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Semi-annual community engagement forum August 17, 2011 Voting results

Black Hills Mental Health Substance Abuse Collaborative. Semi-annual community engagement forum August 17, 2011 Voting results. Have you ever used the clickers before?. 76 total responses (23 = yes, 53 = no). What gender are you?. 77 total responses (22 = male, 55 = female).

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Semi-annual community engagement forum August 17, 2011 Voting results

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  1. Black Hills Mental Health Substance Abuse Collaborative Semi-annual community engagement forumAugust 17, 2011Voting results

  2. Have you ever used the clickers before? 76 total responses (23 = yes, 53 = no)

  3. What gender are you? 77 total responses (22 = male, 55 = female)

  4. How old are you? 78 total responses (<20 = 2, 20-30 = 4, 31-40 = 24, 41-50 = 15, 51-60 = 22, 61+ = 11)

  5. Who do you represent today? 77 total responses (service provider = 40, elected official = 0, Law enforcement = 5, government entity = 12, funder = 6, client/family = 3, school = 2, other = 9)

  6. The race that best describes me 77 total responses (American Indian = 2, Asian = 1, Black/African American = 0, Caucasian = 73, Hispanic = 0, Multiracial = 1, Other = 0)

  7. Family Advocacy Parent Training Topics Identified • Juvenile Justice • Mental Health

  8. Juvenile Justice Topic • Truancy - What parents/guardians need to know if their child is referred to the State’s Attorney’s Office for Truancy. • Child in Need of Supervision (CHINS Petition) – What is this and how does it work?  Can it help my child? • How can parents/guardians advocate for their child and be involved in decision making?  • How to help your child transition home after incarceration in a juvenile justice facility. • What happens if my child is remanded to the Department of Corrections? • A parent’s guide to secure juvenile detention.  Why is it used?  What can I expect as a parent if my minor child is detained?

  9. Juvenile Justice 1st Vote 79 total responses (truancy = 11, CHINS = 16, parent advocacy = 26, transition from incarceration = 14, child to DOC = 4, secure juvenile detention = 8)

  10. Juvenile Justice = 2nd Vote 76 total responses (truancy = 13, CHINS = 21, parent advocacy = 19, transition from incarceration = 13, child to DOC = 8, secure juvenile detention = 2)

  11. Mental Health Topic • What mental, emotional and behavioral disorders could affect my children and/or my adolescents? • What are the signs that my child needs a mental health evaluation?  Where can we get this?  What terminology do I need to know? • What treatment services are available for my child in SD? • What are different types of therapies, and how do I know what is best for my child?  • What medications are available for my child and what are their side effects? • How do I know if my child is using alcohol and/or drugs?  Where can I get help?  What treatments are available? • What is the involuntary commitment process for Minors? • How can parents/guardians advocate for their child and be involved in decision making? • How to help your child transition home from residential treatment.

  12. Mental Health 1st Vote 79 total responses (disorders = 5, evaluation = 24, treatment = 16, alcohol/drugs = 15, commitment process = 1, parent advocacy = 16, transition from residential = 2)

  13. Mental Health 2nd Vote 77 total responses (disorders = 6, evaluation = 16, treatment = 23, alcohol/drugs = 13, commitment process = 2, parent advocacy = 12, transition from residential = 5)

  14. Which topic should be done first? 80 total responses (juvenile justice = 30, mental health = 50)

  15. Collaborative’s Next Priorities • Adult Service Needs • Youth and Adolescent Service Needs • Community Training Needs (Outside of Family Advocacy parent training) • Other

  16. Adult Service Needs • Open ended tiered housing • Outpatient substance abuse services • Psychiatric services & medication management • Counseling services for low income • Prevention services for other than underage and binge drinking (tobacco, cannabis, inhalants, meth, other drugs, bullying) • Nursing home beds for adults with mental illness • Drop In Center for social interaction specializing in understanding issues of mental illness and substance abuse • Gambling treatment • More integrated treatment for DD clients that have MH/SA issues

  17. Adult Service Needs 1st Vote 76 total responses (open ended tiered housing = 23, outpatient substance abuse = 4, psychiatric medication = 17, counseling services for low income = 11, other prevention = 4, nursing home beds for MI adults = 5, drop-in center = 5, gambling treatment = 2, integrates treatments for DD = 5)

  18. Adults Services 2nd Vote 77 total responses (open ended tiered housing = 22, outpatient substance abuse = 5, psychiatric medication = 19, counseling services for low income = 7, other prevention = 1, nursing home beds for MI adults = 5, drop-in center = 9, gambling treatment = 4, integrates treatments for DD = 5)

  19. Youth and Adolescent Service Needs • Crisis Care System • Therapeutic foster families • Truancy reduction • Alternatives to secure detention • Alternatives to residential mental health treatment • Alternatives to inpatient drug and alcohol treatment • Alternative schools for youth who don’t ‘fit in’ the public school system (charter schools) • Services to transition a juvenile to adult (example independent living center)

  20. Youth and Adolescent Service Needs 1st Vote 72 total responses (crisis care system = 35, therapeutic foster families = 3, truancy reduction = 4, alternatives to secure detention = 2, alternatives to residential treatments = 6, alternatives to inpatients drug/alcohol treatment = 4, alternative schools = 10, transition juvenile to adult = 8)

  21. Youth and Adolescent Service Needs 2st Vote 77 total responses (crisis care system = 17, therapeutic foster families = 2, truancy reduction = 11, alternatives to secure detention = 7, alternatives to residential treatments = 7, alternatives to inpatients drug/alcohol treatment = 8, alternative schools = 10, transition juvenile to adult =15)

  22. Community Training Needs (outside of Family Advocacy parent training) • Understanding poverty and it’s consequences • Mental Health First Aid • Cultural Competency • Olweus Bullying • Adult CIT (Crisis intervention training) for law enforcement, liaison officers, schools, other counties • Youth CIT (Crisis intervention training) for law enforcement liaison officers, schools, other counties

  23. Community Training Needs 1st Vote 72 total responses (poverty = 16, mental health first aid = 8, cultural competency = 8, olweus bullying = 8, adults CIT = 20, youth CIT = 12

  24. Community Training Needs 2nd Vote 73 total responses (poverty = 18, mental health first aid = 13, cultural competency = 6, olweus bullying = 9, adults CIT = 6, youth CIT = 21

  25. Other • Recruitment of more people to become qualified mental health professionals • Community Education Plan to expand awareness of CCC • Increase informal and peer supports for families • Increase capacity for community case management • Client needs assessment/feedback to identify barriers to services • Community care plan for frequent users of service

  26. Other 77 total responses (QMHP recruitment = 10, awareness of CCC = 14, informal supports = 15, case management = 17, clients needs assessment = 5, community care plan = 16)

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