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Explore LENR "cold fusion" and Zeropoint Energy concept, challenging mainstream science with revolutionary clean energy tech. Impacts on society, economy, and geopolitics. Analysis by Ben Rusuisiak.
Fusão a frio, Tesla, Onda escalar Campo de torção, “Energia livre”.. = Todos pseudo-ciência ? Cold fusion, Tesla, Zeropoint Energy harvesting.. = PSEUDO SCIENCE? • (resumo do Português) O novo paradigma • na tecnologia de energia comercializada • com impactos sócioeconimicos e geopoliticos • THE controversial new PARADIGM on cleantech energy with geo-socio-financial impact PART 1 OF 9 • Ben Rusuisiak • New nature paradigm TECH analysis • VANCOUVER, BC, CANADA, Updated Dec10, 2016 www.linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm
resumo de uma páginaresto da apresentação é em Inglês LENR - “Fusão a frio” já está em virtual aceitação pela ciência moderna: Energia produzida com basicamente livre "poder" e equipamento + custo de operação, Sucesso nível de teste de fusão termonuclear convencional de energia ilimitada em 2013. Não há ciência dominante oficial endossada dispositivo LENR comercializado a partir de janeiro de 2016, mas 1MW gerador de eletricidade "Ecat" é vendido para o mercado industrial sob certos acordosIsso também pode causar revisão completa mainstream da ciência / media ignorado privado micro escala uso inventor "energia livre" tech:1- Extração de energia ambiente em forma de eletricidade, 2- Geração de tensão reverse e de colheita, em vez de usar a força extra para cancelá-lo (Voltar motora EMF), 3- Rápida produção de gás HHO a partir de água - também pode ser usado para aumentar a produção de energia hidro carbono enquanto reduzir drasticamente suas emissões, 4- Criação de plasma , pulso eletromagnético ou estado vortex em água / gás, 5- Ar comprimido,trocando calor e amplificando mecanismo que converte a energia, 6- Emulsão de água incorporando muito além de 20% de água, 7- Colheita subaquática força de ar flutuante + gravidade, 8- Aquecedor de cavitação hidrodinâmica, 9- Betz limite de desempenho violar hidro/vento turbina, 10- Célula solar junção única com eficiência além do limite de Shockley-Queisser etc. Eles parecem correr na mecânica e acompanhado por efeitos colaterais de física atual não pode explicar(Mas possível explicar pelo russo física Escalar/Torção, bem como por Equasions de Maxwell antes do truncamento por Heaviside), infra-estrutura de baixo custo, e, além disso, são conversíveis para outros "física não padrão" techs com efeito superior que podem substituir maioria de propulsão, o médico, de processamento de resíduos nucleares, alguns processos vitais de agricultura, de mineração, de industrial - Se análise científica completa foi realizada como dar seguimento Embora grande mídia censurado, aumentar documentos e depoimentos sobre : vários "extremidade aberta" "pseudo-ciência" em pesquisa e desenvolvimento em algum Governo / Aeroespacial / Militar /Agências de inteligência com empresas privadas secretas, protegidas por segurança nacional isto é, programa de orçamento negro, que freqüentemente anteriormente mencionada muitas os próprios executivos da organização não têm acesso. Isso é totalmente isolada do "beco sem saída" "ciência consumo público", que é monitorado e restrito por "lei da ciência”; Como exemplo de uma nação avançada, mesmo registro oficial indica, 1000 invenções em Meio Ambiente - Energia - Propulsão, muitos patenteado, são classificados por meio de lei de sigilo. Apesar de tudo isto, há muitos sinais sutis, mas coletivamente inequívocas, de maioriade estabelecimento para introduzir gradualmente novos ilimitado de paradigma "Aberto Sistema”. Processo industrial Embora baseada tanto gás - óleo - de carvão e de energia alternativa pode permanecer por inovação,iminente comercialização de energia livre em si é inevitável,e corre o risco de ruptura social, portanto, o diálogo público é necessário para discutir oque taxatodos tecnologia / informações relacionada para ser liberado e aprovado oficialmente
ABSTRACT: LENR-Cold Fusion effect itself has been virtually accepted by mainstream science: Energy produced with basically free “fuel” + equipment & operation cost. Although unadmitted by creative interpretations, thermodynamic over-unity or Persistent Current/motion is officially observed in quantum level nano circuit, beyond Shockley-Queisser limit efficiency solar cell, non-linear optic/laser/spintronics, time crystal, & magnetocaloric effects. Academic taboo with extracting photon or electron fluctuation in vacuum, Maxwell's demon, affirming quantum ratchet, Casimir force harvesting micro electronic device, & violation of 2nd law are finally discussed at mainstream journals. No publicly endorsed LENR device exists, but 1MW electricity generator "Ecat" has been claimed to be sold with pre-conditions. Low cost resonance/magnet based major emission reducerswith 10%+ extra efficiency, solid state thermo Electric/thermo PhotoVoltaics heat-to-energy systems, & highly efficient Waste-To-Fuel/Energy systems with Catalytic, SuperCritical water, Cold or Steam Plasma mechanics are starting to make inroads quietly. Above changes might foreshadow first full science review of recurring inventors' hyper energy efficiency claims & small commercialized installations: e.g. 1-Extracting nano oscillation/radiant energy as industrial electricity, 2-Harvesting DC reverse voltage power instead of using force to cancel it(Back EMF), 3-Resonance catalyzed HHO/Oxy-hydrogen gas, also as mileage booster, 4-Electromagnetic or cold plasma standing wave creation of light/water/inert gas in cavity, 5-Compressed air & COP>1 heat exchanger converted to mechanical power, 6-Catalyzed emulsion fuel with far beyond 50% H2O, 7-Hydrocarbon increased by std photocatalyzed O2 Nanobubble water & fuel emulsion, when infused with CO2 in room temp/pressure. +variations, 8-Combining underwater air floating force & down gravity, 9-Propellantless drive, 10-Hydrodynamic cavitation heater, 11-Betz limit excess hydro/wind turbine, 12-Pyromagnetic self running heat producing trash decomposer, etc. They often seem to run on mechanics & accompanied by common side effects current official physics cannot explain(explained by Torsion physics or pre-Heaviside Maxwell equations), low cost, & are convertible to superior new techs that can replace majority of propulsion, weather, medical, nuclear remediation, time dilation, psychology, algorithm, & key mining-industrial-farming processes -IF fully peer reviewed in science. Recent paradigm shift might warrant disruptive official investigations on questionable but increasing documents/testimonial claims on above alternative physics based “open-end pseudo science” R&Ds by groups working across Gov’t/Aerospace/Military/Intel agencies & private contractors, hidden under secrecy law, to which above organizations’ executives often have no access i.e "unacknowledged" projects. They seem to be totally freed from “dead-end public consumption science" & education that are restricted by “science law”: e.g. At one nation, according to official data, 1000+ inventions in Enviro-Energy-Propulsion-Medical field, including patented, are classified by "national security" label, & applied to its allies. But as indicated at beginning, there are collectively clear signs that a majority of establishment is attempting to gradually release unlimited “Open System” technologies & to reduce tech debunking. Overall, mainstream commercialization of unlimited energy production is inevitable & it risks social disruption, hence public discussion on how all related tech/geopolitical info to be officially released & endorsed can be valuable. • linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm- Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada
Part1 p1- Part2-p45- Contents • p06 Science accepted high efficiency generators -1 • p45 “ “ “ -2 Perpetual Hydrogen etc • p64 Solar, Wind, & Hydro power efficiency beyond official science limit . ..p83 Still under-utilized vast Biomass, Waste-to-Energy, & Hydrocarbons • p122 Ten categories of inventors' seeming “over-unity” claims • p152 Commercialization attempts • p161 Law of Thermodynamics interpretations, “Dissident” scientists • p164 Scalar “wave”, Standing wave resonance, Torsion field.. • p198 Terahertz & Far Infrared waves, “No light” Photo Catalysis, ORMUS.. • p224 LENR/Cold Fusion update, Losers & Gainers by its success • p239 Reduced suppressions, energy paradigm smooth transition models • p249 Radical ramifications if inventor tech becomes mainstream • p302 ZPE related outrageous claims & controversial lobby accusations • p370 Debatable Free Energy Summary & Recommendations .._...、 .. .... .. That Are Still Considered as Far-Fetched
Qualification of information This presentation primarily focuses on less known but latest science consensus forming technologies, while some of highest efficiency low cost techs & a majority of "outrageous claims" category contradict predominant view, especially of Wikipedia & Western media/NGOs. Hence attendants/readers are recommended to re-assess the data individually. Regarding Controversial But Future Critical Technologies Discussed: ■ Term “Free energy” or “Over-unity” in this presentation is defined as seeming as if: -1 Drawing of more energy than exerted to generate -2 Continuous motion without energy input -3 Using free material generally not considered as fuel、 ■ Inventors-scientists-witnesses: their claims might involve higher likelihood of: -4 Fabrication, reliability exaggeration, or statistical error chance of observed effect -5 Significant quality gap between inventions, yet - -6 At least far above collective majority seem to repeatedly produces claimed effects Currently more detailed reference list is being produced & will be published separately: The research is updated based on reviewing academic papers & journals, books, speeches, presentations, patents, lab/commercialized product testimonies/complaints, publications & public records of NGOs/media/research institutes/think tanks/military/space & gov't agencies/industry associations. Most effects quoted have accumulative-consistent evidence from unrelated era & source, but mechanics listed are hypothetical. Commercialized company/products are shown in Boldface NavyDue to space constraints, referenced individual names are given with max 3 letters of first name with entire last name(except some non-Western names), & company names are listed in a way that is findable by internet search.THIS FILE IS PART 1 of 9 SERIES: ENTIRE 9SERIES CAN BE VIEWED IN ONE FILE AT: SCRIBD[click here], ISSUU[click here],YUMPU [click here], or CALAMEO [click here]
quest for “free energy”: 1 CLAIMS STARTED well before 1800S Main academia/media in mid-late 1800s forecasted commercialized free energyby early 1900s(Anthony+), 1- Free Ground Earth Battery regularly demonstrated self charging or inducing electricity capacity in low moisture, also power generation efficiently of two-points-voltage gap depends on location(Snow, Lockwood, Wilkins, Dieckmann, Strong, Bain, Edard, Haworth, Bear, Mellon,Hicks, Cerpaux, Garratt, Lamont +); invention rush for telegraph use, Along with strong claims of pre-dated telephony & wireless(Meucci, Stubblefield, Tesla+), 2- Very low cost Vaccumized Air/Compressed Air engine/residential-industrial system, Trompe/Water Pumps also widely used in France etc(Rix, Mekarski, Hardie, Hoadley, C Hodges+) Non earth battery free energy claims mixed:General lack of information to tell degree of actual physical effects from fabrication, some can be valid, Involved mainstream scientists till early 1900s, yet no widely known commercialization Science legal1&2disappeared from schooling/research while other types offree energy& repeated side effects in combination didn’t fit with “science package” then & now; gradually became irrelevant/pseudo science, which matched major business-financial lobby interest then • linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm- Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada
quest for “free energy”: 2 towards Modern era Same mechanics & side effects were repeated by unrelated inventors, but linear progress was often limited to recent Western academia(LENR, Cavitation), Also Russia-Soviet had some development(Cavitation, Torsion, Ion heater, Ultrasonic, EM pulse) at official level. Boiled down to 10 or so base mechanics(p122-150) with similar tendency: a➢ Often energy is ”triggered in” by rapid change in pressure-voltage-spin, pulse, plasma-magnetic field, cavitation,transmutation,anomalous electron movement causing/caused by standing wave resonance, or antioxidant prone "field effect", link to quantum coherence b➢ Manifest as anomalouscooling/heat, water hammer, vibration coupling, electrical breakdown, spike, surge, implosion, spontaneous corona discharge, ball lightning, vortex, harmonics, similar to Electron Avalanche, Field Emission effect, treated as short circuit etc c➢ Seemingly influenced by cosmo-geophysical factors, avoided by extra energy use d➢ "Static Electricity" is more like high voltage, can flow, & useable for industrial electricity e➢ Mainstream insistence on defending clear flaws in Electromagnetic Induction law i.e. not closed system?; some "free energy"(p122-150) efficiency fluctuates, by time-location, altitude, orientation etc;similar to ground-earth battery, In rare cases emotion seems to affect(O Carr, J Keely, Ra Ring, Th Ludwig, Dan Davidson,Vogel, Seelhofer, R Schild+) Occasional rift:1- Mainstream Western scientist vs2- Inventor, sidelined & Non-Western scientist(Russia, China+), Some mainstream scholars in West as exception(Austria, Italy+) • linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm- Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada
science-accepted “free energy” microcurrent harvesting • FREE ENERGY TYPES; increasingly actively commercialized (indicated by navy color letters), ■MICRO CURRENT ENERGY HARVESTERS(technically dated turbine based smart water meter water flow harvester[also gas meter], or across the board full mainstream use wind & solar type micro current generator is not covered in this presentation(eg indoor use calculator). • Generally negligible as industrial power. Most of them are commercialized after yr 2000. Used for switches, sensors, meters(structural integrity, industrial, logistics, transportation, equipment), IoT(Internet of Things), remote monitoring segment use etc: Perpetually Powered Systems. Often auto Wireless Transmission function is built in as one of key benefits. • This is currently one of most rapid progress energy generation efficiency & use in commercialization along with industrial use solid state electrical generator from heat, electronics manufacturing, solar power, & energy saving waste water/desalination process.
science-accepted “free energy” 2 microcurrent harvesting II • -->>continued: FREE ENERGY TYPES; increasing actively commercialized exceptions, ■Micro Current Energy Harvesters:、Focus in this application is to have sufficient power generation for the device and not necessarily high efficiency. Devices only produce very small power but there are relevancies & relations to other much larger macro scale "energy harvesting" mechanics covered in presentation. Some mechanics with relatively easy industrial electrical generation potential in this segment are marked as # • Often use of metamaterials(engineered structure to increase wave-vibration resonance amplifying for harvesting etc), even MEMS(MicroElectroMechanical System) now works in very low freq. of under 30hz with S shaped cantilever etc(Huicong Liu +), or increase wide band reception compared to resonance devices with only small number of limited frequencies are harvested. • Often ROI comes at first time replacement of battery or fizzled wire for sensors especially in remote or difficult to reach locations. -->>continued:
-->>continued: FREE ENERGY TYPES; increasing actively commercialized exceptions, ■Micro Current Energy Harvesters: Often ROI comes at first time replacement of battery or fizzled wire for sensors especially in remote or difficult to reach locations. Many devices combine multiple mechanics to maintain required electrical supply level. Free energy harvesting micro devices are generally not frequently reported in newspapers or energy saving publications due to micro electrical nature, butproducts are available for very wide range of sensoring/actuating applications. Some cases there is no differentiator to long lasting battery system(eg self charging tire sensor for non-commercial vehicle). Many companies sell "Evaluation Kit" to test out. Following 1-14 main methods are listed as general representative energy scavenging methods. ■1#Low temperature dif.(1-20°C) Thermoelectric device(industrial type generator version at p50-53):easily made as garage project with high performance Seebeck effect parts(A Makosinski+) & commercialized for consumer market prior to current industrial use micropower in 1990s and withdrawn(Citizen Eco-Drive Thermo, Seiko Thermic), more recent consumable types(Fujitsu, Yamahahad test products, Vodaphone: PowerPocket+), Latest consumer watch market debut (Matrix Industries+). Can be woven into fabric(KAIST South Korea+)(Gr Moriarty+), mass produceable by easy printing(AIST Japan+). science-accepted “free energy” 3 Low temp micro ThermoElectric • linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm- Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada
science-accepted “free energy” 4 thermoelectric, Piezoelectric • —>>cont: FREE ENERGY TYPES; ■Microcurrent Harvesters: ■1 ThermoElectric:、Relatively significant penetration for mainstream industrial monitoring use last several yrs(Micropelt, EnOcean, Laired Technologies, Marlow Industries, Perpetua Power Source+), fair number of bio sensor focus companies(MC10 inc+), thin micro device for wearables(Thermogen Technologies+), but super high density harvester by combo with solar in wristwatch format is shelved?(EnergyBionics Carbon: Ebersold+). Low cost printed super thin material that is capable of micro current to industrial size electricity conversion from heat(Otego GmbH+). Overall this sector is filled with many players existing in West. • ■2#Piezoelectricity(material directly produces electricity when deformed, most widely commercialized in microcurrent generator types), Often use Barium Titanate (BaTiO3) or Zinc Oxide (ZnO), PZT: Lead zirconate titanate. Following elements are often relevant to majority of microcurrent generation by ambient scavenging(other than piezo methods) • ●Usually takes cantilever of bimorph or unimorph(one electricity producing piezo layer) generator with magnetic tip to interact with fixed two magnets of above & below. To maximize resonance tuning of wide range or many frequencies(to amplify energy harvesting), multimorph/multilayer or cantilever array located side by side row is arranged.
science-accepted “free energy” 5 Piezoelectric ii Micro & macro —>>continued: FREE ENERGY TYPES; ■Microcurrent Energy Harvesters: ■2Piezoelectricity:●But for non-linear frequency harvesting(non-repetitive vibration) focus, resonance might be avoided: Stochastic Bi-stable or Multi stable, cantilever with magnetic tip to interact with one magnet at fixed position that is same "height" as extension of cantilever. Also might use buckled beam with with both ends clamped with middle. Parametric resonance(not set to narrow frequency resonance emphasis but incorporating non-linear movements: non periodic one time only unique arbitrary motion is ok) type non linear inductance-capacitance of piezo vibration: eg Velocity Damped Resonant Generator(VDRG) by EM damping, Coulomb Damped Resonant Generators(CDRGs) by electrostatic damping. Can be combined with other methods such as electromagnetic induction. • linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm- Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada
science-accepted “free energy” 6 Piezoelectric iii commercial e.g. —>>continued: FREE ENERGY TYPES; ■Microcurrent Energy Harvesters: ■2Piezoelectricity: ◆ Generally wide range of vibration is harvested as energy(ReVibe Energy, Mide Volture, Arveni fr+), ◆Battery combo emphasis (Linear Technology+), ◆Switch focus(Algra Group+), ◆ Automobile distance warning(Ceratec Engineering Corporation+), ◆Automatic parking space broadcaster (ParkHere GmbH), ◆High power density(MicroGen Systems MSM, AdaptivEnergy RLP, 8power+), ◆Footsteps use for surveillance device (Pavegen+), ◆AAA battery self charging battery or 10sec shaking 3mins lighting LED flashlight was taken out of market quickly(ブラザー工業) ◆Large industrial power is possible: 200kw+/km production at busy hwy became possible with multi-stacked structure(Edery-Azulay/Innowattech), Polyvinylidene Fluoride(PVDF) based flexible Piezoelectric - FerroElectric(electrically polarized material) polymer woven fabric + photovoltaic coating(El Siores /FibrLec). ◆Others: Wearables(Flexous BV - Kinergizer+), Tire sensor for transport or mining trucks (Transense, SilentSensors+), Spray paint on surface to make it a generator (www.munekata.jp/eh/), • linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm- Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada
science-accepted “free energy” 7 Piezoelectric iv variations —>>continued: FREE ENERGY TYPES; ■Microcurrent Energy Harvesters:■2Piezoelectricity: Others: Wearables(Flexous BV - Kinergizer+), Tire sensor for transport or mining trucks (Transense, SilentSensors+), Spray paint on surface to make it a generator (www.munekata.jp/eh/), PVDF based /pyroelectric/thermoelectric & Piezoelectric functioning soft thin polymer film (Kureha Kagaku), Self charging by human motion Small flashlight(株式会社スライブ– 圧電素子+) Pacemaker sensor from heartbeat(KAIST, smart-MEMPHIS Silex [enhanced harvesting by MEMS PZT: Lead zirconate titanate]+), People movement surveillance by step-in mattress tracking(東リ イーテリア), SOME OF OTHER PIEZO, PIEZO LIKE MECHANICS, or SYNERGIZED COMBO:i-ElectroStrictive Polymer(change shape or lengthen under electric field or vice versa, significant degree of actuation occurs by electricity applied & used for artificial muscle) for much increased efficiency(Mcknight & Mcginnis+) even if electric field needs to be generated for power harvesting, likely already in military use for much higher macro level power generation. 、 ii-Simiar to above "i" but very soft super stretchable Dielectric Elastomer is low cost material and useable for wave/hydro energy(Softgen Univ Auckland+): 1w per human step range. 0.1mm thick elastic rubber paper like "power generating rubber" with 2 to 10 times higher than conventional piezo material(Ricoh), 、 • linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm- Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada
science-accepted “free energy” 8 PiezoElectric v, EM induction —>>continued: FREE ENERGY TYPES; ■Microcurrent Energy Harvesters: ■2Piezoelectricity: OTHER PIEZO, PIEZO LIKE MECHANICS or combo:、 iii-Radio Frequency harvesting by piezo system with cantilever system(Mahmoud Al Ahmad+), iv-Far more minute level vibration sensitive Nanostructure or NanoWire/NEMS (NanoElectroMechanical Systems) can be much more efficient than conventional piezoelectric (KAIST: Keon Jae Lee+), v-Other mechanical combination are explored and deemed to have advantages: Shape Memory Alloy(SMA, by temperature change)(p62,63), Magnetic Shape Memory Alloy(MSMA)(AdaptaMat Oy: MSMA without piezo combo), ■3ElectroMagnetic Induction from vibrationor motion: magnet oscillates on cantilever/spring with coil wrapping it around to generate electricity from ambient sound or vibration(Perpetuum, Adamant jp, Star Micronics, MicroStrain +), using oscillating move/EM field of outside of device using rotating or vertical motion(Joulefusion+), Focus on low end 5hz frequency recovery for spotting personnel & harvesting energy in office/factory(Mono-wireless+): eg walking sound on carpet. Random directional motion into rotational energy to drive generator, similar to gyro mechanics(Witt Energy+): this company aims for industrial size generator. Human motion based battery charger for phones(AMPY Live Charged), 、 • linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm- Ben Rusuisiak, Vancouver BC, Canada
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