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Integrated Data Sets for COPS Research

This data set provides information on radiation energy balance, land surface exchange, atmospheric boundary layer, and precipitation in the context of the COPS (Convective and Orographically-induced Precipitation Study) research. It includes various data sources such as remote sensing, in-situ measurements, and model outputs.

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Integrated Data Sets for COPS Research

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  1. Data Sets (seecera-www.dkrz.de/WDCC/ui/BrowseExperiments.jsp) Radiation: Energie balancenetwork, AMF, CM-SAF, and Land-SAF retrievals Land-surfaceexchange: Soilmoisture, turbulence, andweatherstations ABL and CI: Active-passive VIS-IR-MW remote sensingsynergy, soundings, GPS network, MSG Rapid Scan Service (RSS) ACM: In-situ, AERI-MWR-lidar-radarsynergy, MSG RSS Precip: In-situ, micro rain radar, DOW, polarizationandweatherradar • D-PHASE Model Ensemble: • 6 LAM ensembleforecastsystems • 12 deterministicmodelswithconvectionparameterization • 9 convectionpermittingdeterministicmodels • Harmonizedandextendeddataset in GRIB1 followingthe so- called TIGGE+ table • Short COPS statistics: • 2,700 soundings • 11,000 h of lidar operation • 10 aircraft with 400 flights hours • 10,000 model runs with50,000,000 model fields and plots (COPS domain) • 60TB of data

  2. COPS Integrated Data Sets MSG 3-channel composite, DWD radar + VERA surface wind andmoisturefields. Contact: Fumiko Aoshima, IPM (aoshima@ uni-hohenheim.de) VERA analysesareavailableforthewholeyear 2007

  3. COPS Integrated Data Sets

  4. Coordinationof Research, Combined Data Sets • Information sources: • - COPS Field report (www.uni-hohenheim.de/cops) • - COPS Wiki (copswiki.uni-hohenheim.de) • VERA analyses • Retrievalsbased on AMF data: • - IPT retrievals: Ulrich Löhnert • - Cloudnetretrievals: Ewan O‘Connor and Robin Hogan (www.cloudnet.org/quicklooks/arm-murgtal_products.html • #classification) • - LWP and PWC: Dave Turner (iop.archive.arm.gov/arm-iop/0pi- data/turner) and Ulrich Löhnert (gop.meteo.uni- koeln.de/hatpro/doku.php) • - AOT: Dave Turner

  5. Coordinationof COPS Research • Fortheanalysesof COPS IOPs, thefull, combineddatasetshouldbeusedincludingthe remote sensingdata.Thisstandardis also expectedforthe QJ pubs. • Quicklooks of all remote sensingdataareavailable in the COPS dataarchive, however, specialplotscaneasilybeproducedbythe PIs. The PIs are happy iftheyarecontacted. • Fortheplotofdataoverlays, toolsareavailableat IPM. • Ensemble modelingstudiesforspecific IOPs shouldbecoordinated. A niceexampleis IOP8b. A generalstandardshouldbedevelopedhowthesestudieshavetobesetup. Thisisactuallyonethemajorideasbehindthe WWRP IMRE. • Weneed a modeling PI for COPS IOP9c. • Concentration on other IOPs in thefuture?

  6. COPS Other Business • More infosaboutthe WWRP IMRE: • www.wmo.int/pages/prog/arep/wwrp/new/wwrp_new_en.html • COPS/CSIP discussion, futurefieldcampaign (link toclimate?) • Next COPS Workshop, September 2010 • Other issues?

  7. 1h/3h/6h/12h/24h 6min/1h 10min/1h/24h 5min/10min/15min/30min 10min/12h 1h 3h 24h 1h/3h 30min The New gts-non-gtsJoint D-PHASE-COPS (JDC) Data Set • Basis for Uni Vienna VERA analyses (in preparation) • Unique datasetfor model verificationandprocessstudies Withgreatthanksto all contributionweatherservicesas well as Manfred Dorninger, Theresa Gorgas (Uni Vienna), Thomas Schwitalla (IPM), Mathias Rotach (Meteo Swiss) fortheiroutstandingeffort.

  8. Supersite Radars + LINET P DOW R S H GPS (D/F) M V 120 km rangeFZ Karlsruhe 20 km rangeX-Band Mobile teams 120 km rangePOLDIRAD Further details are found in: COPS Field Report at www.uni-hohenheim.de/spp-iop/documents

  9. Supersite Weather stations: UK Innsbruck (A) U Vienna (A) (104 stations) Sodar P Soil moisture S Turbulence R H M V 9

  10. R S H M V Lidars Cloud radars Precip. radars FZK Radar + Op. network • FZK WTR • MICCY (scan.) • UV MRR • UV radiosondes • Ceilometer • UV AWS network • GFZ GPS receiver • FZK soil moisture Radiometers Radiosondes POLDIRAD Sodars • CNRS WV Raman lidar • CNRS TRESS = • Aerosol Raman Lidar • IR radiometer, sun ph., aerosol analysis • LaMP X-band (scanning) • LaMPK-band (vertical) • MFradiosondes • MF surf. flux stations (3) • MF soil moisture • MF UHF prof., sodar • GPS receiver • UHOH WV DIAL (scanning) • UHOH RR lidar (scanning) • FZK WindTracer (scanning) • FZK cloud radar (45° scan) • UHOH X-Band (vertical) • UHH MRR • TU Delft TARA • UK radiosondes • CNR MW radiometer (scan.) • UK aerosol in-situ analysis • GFZ GPS receiver • FZK soil moisture • AMF: • RS, MWR, AERI,RWP,WACR, • aerosol in-situ analysis • Micropulse Lidar • IfT MWL • IfT WILI • HATPRO • 90/150 GHz • ADMIRARI (scanning) • UHH MRR • GFZ GPS receiver • FZK soil moisture • UNIBAS Raman lidar • UK Doppler lidar • UK wind profiler • UK MWR • UHH cloud radar • UK radiosondes • UK sodar • UHH MRR • GFZ GPS receiver • FZK soil moisture • 2 mobile Doppler-On-Wheels FZK • FZK RS station • FZK and UBT sodars (entrance of Murg and Kinzig V.) • UF sodar (entrance of Rench V.) • UK sodar (Murg Valley) „Burgundische Pforte“ • FZK RS station

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