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Legacy of British Rule in India: The Sepoy Rebellion and Exploitation of Diversity

Explore the impact of British rule in India, from exploiting Indian diversity to the causes and consequences of the Sepoy Rebellion in the mid-1800s, leading to British government control in 1858.

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Legacy of British Rule in India: The Sepoy Rebellion and Exploitation of Diversity

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  1. The British Take Over India Chapter 9 Section 4

  2. History of British Rule • India was run by powerful Mughal emperors for centuries. • Early 1600’s- The British East India Company won exclusive trading rights in India. By the mid 1800’s, the B.E.I.C. ruled over 3/5 of India.

  3. Exploiting Indian Diversity • India is very ethnically and religiously diverse (Hindus and Muslims), and they were not united against foreigners. • British encouraged competition and distrust among rival princes.

  4. British Policy • East India Company’s #1 goal: $$$$$$ • Also improved roads, fought local crime. • Early 1800’s, British bring Western education and Christian missionaries. • Passed laws banning slavery and the caste system.

  5. The Sepoy Rebellion: Causes • 1850s: B.E.I.C. used sepoys (Indian soldiers that serve Britain) to serve anywhere, even overseas. • Also passed law allowing Hindu widows to remarry. • Violations of Hindu beliefs. • 1857: BEIC issues new rifles to sepoys with cartridges greased with pig or cow fat; sepoys refuse order to load cartridges.

  6. The Sepoy Rebellion: Causes • In anger, sepoys protested, and many attacked British residents and killed men, women, and children. • British crush the revolt and take vengeance by burning down Indian villages and killing thousands of unarmed Indians. • Left a legacy of hatred, mistrust, and fear. • 1858: British gov’t takes control of India.

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