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Are you facing financial difficulties on your credit card bills? At Thomas E. McIntire & Associates, LC, we are prepared to help you resolve this problem and become debt-free. Our bankruptcy attorney in Wheeling has 30 years of experience. Call now 304-313-4093<br>
W E S T V I R G I N I A C R E D I T C A R DD E B T CreditCardDebtinWheeling HOWISCREDITCARDDEBT HANDLEDINEACHTYPEOF BANKRUPTCY? CreditCardDebtinaChapter7 Bankruptcy InChapter7bankruptcy, debtorsare typicallyabletodischargetheir creditcarddebtandother unsecureddebt. TheChapter7 trusteecanpayoffsomeofyour creditcarddebtifyourbankruptcy estatehasenoughmoney. CreditCardDebtinaChapter13 Bankruptcy Chapter13isareorganizationformof bankruptcyinwhicharepaymentplan isproposedtorepayyourcreditors duringasetperiodoftime. Credit cardsgenerallyhavethelowestpriority inthissortofplan, andtherefore, credit cardcompaniesmaybepaidinpart, in full, ornotatalldependingonthe courseofthespecificdebtor’splan. Contact our bankruptcyattorneyinWheeling for assistanceandanswerstoyourquestionsregarding yourcreditcarddebtandbankruptcycase. WheelingOffice PhoneNumber: (304) 202- 1159 Address: 821/214th StreetWheeling, WV 26003 S O U R C E : W W W . M C I N T I R E L A W . C O M