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Tops and Bottoms

Tops and Bottoms. Written by: Janet Stevens Genre: Animal Fantasy Skill: Author’s Purpose. Say It!. bottom cheated clever crops lazy partners wealth. More Words to Know. debt cornstalk. bottom the lowest part. cheated did business or played in a way that was not honest.

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Tops and Bottoms

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Tops and Bottoms Written by: Janet Stevens Genre: Animal Fantasy Skill: Author’s Purpose

  2. Say It! • bottom • cheated • clever • crops • lazy • partners • wealth

  3. More Words to Know debt cornstalk

  4. bottomthe lowest part

  5. cheateddid business or played in a way that was not honest

  6. cleverbright; intelligent; having a quick mind

  7. cropsplants grown for food

  8. lazynot willing to work or be active

  9. partnersmembers of a company or firm who share risks and profits of the business

  10. wealtha large quantity; riches

  11. No one has ever been to the bottom of the ocean.

  12. No one has ever been to the bottom of the ocean. .

  13. The workers were lazy and did not want to work.

  14. The workers were lazy and did not want to work.

  15. The king shared his wealth with his people.

  16. The king shared his wealth with his people.

  17. The farmer sold his crops at the market.

  18. The farmer sold his crops at the market.

  19. She cheated on the test and was very dishonest.

  20. She cheated on the test and was very dishonest.

  21. The fox was very clever when he caught the mouse.

  22. The fox was very clever when he caught the mouse.

  23. The people were partners and owned the business together.

  24. The people were partners and owned the business together.

  25. Let’s review our words. Watch carefully because they will flash on the screen for just a moment. We will clap as we spell the word.

  26. bottom

  27. cheated

  28. clever

  29. crops

  30. lazy

  31. partners

  32. wealth

  33. Spelling Words

  34. Review Pages p.268-277 • How are Bear and Hare different? • How can you tell that this story is a folktale? • What is Hare’s main problem? How does he plan to solve it? • What is wrong with Bear’s share of the crops? • Summarize what has happened so far.

  35. Review Pages p.278-289 • Why does Hare want Bear to be his business partner? • What has Hare done to get what he needs?What does Bear decide to do as a result of his last deal? Why? • How did Hare’s life change as a result of being partners with Bear? • Do Bear and Hare remain friends in the end?

  36. GREAT JOB!

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