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Track Output Interpretation

Track Output Interpretation. Thomas Herring. Track Output Files. Track outputs progress directly to the screen and this output can be re-directed with > to a file. (Generally track_xxx.out) Summary file (track.sum by default) Position files (NEU or GEOD) Phase residual files (optional)

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Track Output Interpretation

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  1. Track Output Interpretation Thomas Herring Unavco Track Output

  2. Track Output Files • Track outputs progress directly to the screen and this output can be re-directed with > to a file. (Generally track_xxx.out) • Summary file (track.sum by default) • Position files (NEU or GEOD) • Phase residual files (optional) • Wide-lane value files: (optional, sometime useful if cycle slip missed) • Meaning of output entries discussed in help file. Unavco Track Output

  3. Summary file • This file is a short summary of the run. It lists • files and parameters that were used for the run • Process noise values • Any editing specified by the user • FINAL bias flag report. The Fixd column indicates if the bias was fixed (denoted by value 3). • Summary of residual scatter as function of site and satellite and versus elevation angle (These are RMS differences from fixed station) • Generally residual RMS should be less than 10 mm although values up to 20 mm can be OK. Unavco Track Output

  4. Output file from track • Track outputs extensive information during its run. • The initial output is status during reading of the rinex files. Errors in the files are reported here and a summary of satellites seen. • Most common problem here is no sampling rate given in rinex file. Command INTERVAL needs to be used. • An initial pseudorange solution establishes the trajectory of the kinematic sites and statistics on differences from apriori coordinates and RMS scatter of trajectory are given. • Bias flags being added to jumps in wide-lanes are reported. Unavco Track Output

  5. Output continued • Summary of Bias flags needed with estimates of numbers of cycles. These are reported by site, satellite and epoch range. Initial set are labled INITIAL and these are checked for close values which are made to be the same estimates to generated UNIFIED entries. • Estimates of mean MW-WL and Mean Ionospheric delay along with sigma estimates are given. (A correlation time is assumed in the sigma calculation). • Dependences of biases are given with the ‘DD bias refs’ entries. Although listed as one ways, values are double differences. Unavco Track Output

  6. Output continued • Iteratively, track tries to resolve the ambiguities to integer values. • Floating point estimates of the biases as they are estimated. • RMS fit of the double difference residuals • Any bad double differences are reported and removed (repeating values can be indication of missed cycle slip). • Bias flag fixing report: Fix column (T or F) indicates if bias was successfully fixed. The Fcode column indicates why it was not fixed. • This sequence is repeated until an iteration when no new biases are fixed. • The final position estimates are then computed and output in the requested formats. Unavco Track Output

  7. Fcode Interpretation • For float_type LC the Fcode is • S -- Floating point estimate sigma too large (Sig Limit) • W -- MW WL sigma too large • R -- Relative rank not large enough • C -- Chi**2 increment too large for the best choice of ambiquities • O -- One other bias in the double differences not fixed yet. * BF S PRN Epoch Range F Estimate dLC Sig Limit Relative Rank Fix Fcode Change L1 L2 Residual L1 L2 Fits Best LC WL LG 175 5 PRN 15 1 43 1 1.86 +- 0.24 SL 0.25 RR 2.36 F F --R-- dL1,2 3 3 dL12 0.31 -0.08 Fits 11.7 0.8 0.3 105.7 48 2 PRN 07 1 429 1 -0.16 +- 0.74 SL 0.25 RR 9660.51 F F S---O dL1,2 0 0 dL12 -0.28 -0.02 Fits 0.4 0.1 0.1 2.1 Unavco Track Output

  8. Improving ambiguity resolution • The Fcodes can indicate how to fix ambiguities that track by default is not able to fix. • Common fixes: • S and W indicate that the estimated sigmas on the float estimates and/or MW-WL are too large. If the relative ranks are large, the the sigma tolerances can be increased with the Float_type command, • If ambiguities seem to have the same value then user_delbf can be used to remove an extra one but care should be taken because some receivers can have 1/1 L1 L2 cycle slips. • Chi-squared increments may be too large (especially LG (ionosphere) and sometime WL so by down weighting in the float_type command, relative rank can be improved. Unavco Track Output

  9. Other tunable parameters • Process noise to be used on the atmospheric delay is variable • If noise is too large, then height estimates and atmospheric delay estimates are highly correlated • If noise is to small, then atmospheric delay variations map into height variations • For aircraft, track now has process noise that depends on the rate of change of altitude. • Units of process noise are random-walk change in meters per epoch (standard deviation grows as square of number of epochs). Unavco Track Output

  10. Activity • Look at summary and output files for some kinematic examples. • Examine effects of changes in Float_type command on the performance of track. Unavco Track Output

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