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Released. To be…. Transformational Living. This is the day that the Lord has made Yesterday is in the past – you can’t change it! You can change the impact it has on you by seeing it how God does: D raw from His lessons and apply them, move on go forward….

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Released To be…

  2. Transformational Living • This is the day that the Lord has made Yesterday is in the past – you can’t change it! You can change the impact it has on you by seeing it how God does: Draw from His lessons and apply them, move on go forward…

  3. TODAY I write history in my life and in the world! LIVE FOR TODAY - Be a participator in today. Not “Once I get closer to God I can…” Or once I understand the Bible better I can…” God walks with us in fullness today – We are connected to God TODAY • The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I (Jesus) came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows). Jn 10:10 Amplified Bible

  4. Past Future It is easier to stand in the present

  5. The Father brings moments into our lives which bring us life (even if they seem negative or draining at the time). These moments are chances for us to stop and ask “What are you teaching me through this?” Our Spirits need to hear His response. God will take us through mountains and valleys. We have to have the valleys in order to walk up the next mountain.

  6. The Gospel What caused you to become a Christian; What was the message? Victorious living in ’promised land’ Victims escaping sin

  7. Released to be … But you are a chosen race [generation], a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellences of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; 1 Peter 2:9 NASB

  8. ‘Chosen’ • Adopted and living as a Son – access to the FULL inheritance of the Father. • Precious, Priceless and Deeply loved by God our Father Therefore be available to Him • Samuel • Joseph • Noah • Jonah

  9. “A Royal Priesthood” • Through Jesus we have access to God. • A priests duties: - To bring people before God in prayer - To lead people to a saving knowledge of Him

  10. A Holy Nation “You or I may be the only evidence that our family, our friends, our work colleagues have that there is indeed a God of love and power… We of all people know how to throw a good party because we of all people should know how to celebrate!” “Our lifestyle should be significantly different and attractive. We should constantly and visibly affect the world about us for good” Grace Turner

  11. A people for God’s own possession We can be a God-possessed people when we activate our Spirits to connect with the Spirit of the Father and live as Son’s of the most high God

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