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This workshop aims to develop a Capacity Building Plan for the Ministry of Health in Vanuatu to effectively take over as the Principal Recipient of the Global Fund malaria grant. It will assess capacity development needs, identify priorities, and create a costed list of activities.
Capacity Development Plan, Vanuatu Ministry of Health Malaria Programme Anna Chernyshova, Programme Manager Multi-country Western Pacific Programme 3-4 December 2018
Global Fund Condition, Performance Letter of 09 January 2018 • The Principal Recipient shall work with the Ministry of Health of Vanuatu (MoH) to develop a Capacity Building Plan in form and substance acceptable to the Global Fund with activities, outcomes, and milestones to support MoH in its intention to take over the Principal Recipient role for the Global Fund malaria grant as of 1 January 2021.
Objectives The objectives of this workshop are as follows: • To jointly review the issues, challenges and risks as well as the opportunities to implement National Malaria Program and Global Fund grant in Vanuatu. • To jointly assess the capacity development needs for the Ministry of Health to become Principal Recipient of the Global Fund malaria grant in 2021 • To jointly come up with costed list of activities to the Capacity Development Plan and identify priorities.
Capacity development is a process of change. It is often equated with additional staff, training and workshops. While individual training and workshops may be part of a comprehensive capacity development plan, they are not sufficient by themselves.
Training an individual does not ensure that this training is then implemented in the workplace. Capacity development must be broader to address improvements in systems for health to improve performance and ensure sustainability. It should assess how the system is currently working, and what areas need support; for example: developing and implementing health information systems, training staff in analysing data, developing polices and procedures for strong financial management, or improving the supply and distribution of key health products.
What UNDP can offer • UNDP is committed to providing capacity building and transition support to the Ministry of Health in Vanuatu. • Throughout its partnership with the Global Fund, UNDP supported over 25 grants in transitioning to the national entities implementation. • UNDP has developed a Capacity Building Toolkit detailing CD process and activities. • There is a dedicated Capacity Building Advisor based in UNDP Global Fund and Health Implementation Support Team who provides guidance and support to UNDP Country Offices and the national partners in capacity building and transition. • Central to the UNDP capacity development strategy is a strong focus on strengthening national systems for health. The approach ensures that capacity gaps are identified in focus areas, and analysed and feed into prioritised capacity development plans, which are implemented and monitored against performance indicators.
The Global Fund requirements to the Principal recipient capacity • Implementation/Functional capacities for National Program; • Developing National Programs (including New Funding Model); • Program Management; • Sub-Recipient Management; • Financial Management; • Risk Management; • Procurement and Supply Chain Management; • Monitoring and Evaluation. • The functional capacities will be used when considering the priorities for the Capacity Development Action Plan.
The CD Plan for the sustainable transition to national systems • Appropriate structures, clear roles and responsibilities • Adequate Human Resources with skills, knowledge and motivation • Revision of Manuals and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) • Preparation of guidance materials and standard templates • Investment in Hardware/Software/Essential Infrastructure • Supported by orientation workshops, skills training, on the job training • Secondment, Mentoring and Coaching • Monitoring of progress
Key questions are considered by the national stakeholders, the donors and UNDP • Which national entities will take over management of the grants – government or civil society or both working together? • What is the approval process? • Will all the functions transition? • If not, which functions will transition and when? • Will the full programme transition or will the new grant manager take over activities in a gradual process?
Evaluating Transition Options The criteria could include: • Legal context and requirements. • Status of relevant national policies to support implementation. • Capacity to reach beneficiaries and ensure continuity of care. • Implementation models to address specific needs of Key Populations. • Status and capabilities of NGOs to work effectively with and deliver services to Key Populations. • Ensuring the sustainability of national responses.
Transition Strategy development The Transition Strategy could include information on: • The transition options selected together with the rationale for the decisions made. • An action plan for the transition process. • How the transition process will be monitored to deal with any bottlenecks, and evaluated to assess if transition can take place. • The support and technical assistance required during transition, together with the role of partners.
The Main Elements of the Transition Strategy Start Up • What are the options for the project management structure for the new organisation? • Do they need new staff and do they have supporting HR policies and procedures? • There will be a need to hold a staff orientation and training on the new programme being transitioned.
The Main Elements of the Transition Strategy, ctd Capacity Development and Technical Assistance Coordination • Where does capacity need to be developed to prepare for the transition of the role? • Is there a need for ongoing organisational support for priority functions?
The Main Elements of the Transition Strategy, ctd 3. Organisational Systems and Governance • Is there a legal framework in place to manage grants? • Are there suitable budget management and reporting systems, SOPs and guidance in place and operational? • Are there implementation SOPs, guidance and templates in place? • Are there financial management accounting and consolidated reporting systems, manual, SOPs, guidance and templates in place and operational? • Are there monitoring and evaluation systems, indicator frameworks, databases, manual, SOPs, guidance and templates in place and operational? • Systems, SOPs and guidance in place and operational for the recruitment and management of TA.
The Main Elements of the Transition Strategy, ctd Procurement and Supply Chain Management (PSM) • What are the options for procurement taking into account value for money, procurement architecture needed (Long Term Agreements), the ability to conduct competitive processes, quality assurance, and the role of partners etc. • Are there systems, SOPs and guidelines for national and international procurement by the new organisation? • What are the options for supply chain management and the preferred solution.
Activities to be included in the Transition Plan • The main activities to be included in a Transition Plan involve recruiting (if required) and training the staff who will manage the grant in the future organisation, as well as ensuring clear policies and procedures in all operational areas; and training and adherence to these procedures by all staff. • The focus should be on: • Establishing and staffing a dedicated department or a cross department unit that will manage the grant in the future organisation. • Development of Operations Manuals and Standard Operating Procedures covering all aspects of grant implementation such as finance, reporting, asset management, procurement, etc. • Ensuring the new grant manager has suitable software to manage finances, to collect and verify data, and to ensure a functioning Logistics Management Information System, which meet national requirements.
Transition Framework - Capacity Assessment • Assess Functional Capacities • Review Current Assessments & Audits • Identify Current Strengths • Identify Capacity Gaps • Identify Priority Capacity Actions
Transition Framework - Capacity Development Plan • Strengthening Systems for Health • Strengthening functions • Level of utilization of systems • Measurable Milestones • Capacity Development Work Plan & Budget
Transition Framework - Capacity Development Implementation Inputs • Produce of Manuals & Guidance • Development of SOPs and Templates • Develop / Update Software • Secondments/On the Job Training • Study Tours • CD Monitoring & Reporting
Transition Framework - Capacity Development Outputs/Milestones • New/Revised Systems in Place for PR Functions • PR Systems Piloted Revised and Rolled Out • PR Systems Meeting Minimum Requirements • Acceptable Levels of Compliance to New Systems