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The Pharyngeal Apparatus – face, nasal cavities, mouth

The Pharyngeal Apparatus – face, nasal cavities, mouth. 陳建榮. http://web.nchu.edu.tw/~chenjr/index.htm. 4 pairs pharyngeal arches. arch. groove. Pharyngeal arch: component. External : pharyngeal groove Internal : pharyngeal cleft (pouch).

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The Pharyngeal Apparatus – face, nasal cavities, mouth

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  1. The Pharyngeal Apparatus – face, nasal cavities, mouth 陳建榮 http://web.nchu.edu.tw/~chenjr/index.htm

  2. 4 pairs pharyngeal arches

  3. arch groove Pharyngeal arch: component External : pharyngeal groove Internal : pharyngeal cleft (pouch) Neural crest cell  mesenchyme in the head and neck

  4. Day 32 Day 33 Day 41

  5. Pharyngeal arch cartilage

  6. 1st pharyngeal arch • Maxillary prominence • Maxillary, zygomatid, squamous part of temporal bone • Mandibular prominence • Madibular bone, malleus, incus

  7. Cartilaginous rod

  8. 鼓舌軟骨 莖狀舌骨 上舌骨 角舌骨 甲狀軟骨 基舌骨

  9. Aortic arch vessels

  10. Muscular component of pharyngeal arch

  11. Nerve: special visceral afferent nerves of cranial nerves

  12. Pharyngeal pouch咽囊 耳咽隱窩 pharynx 5 wk 6 wk Ultimopharyngeal body  parafollicular cell 終咽體

  13. Pharyngeal pouch 7 wk Pharyngotympanic tube Palatine tonsil Tubotympanic recess • Pharyngotympanic tube • Auditory tube • Tympanic cavity • Mastoid antrum Superior parathyroid gland Inferior parathyroid gland Thymus Ultimopharyngeal body

  14. 終咽體

  15. Pharyngeal groove: • 1st pharyngeal groove  external acoustic meatus • 2nd pharyngeal groove  cervical sinus • -> external branchial sinus外鰓竇or brachial fistula鰓瘻管 Pharyngeal membrane: • 1st pharyngeal membrane  tympanic membrane

  16. Branchial fistulas鰓瘻管

  17. Branchial fistulas鰓瘻管 內鰓竇 外鰓竇

  18. Branchial cyst鰓囊腫

  19. Branchial cyst鰓囊腫

  20. Branchial fistulas鰓瘻管

  21. Branchial fistulas鰓瘻管

  22. Branchial vestiges鰓遺跡

  23. Development of the thyroid gland 4 wk 甲狀腺憩室 5 wk 甲狀腺舌管

  24. 6 wk adult

  25. Thyroglossal duct cyst甲狀腺舌管囊腫: Anomalies during descent of the developing thyroid gland

  26. Thyroglossal duct cyst甲狀腺舌管囊腫

  27. Ectopic thyroid gland 異位性的甲狀腺

  28. Development of Tongue Tongue bud distal 咽下隆突

  29. 舌芽 咽下隆突

  30. Development of Tongue

  31. Microglossia 小舌畸形

  32. Macroglossia巨舌畸形

  33. Glossoschisis 舌分裂

  34. Papillae and taste buds Lingual papillae – 8th wk Filiform papillae Foliate papillae Fungiform papillae Circumvallate papillae Taste bud味蕾– 11th -13th wk - induced by the epithelial cells of the tongue & gustatory nerve cells (chorda tympani, glossopharyngeal, and vagus nerves) - on dorsal surface (most), palatoglossal arches, palate, post. surface of the epiglottis, post. wall of the oropharynx

  35. Nerve supply of tongue Sensory: ant. 2/3 to mucosa – trigeminal nerve (CN V- 1st pharyngeal arch) ant. 2/3 to taste buds – facial n. (CN VII,2nd pharyngeal arch) post. 1/3 - glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX, 3rd pharyngeal arch) (CN X, 4th pharyngeal arch, anterior to the epiglottis) Motor: All muscles except palatoglossus – hypoglossal n. (CN XII)

  36. Development of Salivary gland 6-7 wks, from the primordial oral cavity

  37. Development of face: 1st pharyngeal arch 4-8 wks, human appearance 5 facial primordia臉原基 single frontonasal prominence (FNP) forehead rostral boundary of the stomodeum, primordial mouth, nose paired maxillary prominences upper cheek & most of the upper lip paired mandibular prominences chin, lower lip, lower cheek

  38. Development of face: 4-8 wks, human appearance 5 facial primordia

  39. Development of face: Nasal lacrimal duct

  40. Development of Nasal cavity Nasal plate

  41. Development of Nasal cavity Medial nasal prominences Lateral nasal prominences Nasal pit

  42. Nasal septum Primary palate: philtrum

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