 5833 (A)0800/96 666 (B)800/23079 (L)901/120 089 (E) of bacteria or fungi. Corian® has beencertified by an independent laboratory effects can also be created using the BasRelief technique. 0800/022 35 00 (NL) ++351 227 536 900 (Portugal)++48 22 320 0900 (Poland)++30 22950 44020 (Greece) as a hygienic material according to theinternational norm DIN EN ISO 846. TRANSLUCENT ++46 31 57 68 00 (Nordic Countries)++7 495 797 2233 (Russia) The translucency of DuPont™ Corian® isespecially striking in the lighter coloursas well as with thinner sheets. Many REPAIRABLE Surfaces in DuPont™ Corian® arerenewable, meaning they can be fullyrestored with ordinary mild abrasivecleansers and a scouring pad. Cigaretteburns, for example, can be easilyremoved in this way. Damage caused byabuse can usually be repaired on sitewithout having to completely replace thematerial. ++380 44 495 26 84 (Ukraine & Kazakhstan)++40 31 62 04 111 (Romania, Bulgaria & designers are now using the materialto create lamps or lighting effects in Serbia) ++420 257 414 213 (Central & Eastern Europe)++420 257 414 213 (Czech Republic, Slovakia& Hungary) various applications. The colour family,called the Illumination Series, consistsof 6 colours in 6 mm and 12 mm sheetsfeaturing enhanced translucency to beused for creating special lighting effects. ++971 4321 1530 (Pakistan, Middle East,Africa, Malta & Cyprus) ++90 212 340 0400 (Turkey, Israel & CentralAsia*) WORKABLE LIKE WOOD NON -TOXIC * = Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistanand Kyrgyzstan DuPont™ Corian® can be worked likehardwood and using similar tools. MostDuPont™ Corian® fabricators originallytrained as carpenters. DuPont™ Corian® is an inert and non-toxic material. Under normal temperatureconditions, it does not emit gases.When burned, it releases mainly CarbonOxides and the smoke generated isoptically light and does not contain toxichalogenated gases. Because of theseproperties, Corian® is used in publicareas and for sensitive applications suchas airport check-in counters, walls andwork surfaces in hospitals and hotels. COLOURFUL The colours of Corian® allow for analmost unlimited working palette. Youcan choose a single colour; a neutralbasis for design; or experiment with eye-catching harmonies. Corian® can also beused as inlays, accents, or as a versatile