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Beer & Health: Unveiling the Benefits of this Ancient Beverage

Explore the health benefits of beer in this insightful presentation, revealing how it can aid in dietary needs, bone health, antioxidant properties, and cancer prevention. Discover the wonders of beer and its positive impact on your well-being!

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Beer & Health: Unveiling the Benefits of this Ancient Beverage

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  1. October 11, 2018Presentation to BEER & HEALTH

  2. B E E R & H E A L T H By Finn B. Knudsen Knudsen Beverage Consulting Co. Evergreen, Colorado, U.S.A.

  3. B E E R & H E A L T H

  4. B E E R & H E A L T H • This presentation covers some information about Beer and its Healthbenefits often not known about this beverage, despite • It has nourished and comforted Homo sapiens for millenniums in a safe manner and has been part of the daily food intake.

  5. B E E R & H E A L T H • This beverage - Beer - is best know to all for being a most enjoyable and fascinating drink of moderation, and • Many people are not aware that while imbibing beer actually they benefit their health through some of the components present in beer.

  6. Beer & Health B E E R & H E A L T H • What is Beer?? • Water, malted barley, hops, yeast, corn, etc… • The ingredients used to brew beer: • Beer is about 90-92% water. • Malted barley is the soul of beer • Hops add spicy aroma and bitter flavors • Yeast changes sugars into alcohol • Corn and other adjuncts give beer a milder and lighter-bodied flavor

  7. Beer – How is it made??

  8. B E E R - Does it really make you fat?? • You will not get fat from imbibing beer!!! • Fast comparison 12 oz regular beer, skim milk, soft drink or 2 glasses of red wine: • Beer: 137 cal • Skim Milk: 128 cal • 2% milk: 172 cal • Soft drink: 142 cal • Red wine: 404 cal

  9. B E E R & H E A L T H

  10. B E E R &H E A L T H • Is it time for a Beer - now??

  11. B E E R & H E A L T H • Why is Beer HEALTHY?? • Let’s look at some of the research results documented pertaining to Beer & Health: • Fiber: • 3 beers a day contains 20% of your daily requirement • Kidneys: • 1 beer a day can reduce the risk of kidney stone formation by 40% • Protein: • 3 beers a day covers 10% of your daily needs

  12. B E E R &H E A L T H • B Vitamins in Beer and Wine (in % of daily recommended intake/drink) Beverage BeerRed Wine • Niacin (B3) 16%1% • Riboflavin (B2) 17%2% • Pyrodoxine (B6) 17%2% • Folate (B9) 10-45%0.5% • Panthothen acid (B5)8%1% • Biotin (B7 ) 17%1%

  13. B E E R & H E A L T H Osteoporosis or low bone mineral density: • Beer is best source of Silicon in diet • Link between beer consumption and healthy bones? SILICON • New research suggest Silicon is important for the formation of strong bone mineral density • Aids in the prevention of Osteoporosis

  14. B E E R & H E A L T H • Major food sources of Silicon in the diet for men in the Farmington USA Offspring Cohort • Rank Food Source Contribution% ±% • 1 Beer 17,7 23.7 • 2 Bananas 9.1 10.2 • 3 White Bread 4.6 6.0 • 4 Cold Cereal 4.5 6.3 • 5 Coffee 3.5 3.7 • 6 Beans & Lentils 3.3 4.0

  15. B E E R & H E A L T H • Did you know that Beer contains • FOLIC ACID (Vitamin B9) Equivalent Comparison • Food Source Amount • Beer 1L • Tomatoes 300 G • Potatoes 150 G • Milk 1L • Broccoli 50G

  16. B E E R & H E A L T H • Underlying factor against coronary heart-diseases by folic acid is homocysteine • High contents of homocysteine is associated with an increased risk for coronary heart-diseases • Beer contributes about 10% to the daily folic acid assimilation • Moderate beer consumption is therefore promoted according to medical studies • 1 L (3 beers) a day had a very positive effect on the homocysteine contents in the blood

  17. B E E R & H E A L T H • Antioxidative Properties of HOPS • Flavanoids • Chalcones • Polyphenols • Cathechines • Assist against Oxidative processes • Cancer • Arteriosclerosis • Alzheimer’s • Parkinsons’s Disease

  18. B E E R & H E A L T H • Antioxidative Properties of Beer • What do they do? • Reactive oxides constantly originates new • Change cell structure • Denature proteins • Provoke carcinogenic changes of the Nucleic Acids • Function as a Buffer • In Beers the Phenolic compounds are • Phenol Carbon Acids • Flavonoids • Tannoids

  19. B E E R & H E A L T H • HOPEIN: • Beer is equivalent to wine as regards to wine in antioxidative capacity • Bioactive substance in beer is prelynated flavonoids • Xanthohumol is the one of 20 compounds most active component known up to now • Hopein - 8-prenylnaringenin is interesting candidate also • Chemopreventive effect of prenylated flavonoids is most distinct against hormone caused cancers such as • Mammary cancers • Uterine cancer • Prostate cancer • Contents in Beer: Between 0-21µ/L depending on Hopping

  20. B E E R & H E A L T H • Xanthohumol

  21. B E E R & H E A L T H • Xanthohumol • Prevent development of metastases • Preventive effect during all stages of cancer development from the state of emergence to proliferate increase • Suppressed development of cancer in mammary glands • Compared to resveratrol, known from red wine, with the Xanthohumol the effect could be multiplied about 200 times

  22. B E E R & H E A L T H • When totality of evidence is considered, today’s results are well in accordance with the idea that moderate alcohol consumption protects heart and increases longitivity

  23. B E E R & H E A L T H • Alcohol consumption is related to total mortality in a U-shaped manner, where moderate consumers have reduced mortality with total non-consumers and heavy consumers • Positive results are seen by moderate and regular consumption of alcohol, that is 1-3 drinks per day • People with moderate alcohol consumption are healthier and live longer than people who are abstinent or people drinking excessively • Reduced risk of stroke, heart disease, high blood pressure, Alzheimer’s disease, and a reduction in the risk of kidney stone formation • Abstainers are in the same risk group as people drinking 5-6 drinks a day

  24. B E E R & H E A L T H • A health promoting dose of beer is regarded as being 1 L/day for men and ½ L/day for women (resp. 40 and 20 G of alcohol) • Increases longevity (reduction in mortality 10-20%) • Improves quality of life by reducing cardiovascular risk factors: • Lowering harmful LDL-Cholesterol levels • Raising the protective HDL-cholesterol • Lowering raised blood pressure • Neutral in terms of weight (beer is low in calories) • Reducing hyperhomocysteinemia risk factor • Favorable effect on blood sugar levels • Regulating oestrogen deficiency in women • Stress reduction (no spasms of coronary vessels)

  25. B E E R & H E A L T H • The above factors lead to a reduction in • Coronary diseases of 30-60% • Myocardial infractions of 20-40% • Strokes on average 20% • Apart from alcohol, Beer contains a whole series of components, valuable from a medical standpoint, which contributes to health • Beer is the only alcoholic beverage containing HOPS

  26. B E E R & H E A L T H • Apart from an equilibrating effect on the psyche, hops also contributes many polyphenols (e.g. Xanthohumol), which • Vasculoprotective • Anti-inflammatory • Anti-allergic • Promote resistance to infections • Protect against cancer and free radicals (anti-oxidative effect) • Augmented by important mineral substances (Magnesium, Potassium), trace elements, and vitamins (A,D,E,K) and B vitamims (“nerve food”) contained in Beer • Beer is isoosmotic to blood, these components pass directly into blood streams

  27. B E E R & H E A L T H • Wine contains twice the amount of alcohol compared to Beer so that the toxic dose is reached faster • In addition to the moderate alcohol content Beer can be tolerated much better due to its favorable pH value • Bioavailability of compounds present in Beer in a balanced quantity in terms of nutritional physiology, makes it more effective than other beverages (fruit juices, wines)

  28. B E E R & H E A L T H • Beer consumed with meals increases enjoyment and promotes digestion: • Stimulates appetite • Activates digestive glands • Stimulate acid production • Reducing colonisation of the stomach with Helicobacter Pylori (“the Ulcer Bug”, which causes reflux, gastritis, peptic and duodenal ulcers and stomach cancer) • Regulate gastro-intestinal movements, improving resorption, increase blood circulation, raisin bile secretion thus protecting from gall stones • Beer is low in Purine thus act as a prophylactic against kidney stones due to its diuretic effect

  29. B E E R & H E A L T H • Beer strengthen the immune system (bactericidal and virucidal characteristics) helps prevent infections and slows the ageing process • Increase in bone density protects against Osteoporosis • Beers effect on Psyche are many, such as • Preservation of mental freshness • Increase in mental capabilities • Enhanced creativity and fantasy • Euphorising and anxiolytic • Improvement of responsiveness and reaction to external stimulation through reduction of stress as well as • Anti-depressive

  30. B E E R & H E A L T H • Did you know that: • Athletes drink on average more beer than non-athletes. • That 92% of top athletes who drink beer will drink beer the evening before an event and 52% after an event. • Marathon runners claim that beer is the only drink they can tolerate after running

  31. B E E R & H E A L T H • The reasons: After sportive strain the blood sugar level decreases, the lactic acid content increases, the blood pH drops. Water: • If drinking water after exercise the blood sugar levels stays low even after 25 min’s of recovery, lactic acid levels drops and pH increases. • Blood can link a lot of Oxygen, but can only release a little. • The bases buffer system goes up

  32. B E E R & H E A L T H • The reasons: • After sportive strain the blood sugar level decreases, the lactic acid content increases, the blood pH drops. BEER: • Beer(alcohol free or regular) in low amount ~25 cL • Blood sugar level is elevated significantly • Lactic acid level has dropped • pH is less elevated • The bases buffer system is less increased • Oxygen transfer between blood and tissue is facilitated • Accelerate muscle regeneration after exercise recognizably

  33. B E E R & H E A L T H Research Confirming Beneficial Effect of Beer • Professor Hoffmeister has calculated, that if European beer drinkers stopped drinking there would be: • an increase in cardiovascular disease • a decrease in life expectancy of about 2 years • a decrease in general happiness

  34. B E E R & H E A L T H Some of the Key Points • Beer is the oldest beverage in the world • Beer has culture and tradition • Beer has positive effects on • Physical wellbeing • Psychological wellbeing • Social wellbeing • It is thus recommended for adults (18+) to enjoy Beer on a regularly (daily) basis. • Due to its alcohol content it is not recommended for people addicted to alcohol, with intake of certain medicine, driving and operating machinery, etc.

  35. B E E R & H E A L T H • In Summary • Beer is healthy • Beer is good for you • Beeradds valueto your health • Beer is actually cheap • Beer with deeper brown color and higher hop contents are healthier • Beer is fun and with so many flavors (more than wine)

  36. B E E R & H E A L T H Special Reference:

  37. B E E R & H E A L T H • Literature References (1 of 3): • Bamforth, C.W., Beer Health and Nutrition. 2004 Blackwell Science Ltd. ISBN 0-632-06446-3. • Walker, C. and Baxter, E.D., Health-Promoting Ingredients in Beer. MBAA Tech. Quart. 2000, 37 (2), 301-305 • Schwartz, P. and Gordon, D. Carbohydrates in Beer- The Facts. The New Brewer 2004, 21 (2), 36-44. • Glaser, G., You’re better off with Beer. Beer and your health. All About Beer 2002, 23 (3), 20-27. • U.S. Brews & Wort Report. Lower your cholesterol … with Beer. 2004.09.27 • Walker, C., The Glycaemic Index of Beer. The Brewer & Distiller 2006, 2 (9),40-41. • MolsonCoors., Our Brews – Nutrition. www.coors.com/brews_nutrition.asp • Dickie, K. and Walker, C., Beer and healthy bones. The Brewer International 2003, 3 (2), 56. • Keukeleire, D.D., Beer, hops and health benefits. Scandinavian Brewers’ Review 2003. 60 (2), 10-17. • Keukeleire, D.D., Milligan, S.R., Cooman, l.c. and Heyerick, A., Hop-derived phytoestrogens in Beer. Proceedings of the European Convention Congress, Maasricht, 1997, 239-246. • Walker, C.J, Is beer good for your heart? Brauwelt 2001, 19 (2), 136-138. • CMBC. The Benefits of Moderate Beer Consumption. The New Brewer 2003, 20 (6), 24-31. • European Brewers’ Organization CMBC. Recent findings on beer and health. Brauwelt International 2001, 19 (5), 449-450. • Fauber, J., Dark Beer nay be better for your hart, study finds.Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. • The Danish Brewers’ Association. Health and Social Benefits of Beer in Moderation.. Seminar of the Nordic Brewing Industry, Copenhagen 2001, August. • Walker, C., Beer, sweat and cheers in Austria. The Brewer International 2003, 3 (9), 31-32. • Bayerischer Brauerbund.Beer is healthy…. Brauwelt International 2004, 22 (6), 408-409. • Ricken, K.-H., Beer and Health. Brauwelt International 2003, 21 (2), 111-112. • The Danish Brewers’ Association 2001. Brochure Tal fra Bryggeriforeningen. • Bottom Line’s/Daily Health News. Raise a Glass to Beer. www.bottomlinesecrets.com. 2006, January 20.

  38. B E E R & H E A L T H Literature References ( 2 of 3): • Probrewer, Beer News. Hoppier Beer Healthier.www.probrewer.com/News/News-002741.php., 2005, October 26 • Kondo, K. and Arimoto. Beer helps prevent Cancer. Pharmaceutical Society of Japan. 2005. • Biendl, M. and Walker, C., The Effects of Stout and Porter Brewing Technonlogy on Levels of the Hop Compund, Xanthohumol. Scandinavian Brewers’ Review 2004. 61 (4), 20-22. • Walker, C. and Lence, C.F., Investigation into the high levels of xanthohumol found in Stout and Porter-style beers.Brauwelt International 2004, 22 (2), 100-103. • Biendl, M. Estrogenic activity of hop components. Brauwelt International, 2004, 22 (1), 24-28. • Donne, P., Educating the Customer – Take some responsibility! Beverage Analyst, 2004 April, 46-47 • Reference Carbodydrates. www.realbeer.com/edu/health/calories.php. The New Brewer 2004, 21 (2), 36-44. • E-Malt.com News Article. The first gluten-free full malt beer in the world comes from Laitila.2005, October 04. • Berge, A.. Cholesterol-lowering beer enters US market.NZ News 2005, January 03. • Parker, D., Food and beer – a natural choice. The Brewer International 2004, 4 (10), 15-16. • Lewis, Michael J., Celiac Disease, Beer , and Brewing. MBAA Tech. Quart. 2005, 42 (1), 45-48. • Anheuser-Busch. Anheuser-Busch Refutes Diet Claim. NZ News 2004, April 23. • Doreen, J.C., NIH Researcher: Moderate Alcohol Use Has Health Benefits. Dow Jones Newswires 2004., June 17. • USA – Today. Heart Disease. USA Today 2004, May 28-30, p. 8. • Pietschmann-Keck, M. and Gerstenberg, H., Hop testing in the context of food safety control. Brauwelt International, 2004, 22 (1), 18-22. • Luntz, P.. There’s more to a good Drink. The Health Benefits of Moderate Alcohol Consumption. Colorado Beverage Analyst. 2004, April, 20-22, 24. • RealAge Tip of the Day, Cheers for Beer. RealAge Web site July 21, 2000. • Szabo, L., What good is alcohol. USA Today, 2004, September 27. • Moen, Alan., Driving to Drink- a Challenge for Brewers.The New Brewer 2003, 20 (6), 44-47. • Brooks, Jay R. Gluten-free Beer: The next Big little thing. The New Brewer 2007, 24 (1), 18-22.

  39. B E E R & H E A L T H Literature References ( 3 of 3): • Rutherford, E. Beer to your Health. The New Brewer 2007, 24 (1), 24-28. • Beer and Health. The Benefits of Moderate Beer Consumption. The Brewers of Europe 2004 • The Effects of Moderate Beer Consumption. 4th Edition 2008. www.brewersofeurope.org • 5th European Beer and Health Symposium, 2008-11-04.. www.brewersofeurope.org • European Symposium. Reducing Alcohol Related Harm. 2009-03-13. www.brewersofeurope.org • Hoffmeister, H., Schelp, F-P, Mensick, GBM et al., The relationship between alcohol consumption, health indicators and mortality in the German population. International Journal of Epidemiology, 1999, 28 (6), 1066-1072. • Brændgaard Mikkelsen, Per. Øl og sundhed - en ernæringsfaglig rapport.The Danish Brewers’ Association - Bryggeriforeningen. 2008-12-18. • Casey, T. and Bamforth, C., The Origin and Transfer of Silicon in Beer. MBAA Tech. Quart. 2008, 45 (2), 141. • Sass, M., Measurable Health Concepts from Wild. Scandinavian Brewers’ Review 2007. 64 (4), 36 – 39. • Sung., Zen and the art of drinking beer. Blog posted on 2008-12-23. www.odemagazine.com • Konnopka, A.,Effects of Moderate Alcohol Consumption. Value in Health,2009, 12 (2). • Krofta, K., Mikyska, A. and Haskova, D., Antioxidant Characteristic of Hops and Hop Products. J. Inst. Brew 2008, 114 (2), 160-166. • Biendl, M., Hops and Health. MBAA Tech. Quart. 2008, 45 (2), 141. • Mitchell, M., Beer and health: The latest facts. MBAA Tech. Quart. 2008, 45 (2), 135. • Ogbonna, A.C., Beer and Health: A Review. MBAA Tech. Quart. 2009 , TQ-46-3-0821-01

  40. B E E R & H E A L T H

  41. B E E R & H E A L T H &FUN!!!! • My wife Margrethe and I depicted how to enjoy a healthy beer in the rain!!


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