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The Elves and the Shoemaker

Word Knowledge. . feather. weather. leather. instead. Word Knowledge. . feather. weather. leather. instead. ea spelling. Word Knowledge. . skipped. hopped. clapped. stepped. Word Knowledge. . skipped. hopped. clapped. stepped. Suffix -ed. Word Knowledge. . shining. making. hiding. excusing. Word Knowledge.

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The Elves and the Shoemaker

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Presentation Transcript

    1. The Elves and the Shoemaker Open Court Unit 2 Lesson 2 Day 1

    2. Word Knowledge

    3. Word Knowledge

    4. Word Knowledge

    5. Word Knowledge

    6. Word Knowledge

    7. Word Knowledge

    8. Word Knowledge

    9. Word Knowledge

    10. Word Knowledge

    11. Word Knowledge

    12. Word Knowledge feather weather leather instead skipped hopped clapped stepped shining making hiding excusing elf elves shelf shelves wife wives went then next them

    14. Build Background By a show of hands, how many of you have heard or read the story of the elves and the shoemaker. If you have heard the story, tell a little about it without giving away the ending. Do you know how shoes used to be made a long time ago? Shoes used to be made by shoemakers in small shops. How would you respond to someone who helped you?

    15. Genre “The Elves and the Shoemaker” is an example of a folktale. A folktale is a story that is passed down by word of mouth from generation to generation. People from different parts of the world tell folktales that are similar. Folktales usually begin with the words “Once upon a time” or “Long ago and far away” Can you name any other folktales that you have read before?

    16. Background Information Long ago, before shoes were made in factories and sold in shoe stores, shoemakers, or cobblers as they were called, made shoes by hand—one pair at a time.

    17. Preview and Prepare Look at the title, the pictures and the words. Look for any clues, problems, or wonderings. Remember to mark them with your post it notes. Be ready to share what you find with the rest of the class.

    18. leather The shoemaker had one piece of leather to make one pair of shoes.

    19. leather The shoemaker had one piece of leather to make one pair of shoes.

    20. leather The shoemaker had one piece of leather to make one pair of shoes. My new boots are made of fine, brown leather, not plastic or cloth.

    21. leather The shoemaker had one piece of leather to make one pair of shoes. My new boots are made of fine, brown leather, not plastic or cloth.

    22. leather The shoemaker had one piece of leather to make one pair of shoes. My new boots are made of fine, brown leather, not plastic or cloth. Definition: material made from animal skin.

    23. leather His boots and jacket were made of leather.

    24. polished The leather was polished and shiny.

    25. polished The leather was polished and shiny.

    26. polished The leather was polished and shiny. We polished the rocks until they sparkled like diamonds.

    27. polished The leather was polished and shiny. We polished the rocks until they sparkled like diamonds.

    28. polished The leather was polished and shiny. We polished the rocks until they sparkled like diamonds. Definition: made smooth and shiny

    29. polished The two polished things were very shiny.

    30. handsome What fine and handsome elves they were!

    31. handsome What fine and handsome elves they were!

    32. handsome What fine and handsome elves they were! My cousin is a handsome young man. He is good looking.

    33. handsome What fine and handsome elves they were! My cousin is a handsome young man. He is good looking.

    34. handsome What fine and handsome elves they were! My cousin is a handsome young man. He is good looking. Definition: good looking

    35. handsome The handsome family had their picture taken.

    36. cobbler No longer cobblers will we be.

    37. cobbler No longer cobblers will we be.

    38. cobbler No longer cobblers will we be. The cobbler fixed the broken heel on my shoe.

    39. cobbler No longer cobblers will we be. The cobbler fixed the broken heel on my shoe.

    40. cobbler No longer cobblers will we be. The cobbler fixed the broken heel on my shoe. Definition: a person who makes and repairs shoes.

    41. cobbler The cobbler fixed my shoe!

    42. Comprehension Strategies Making Predictions _________ happened, so I think _________ will happen. Monitoring and Clarifying I didn’t understand that part. Maybe I should go back and read it again or ask a question about it. Asking Questions Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?

    43. Guess the Covered Word Spelling Unit 2 Lesson 2

    78. Commas In a friendly letter, the greeting usually begins with the word “Dear” followed by the name of the person who will get the letter. This part of the letter is called the greeting. A comma is written after that name. The closing is at the end of a letter. A comma is written after the closing too. The writer’s signature is written below the closing. Only the first letter of the greeting and the closing are capitalized.

    79. Commas: Greetings and Closings Examples of comma use in a friendly letter: After a greeting: Dear Uncle Harry, After a closing: Love, Sally

    80. The Elves and the Shoemaker Open Court Unit 2 Lesson 2 Day 2

    81. Word Knowledge

    82. Word Knowledge

    83. Word Knowledge

    84. Word Knowledge

    85. Word Knowledge

    86. Word Knowledge

    87. Word Knowledge

    88. Word Knowledge

    89. Word Knowledge

    90. Word Knowledge

    91. Word Knowledge feather weather leather instead skipped hopped clapped stepped shining making hiding excusing elf elves shelf shelves wife wives went then next them

    93. Selection Vocabulary leather: material made from animal skin polished: made smooth and shiny handsome: good looking cobbler: someone who makes and repairs shoes

    94. Synonyms Synonyms: Choose the word that means the same or about the same as the underlined word. Cinderella thought the prince was very handsome. gorgeous ugly

    95. Take a bow…You got it right!

    96. Sorry…Try Again!

    97. Comprehension Strategies Making Predictions _________ happened, so I think _________ will happen. Monitoring and Clarifying I didn’t understand that part. Maybe I should go back and read it again or ask a question about it. Asking Questions Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?

    98. Discussing Strategy Use On what basis did you make and confirm predictions? How did you clarify unfamiliar words or phrases? What questions did you ask as you read the story?

    99. Dialogue Dialogue is a written conversation between two or more characters in a story that makes them seem more real and interesting. It helps to make the characters seem more real by showing readers what they are thinking and feeling. Dialogue also helps readers stay more interested in what is going on in the story, and it helps the action move along more quickly.

    100. Examples of Dialogue Which is more interesting? At that moment two ladies came in. They looked exactly alike. “My, what pretty shoes!” said the ladies. “They will surely fit us.” And the ladies were right. At that very moment two ladies came in. They looked exactly alike. They said that the shoes were pretty and that the shoes would fit them. And the ladies were right.

    101. Word Sort Consonant Vowel Consonant Consonant Vowel Consonant Consonant CVC CVCC

    102. Word Sort Consonant Vowel Consonant Consonant Vowel Consonant Consonant CVC CVCC bell

    103. Word Sort Consonant Vowel Consonant Consonant Vowel Consonant Consonant CVC CVCC fed bell

    104. Word Sort Consonant Vowel Consonant Consonant Vowel Consonant Consonant CVC CVCC fed bell nest

    105. Word Sort Consonant Vowel Consonant Consonant Vowel Consonant Consonant CVC CVCC fed bell nest send

    106. Word Sort Consonant Vowel Consonant Consonant Vowel Consonant Consonant CVC CVCC fed bell nest send test

    107. Word Sort Consonant Vowel Consonant Consonant Vowel Consonant Consonant CVC CVCC fed bell yet nest send test

    108. Word Sort Consonant Vowel Consonant Consonant Vowel Consonant Consonant CVC CVCC fed bell yet nest send test went

    109. Word Sort Consonant Vowel Consonant Consonant Vowel Consonant Consonant CVC CVCC fed bell yet nest send test went next

    110. Homophones pair two buy are one no new see pear to by our won know knew sea

    111. Commas: Greetings and Closings In a friendly letter, the greeting usually begins with the word “Dear” followed by the name of the person who will get the letter. This part of the letter is called the greeting. A comma is written after that name. The closing is at the end of a letter. A comma is written after the closing too. The writer’s signature is written below the closing. Only the first letter of the greeting and the closing are capitalized.

    112. Let’s Practice! Where do the commas go? Dear Mike Love Dad Sincerely yours Dear Froggy Hugs and kisses Kitty

    113. Let’s Practice! Where do the commas go? Dear Mike, Love, Dad Sincerely yours, Dear Froggy, Hugs and kisses, Kitty

    114. The Elves and the Shoemaker Open Court Unit 2 Lesson 2 Day 3

    115. Phonics and Fluency

    116. Phonics and Fluency

    117. Phonics and Fluency

    118. Phonics and Fluency

    119. Phonics and Fluency

    120. Phonics and Fluency

    121. Phonics and Fluency

    122. Phonics and Fluency

    123. Phonics and Fluency

    124. Phonics and Fluency

    125. Phonics and Fluency moment gold clothes piano woke stove froze joke toe foe hoe Joe bowl crow throw mow coats boat float goat

    126. Phonics and Fluency

    127. Selection Vocabulary leather: material made from animal skin polished: made smooth and shiny handsome: good looking cobbler: someone who makes and repairs shoes

    128. Antonyms Antonyms: Choose the word the means the opposite of the underlined word. The briefcase was made of leather. animal skin plastic The cobbler fixed the little girl’s shoes. tailor shoe-maker

    129. Take a bow…You got it right!

    130. Sorry…Try Again!

    131. Take a bow…You got it right!

    132. Comprehension Skills Sequencing I should look at the time and order words to see what order the events in he story happened. Making Inferences Based on the clues from the author, I think ______ about the story.

    133. Checking Comprehension How do the shoemaker and his wife repay the kindness the elves showed? Even though the elves leave how are they still being kind to the shoemaker and his wife? Will the shoemaker and his wife be kind to other people? Why do you think so?

    134. High Frequency Word Sort a e

    135. High Frequency Word Sort a e get

    136. High Frequency Word Sort a e after get

    137. High Frequency Word Sort a e after get help

    138. High Frequency Word Sort a e after get ask help

    139. High Frequency Word Sort a e after get ask help pretty

    140. High Frequency Word Sort a e after get ask help can pretty

    141. High Frequency Word Sort a e after get ask help can pretty her

    142. High Frequency Word Sort a e after get ask help can pretty had her

    143. High Frequency Word Sort a e after get ask help can pretty had her them

    144. High Frequency Word Sort a e after get ask help can pretty had her has them

    145. High Frequency Word Sort a e after get ask help can pretty had her has them then

    146. High Frequency Word Sort a e after get ask help can pretty had her has them ran then

    147. High Frequency Word Sort a e after get ask help can pretty had her has them ran then that

    148. High Frequency Word Sort a e after get ask help can pretty had her has them ran then that fast

    149. High Frequency Word Sort a e after get ask help can pretty had her has them ran then that yes fast

    150. High Frequency Word Sort a e after get ask help can pretty had her has them ran then that yes fast bet

    151. Homophones Sometimes letters and numbers are good sources for homophones Example: B and bee C, sea, and see I and eye 1 and won 2, too, and to 4 and for 8 and ate

    152. Commas: Greetings and Closings Remember that commas are needed at the end of a greeting Commas are also needed at the end of a closing The first letter of a greeting and closing are always capitalized

    153. The Elves and the Shoemaker Open Court Unit 2 Lesson 2 Day 4

    154. Phonics and Fluency

    155. Phonics and Fluency

    156. Phonics and Fluency

    157. Phonics and Fluency

    158. Phonics and Fluency

    159. Phonics and Fluency

    160. Phonics and Fluency

    161. Phonics and Fluency

    162. Phonics and Fluency

    163. Phonics and Fluency

    164. Phonics and Fluency moment gold clothes piano woke stove froze joke toe foe hoe Joe bowl crow throw mow coats boat float goat

    165. Phonics and Fluency

    166. Dictation 1: _______ _______ _______ 2: _______ _______ _______ Challenge Word: _______ Sentence:

    167. The Overholts

    168. Copy this slide for new story words and new high frequency wordsCopy this slide for new story words and new high frequency words

    169. Copy this slide for new story words and new high frequency wordsCopy this slide for new story words and new high frequency words

    170. Copy this slide for new story words and new high frequency wordsCopy this slide for new story words and new high frequency words

    171. Copy this slide for new story words and new high frequency wordsCopy this slide for new story words and new high frequency words

    172. Copy this slide for new story words and new high frequency wordsCopy this slide for new story words and new high frequency words

    173. Copy this slide for new story words and new high frequency wordsCopy this slide for new story words and new high frequency words

    174. Copy this slide for new story words and new high frequency wordsCopy this slide for new story words and new high frequency words

    175. Copy this slide for new story words and new high frequency wordsCopy this slide for new story words and new high frequency words

    176. Copy this slide for new story words and new high frequency wordsCopy this slide for new story words and new high frequency words

    177. Copy this slide for new story words and new high frequency wordsCopy this slide for new story words and new high frequency words

    178. Copy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency wordsCopy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency words

    179. Copy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency wordsCopy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency words

    180. Copy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency wordsCopy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency words

    181. Copy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency wordsCopy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency words

    182. Copy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency wordsCopy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency words

    183. Copy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency wordsCopy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency words

    184. Copy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency wordsCopy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency words

    185. Copy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency wordsCopy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency words

    186. Copy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency wordsCopy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency words

    187. Copy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency wordsCopy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency words

    188. Copy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency wordsCopy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency words

    189. Copy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency wordsCopy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency words

    190. Copy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency wordsCopy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency words

    191. Copy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency wordsCopy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency words

    192. Copy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency wordsCopy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency words

    193. Copy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency wordsCopy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency words

    194. Copy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency wordsCopy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency words

    195. Copy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency wordsCopy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency words

    196. Copy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency wordsCopy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency words

    197. Copy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency wordsCopy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency words

    198. Copy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency wordsCopy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency words

    199. Copy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency wordsCopy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency words

    200. Copy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency wordsCopy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency words

    201. Copy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency wordsCopy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency words

    202. Copy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency wordsCopy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency words

    203. Copy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency wordsCopy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency words

    204. Copy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency wordsCopy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency words

    205. Copy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency wordsCopy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency words

    206. Copy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency wordsCopy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency words

    207. Copy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency wordsCopy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency words

    208. Copy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency wordsCopy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency words

    209. Copy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency wordsCopy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency words

    210. Copy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency wordsCopy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency words

    211. Copy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency wordsCopy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency words

    212. Copy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency wordsCopy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency words

    213. Copy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency wordsCopy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency words

    214. Copy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency wordsCopy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency words

    215. Copy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency wordsCopy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency words

    216. Copy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency wordsCopy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency words

    217. Copy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency wordsCopy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency words

    218. Copy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency wordsCopy and paste this slide for all previously introduced high frequency words

    219. Selection Vocabulary leather: material made from animal skin polished: made smooth and shiny handsome: good looking cobbler: someone who makes and repairs shoes

    220. Multiple Meanings The shoes were polished by the shoe shine boy. Choose the sentence that uses clearing in the same way as in the sentence above. a. The little girls shoes were shiny and polished. b. The performance of the actor was polished.

    221. Take a bow…You got it right!

    222. Sorry…Try Again!

    223. Handing Off How did the poor shoemaker and his wife become rich and successful? Do you think the elves expected the shoemaker to return their kindness? Why or why not? What rewards did the different characters in this story and in “Mushroom in the Rain” receive for their kindness? Have you ever returned kindness to someone who was kind to you? What did you do? What does “The Elves and the Shoemaker” add to what you already know about kindness?

    224. Meet the Author What effect did Freya Littledale’s childhood have on her writing? What kind of stories do you think Freya Littledale chose to retell?

    225. Meet the Illustrator How does Brinton Turkle feel about illustrating stories for children? What “special touches” do you think Brinton Turkle added to the illustrations in “The Elves and the Shoemaker”?

    226. Homophones The to eagles flew too Colorado, two. Is this sentence correct? The two eagles flew to Colorado, too. We are going buy the store to bye toys. By! Is this sentence correct? We are going by the store to buy toys. Bye!

    227. Speaking Clearly What makes a good speaker? Pronounce each word you say Make eye contact with the person you are speaking to Speak loudly enough to be heard without shouting We should practice these rules whenever we are speaking. What is the kindest thing someone has ever done for you?

    228. The Elves and the Shoemaker Open Court Unit 2 Lesson 2 Day 5

    229. Social Studies Connection There are many people in our neighborhood that show kindness to others. Can you think of anybody in our community that shows kindness for others? How do they show kindness? Draw a picture of someone in your community that shows kindness to others.

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