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Comprehensive analysis of a case management pilot project assisting Government-Assisted Refugees (GARs) in Canada. Reports outcomes, successes, challenges, and recommendations for future initiatives.
CASE MANAGEMENT PILOT PROJECT NATIONAL RAP CONFERENCE VANCOVER February 19-23, 2007 by Ugur Ayman YMCA Newcomer Services by Ugur Ayman
Case Management Pilot Project (CMP) • PROJECT GOALS • To assist 70 GARs & their families to develop a settlement plan or goal for their first year in Canada • Document a case management model that responds to the needs of GARs • To assist GARs in the following: achieve their goals; learn about community services; participate in community activities by Ugur Ayman
Case Management Pilot Project (CMP) • PROJECT OUTCOMES • To identify the top five goals achieved • Document gaps in community services that assist GARs in achieving their goals • To identify reasons for client success or lack of success in achieving their settlement goals • Report final recommendations by Ugur Ayman
Case Management Pilot Project (CMP) CORE COMPONENTS Screening & Intake Interview Needs Assessment Agreed Upon Goals and Action Plan Information & Referral Service Bridging Motivating & Monitoring Reassessment / Evaluation Closure by Ugur Ayman
Number of Cases: 70 36 cases; Families with 1 or more children 7 Couples with no Children 27 Single cases Total Number of GARs 184 + 9 Canadian newborn AGE GROUPS 0 - 19 years: 96 20 – 64 years 88 Most populated 25 – 34 years: 48 93 FEMALES 91 MALES Case Management Pilot Project (CMP)GAR PROFILEDiverse range of GAR background (age, family composition, country of origin, high/low needs, etc) by Ugur Ayman
Case Management Pilot Project (CMP) GAR CLIENT PROFILE by Ugur Ayman
Case Management Pilot Project (CMP) by Ugur Ayman
Case Management Pilot Project (CMP) by Ugur Ayman
Case Management Pilot Project (CMP) TOP 5 COUNTRIES Settlement Needs by Ugur Ayman
Case Management Pilot Project (CMP)TOP 5 COUNTRIES Settlement Needs Continued… by Ugur Ayman
ESL/Literacy Employment Health On-Going CMP Support Social Support Training Community Involvement Cultural Orientation Obtain Driver’s License Life Skills Volunteering Access info and Resources Find Affordable Housing Find School for Children Find Shopping Locations Transportation Own a Computer Find Childcare Initial Settlement Access to Recreational Activities Case Management Pilot Project (CMP)IDENTIFIED SHORT-TERM GOALS by GARs by Ugur Ayman
Case Management Pilot Project (CMP)TOP 5 SUCCESSFUL SHORT-TERM GOALS by Ugur Ayman
Case Management Pilot Project (CMP)TOP 5 SUCCESSFUL SHORT-TERM GOALS by Ugur Ayman
Attend Post-secondary Education Skills Training Employment Financial Stability Cultural Integration Obtain Driver’s License Family Re-Unification Improve Health Maintain Healthy Family Credential Assessment Improved Access of Communication Volunteering Case Management Pilot Project (CMP)IDENTIFIED LONG-TERM GOALS by GARs by Ugur Ayman
Case Management Pilot Project (CMP) by Ugur Ayman Adapted from Life Skills Support Project “SISO” Atlantic Settlement Conference, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, October 2005.
Case Management Pilot Project (CMP)CIC PROGRAMS… LINC ATTENDANCE # of LINC Starters # of Drop-outs # of Current Attendees _________________________________________________Sep2005_____________________________Feb2007___________________________ Literacy Level 13 5 3 Level 1 36 7 16 Level 2 18 7 14 Level 3 12 6 8 Level 4 8 6 3 Level 5 1 - 5 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 88 31 + 47 = 78 (28 withdrew+3 moved) Total Referrals103 – 88 = 1588 – 78 = 10 Refused 5 Adult School 4 High School 4 Works full-time 4 Left RAP 1 Attending ESL 2 Moved 5 by Ugur Ayman
Case Management Pilot Project (CMP) GARs’ BARRIERS FOR NOT ATTENDING REFERRAL ORGANIZATIONS Financial 16.6 % Change in Goals 11.9 % Location/Distance 11.5 % Lack of English 9.8 % Time 9.0 % Lack of Client Interest 7.9 % Childcare/Family Dynamics 7.0 % Social/Cultural issues 6.4 % Health Issues 4.0 % Employment/Volunteering 0.2 % by Ugur Ayman
Case Management Pilot Project (CMP)BROADER BASE PROGRAMS… DRIVER LICENCE • Information provided for G1,G2 and G stages at GAR gatherings • Translated information letters are mailed; i.e. locations for tests, availability of languages to take knowledge tests • TOTAL 32 GARs - 26 MALES+6 FEMALES have G1, G2 or G by Ugur Ayman
Case Management Pilot Project (CMP)BROADER BASE PROGRAMS… LOW COST/FREE HOME COMPUTERS • Contacted organizations and individuals which can provide computers; i.e. CEA – Community Environment Alliance “Share-IT Program”; private donations • Currently there are 34 GAR cases with home computers . • CMP Good Practice: Recognizing the role of technology in terms of communicating and case managing the client. Acknowledging the acceptance and interest that most GARs have towards the use of computers and investigating alternative services that can encompass this by Ugur Ayman
Case Management Pilot Project (CMP)YMCA CMP ACTIVITIES 1. DIVERSE CASE MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES in-person, mail, email, phone, surveys, group meetings, at other locations Example: Follow-up survey for referral organizations translated to different related languages; mail or e-mail surveys to follow-up with clients; telephone interviews in GARs’ own language via interpreters Outcome • Case Manager was able to track success of referrals and other unidentified GAR needs by Ugur Ayman
Case Management Pilot Project (CMP)YMCA CMP ACTIVITIEScontinued… • INFORMATION & REFERRAL Example: Mail out of translated listings of information (settlement agencies, food banks, second hand stores, Tele-health Ontario, etc Outcome • Hard copy of available community resources in GARs own language; Increased client contact for further explanation by Ugur Ayman
Case Management Pilot Project (CMP)YMCA CMP ACTIVITIEScontinued… 3. GAR GATHERINGS AT THE YMCA Monthly meetings divided into 4 main language preference groups – English, Russian, Farsi & Spanish Provided – TTC tickets, refreshments/snacks, space for pre-school children to play, donated essential items (clothes, toys, etc) Topics included: Managing money; Health/IFH; Public Transportation; Toronto Parks & Recreation Welcome Policy; Education; RAP Client Report Forms, Driver License, Income Tax, understanding rental advertisements; subsidized housing; Tele-Health Ontario; emergency 911; how to locate jobs; volunteering, Outcome • Reviewed relevant information at later stage of settlement (using ice-breakers, group brainstorm & other interactive methods) • Created closer relationship among GARs and Case Manager • Establish an informal GAR “network” (peer support system) • GAR feedback for more regular meetings • Generated increased client contact (“Preparation Stage”) • Increased service/community engagement, i.e., registration at NIC Centre, volunteering, JSW (“Action Stage”) • Reduced isolation & frustration by Ugur Ayman
Case Management Pilot Project (CMP)YMCA CMP ACTIVITIEScontinued… • OTHER SERVICE ORIENTATIONS - Connecting GARs Ontario Works Employment Placement Program (GARs who are near the end of RAP) HOST Program – all GAR clients were registered Community agencies for training opportunities Outcome • Employment, Training, Volunteering by Ugur Ayman
Case Management Pilot Project (CMP)YMCA CMP ACTIVITIEScontinued… • MENTORING Example: Soccer group for GAR youth (14 to 22) supported by Newcomer Professional mentors Outcome • Support goals setting for GAR youth • Increase awareness • Learn leadership & life skills • Explore career & educational options by Ugur Ayman
Case Management Pilot Project (CMP)YMCA CMP ACTIVITIEScontinued… • OTHER ACTIVITIES Access to complimentary passes for YMCA Health, Fitness & Recreation Centres Peel region program for low-cost home computers IFH survey review NYLC- Newcomer Youth Leadership Corps at YMCA by Ugur Ayman
Case Management Pilot Project (CMP)EXIT INTERVIEW RESULTS by Ugur Ayman
Case Management Pilot Project (CMP)EXIT INTERVIEW RESULTS What did you accomplish during your 1st year? by Ugur Ayman
Case Management Pilot Project (CMP)EXIT INTERVIEW RESULTS What was your biggest challenge during your first year in Canada? by Ugur Ayman
Case Management Pilot Project (CMP)EXIT INTERVIEW RESULTS by Ugur Ayman
Case Management Pilot Project (CMP)YMCA CMP ACTIVITIES - Challenges • Face-to-Face meetings (limited budget for transportation) • Financial limitations – impacting mobility (TTC expense) • Settlement expectations (within one year) • Need for reinforcements (i.e., support, referral, motivation) • Language fluency (need for translation) • Access to Skills Training – not recognized income support, challenges in accessing funds for skills training programs • Accessing IFH • Duration of RAP program vs. GAR settlement pattern • Housing in remote areas (limited access to community) by Ugur Ayman
Case Management Pilot Project (CMP) RECOMMENDATIONS • Need to build support; not to become the support- Balance is crucial • Orientation needs to continue post reception house; make support structure more casual i.e. Home visits; desk-free environment; go where the GARs are • Provide coaching for GARs, and keep services in line with the process of adaptation; Establish short-term goals first to make it more manageable for GARs; then re-visit the goals to establish new goals by Ugur Ayman
Case Management Pilot Project (CMP) RECOMMENDATIONS continued… • Periodic information workshops and social events on a range of topics to create linkages to GARs’ own communities. This provides GARs with positive examples of more settled individuals that they can relate to and learn from • Provide community mapping to inform clients about where the services are located in their neighborhoods. i.e. settlement agencies, community health centres, free dental services, food banks, etc. • Information and documentation assistance in different languages i.e. Application for Subsidized housing at time of arrival at RAP centre; application forms for children/youth activities at Community Centres “Welcome Policy”; registration of children to schools, etc. by Ugur Ayman
Case Management Pilot Project (CMP) RECOMMENDATIONS continued… • Work in collaboration with community groups i.e. U of T or WES for “Evaluation of Credentials” at a lower cost/free • RAP client/ program awareness training for ISAP agencies so that they are better equipped to serve GARs • Track outcomes to identify needs and settlement adaptations of GARs by Ugur Ayman