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Black Hole Jets

Explore the production, acceleration, and collimation of black hole jets, their superluminal motion, evolution from active galaxies to solar-mass black holes, and phenomena like jet deceleration and beaming. Delve into intermediate black holes, mass estimations, and nebula formation. Review questions included.

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Black Hole Jets

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Black Hole Jets • Acceleration of jets • Collimation of jets • Superluminal motion • Evolution of jets

  2. Jets | -- Size of our Galaxy -- |

  3. Jets

  4. Acceleration of a jet

  5. Collimation of a jet Production of jets is not well understood and is a major topic in current research.

  6. Superluminal motion

  7. What is the lifetime of this jet? | ------------------ | = 150,000 light years

  8. Evolution of Jets • Jets from active galaxies are large and change slowly. • Jets from solar-mass black holes are smaller, by the ratio of the black hole masses, and change more rapidly. • It is possible to study the evolution of jets from solar-mass black hole.

  9. Jets of XTE J1550-564 Show movie then animation.

  10. Jet deceleration • Approaching jet decelerates gradually. • Receding jet brightens only after sharp deceleration. First direct observation of gradual deceleration of BH jet.

  11. Intermediate Mass Black Holes • Eddington limit • Beaming • Nebula around a black hole

  12. A black hole is observed at a luminosity of 3,000,000 solar luminosities. The black hole mass must be • at least 100 solar masses • less than 100 solar masses • exactly 100 solar masses • impossible to determine

  13. Black hole masses • Two types of black holes • Stellar mass black holes are up to 20 solar masses, formed in collapse of stars • Supermassive black holes are 106-109 solar masses, found only in the nuclei of galaxies • Is there anything in between?

  14. Starburst galaxy – M82

  15. Starburst galaxy M82 in X-rays Green cross is center of galaxy Bright X-ray source is 15,000,000 solar luminosities From Eddington limit, looks like a 500 solar mass black hole

  16. Beaming Is the source really as luminous as it looks or are the X-rays in a beam pointing towards us?

  17. Nebula surrounding a BH • X-rays from the BH ionize Helium in the nebula which causes the Helium to emit one particular spectral line • By counting the number of photons in this spectral line of Helium, we can count the number of X-rays and find the true X-ray luminosity in all directions

  18. Nebula around a black hole • Image from “slit-less” spectrograph • Horizontal axis shows position • Vertical axis shows combination of position and wavelength

  19. Nebula around a black hole Black hole is at least 750,000 solar luminosities. Mass is at least 25 solar masses.

  20. Review Questions • How are jets accelerated? • How are jets collimated? • Do superluminal jets really move faster than the speed of light? • Do the jets of stellar-mass black holes evolve faster or slower than the jets of supermassive black holes? • Estimating the mass of a black from its observed flux depends on what assumption?

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