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Biomimetic searching strategies Massimo Vergassola CNRS, URA 2171

Explore the world of biomimetic searching strategies used by living organisms and robots inspired by nature for efficient detection of scents and odors in dynamic environments. Discover how chemotaxis, plume-tracking, and infotaxis methods optimize search processes based on concentration gradients and information acquisition. Dive into the complexities of chemotactic responses, hit rates, and entropy reduction to unravel the secrets of successful odor source localization. Uncover the innovative approaches for robust and rapid scent detection even in dilute conditions, mirroring nature's efficient search mechanisms.

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Biomimetic searching strategies Massimo Vergassola CNRS, URA 2171

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  1. Biomimetic searching strategies Massimo Vergassola CNRS, URA 2171 Institut Pasteur, Unit “In Silico Genetics”

  2. Source Odors wind Zigzag Casting: Extended crosswind 2m Male Moth released Direction and velocity of the wind are determined by air currents and visual clues. Zigzagging and casting (J.S. Kennedy, e.g. in Physiological Entomology,1983)

  3. Sniffers Olfactory robots with applications to the detection of chemical leaks, drugs, bombs, land and/or sea mines. D. Martinez “On the right scent” Nature, 445, 371-372, 2007 (N&V).

  4. Micro vs macro-organisms: the role of size and transport

  5. Chemotaxis of living organisms Temporal or spatial gradients are sensed and either climbed or descended. Crucial that the chemoattractant field be smooth and the concentration high enough to be measurable. Gradients ought to provide a reliable local cue.

  6. Physical constraints on concentration measurements(Berg & Purcell, Biophys. J., 1977) Smoluchowski’s diffusion-limited rate of encounters Reliable measurement of concentration requires: Measured hits in the time Tint >> fluctuations: Bottomline: Chemotaxis requires exponential integration times for exponentially small concentrations

  7. Searches by macroorganisms Responses times are O(ms) Away from the source, gradients are not effectively traceable and do not always point to the source. Odor encounters are sparse and sporadic. Yet, birds respond Km’s away and moths locate females hundreds of meters away.

  8. Existing sniffers rely on micro-organism mimetic strategies • Chemotactic methods, e.g. Ishida et al. (1996); Kuwana et al. (1999); the robolobster by Grasso & Atema et al. (2000); Russell et al. (2003). • Plume-tracking, e.g. Belanger & Arbas (1998); Li, Farrell, Cardé (2001); Farrell, Pang, Li (2003)&(2005); Ishida et al. (2005); Pang, Farrell (2006). • Effective in dense conditions (relatively close to the source)

  9. Sniffer front view

  10. Sniffer in action

  11. Strategies for searches starting far away from the source, in dilute conditions? M.V., E. Villermaux, B.I. Shraiman Infotaxis as a strategy for searching without gradients.Nature, 445:406-9, 2007.

  12. In a nutshell Concentration is not a good local clue in dilute conditions. What else could we track in the “desert”, when nothing is detected? Build a map of probability for the source position on the basis of the history of receptions. Move locally to make the map sharp as fast as possible, i.e. maximize the rate of entropy reduction.

  13. The message of odor encounters The source emits particles that are transported in the (random) environment. r3, t3 r2, t2 Consider them as a message sent to the searcher. Message in a random medium. Use the trace of odor encounters experienced by the searcher to infer the position of the source. r1, t1

  14. Decoding the message As in message decoding, construct the posterior distribution Pt(r0) for the position of the source r0 from the trace ((r1,t1),(r2,t2),…,(rH,tH)) of the hits. Hit rate at position r if source located at r0 .

  15. A simple model of random medium “Particles” are patches of odors where mixing has not dissipated them below the detectibility threshold. Particles emitted at rate R, advected by a mean wind V, having a finite lifetime  and diffused with diffusivity D. After some algebra

  16. General problem: How should we exploit the posterior and deal with its uncertainties? The “unusual” feature is that the field cannot be quite trusted and is continuously updated. ML is not suitable.

  17. Search time-entropy relationship N points to visit. Probability at the j-th visited point is pj and neighborhood constraints dismissed. Gibbs distribution reducing to (T>>1)

  18. Search times vs entropy Note the exponential dependence on S, contraryto the “standard” optimal code length inequality: The reason is that the “search alphabet” is degenerate, i.e. made of a single letter. Words are discriminated by their length only (no coalescence as in Huffman coding)

  19. Infotaxis Choose the local direction of motion maximizing the rate of information acquired: Maximum expected reduction <S> of the entropy of the field Pt(r0) . With the expected hit rate

  20. Exploitation vs exploration Gradients of concentration in chemotaxis Rate of acquisition of information, i.e. reduction of entropy of the posterior field Pt(r0). Exploitation: maximum likelihood. Exploration: passive gathering of information. RS Sutton, AG Barto Reinforcement Learning MIT Press, 1998.

  21. Infotactic trajectories

  22. pM sperm responding (sea urchin) Kaupp et al., Nature Cell Biology, 2003

  23. Search time statistics

  24. Infotaxis is the most robust and rapid among a set of alternative strategies

  25. Robustness to inaccuracies in the model of the environment Independent detection model in a real jet flow

  26. Spatial maps in animal brains Microstructure of a spatial map in the entorhinal cortex Nature, 2005 and following papers by E.I. Moser and colls. Spatial cues are transmitted to the hippocampus J. O’Keefe, J. Dostrovsky Brain Research 1971 discovery of place cells in hippocampus (see also The Hippocampus as a Cognitive Map, 1978)

  27. In collaboration with Boris Shraiman (Kavli Inst. Theor. Phys., UCSB) Emmanuel Villermaux (IRPHE, Marseille)

  28. A simple possible way to account for time correlations A model where consecutive detections have a space-independent rate give: Consecutive detections are counted just once

  29. Learning about the source and the medium Start the searcher with rough estimates of the parameters which make the rate function R(r|r0) flatter than in realitynot stuck. The searcher will get to the source slowly but steadily. Once there, infer from its odor encounter trace the parameters of the medium and the source.

  30. Learning about the source and the medium Log-likelihood of the experienced series of odor encounters.

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