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Dairy Cow Feed and Feeding Aspects Around Welemera District Finfine Speical Zone, Holeta Area. Presented by Liyusew Ayalew & Gezahegne Kebede (EIAR) (HARC) at the Inception meeting for the ‘ Fodder and feed in livestock value chains in Ethiopia ’ project
Dairy Cow Feed and Feeding Aspects Around Welemera DistrictFinfineSpeical Zone, Holeta Area Presented by Liyusew Ayalew & Gezahegne Kebede (EIAR) (HARC) at the Inception meeting for the ‘Fodder and feed in livestock value chains in Ethiopia’ project ILRI, Addis Ababa, 21-22 February 2012
About Holetta • Altitude:- 2400 m above sea level • Latitude :- 9o00’N • Longitude:- : 38o30’E • Annual Rainfall :- 1055 mm • Farming system-Crop livestock farming system • Location -western side of Addis Abeba on the highway from Addis to Ambo road • Distance from Addis Abeba –Around 38 km
Main production problems and possible solutions for the input supplyAt small holder level(individuals)
Inputs or services Who supplies AI/natural mating? • Most of the dairy producers are getting AI service from district ministry of agriculture • Very few are using natural mating from their own selected bull • Very few are using AI and natural mating from their Owen farm level
Drags and vaccine • Drags -from private Animal drag shop • Vaccine -from Government institute and private drags shop
Equipment and other inputs? • Small holders –Uses from their Owen locally made equipments and purchased from local markets • Medium and large scale farms- From foreign and domestic markets
What is the main possible solution for input supply? • Sustainable system should be develop to link input suppliers with producers • More attention should be given to the sector
Processing/marketingMain marketing channels for smallholders Producers Cooperative Locally processed Roadside collectors unions Local market near by Processers Hotel cafe Processers Consumers supermarkets Supermarkets Consumers Hotels Collectors Whole sellers Retailers Consumers Consumers
Processing/marketingMain marketing channels for medium farms Producers Hotel, cafes Roadside collectors Consumers Processers Supermarkets Consumers
Processing/marketingMain marketing channels for Large scakle farms Producers Processing unit Processers Road side collectors Hotels, cafes supermarkets Supermarkets Processers Consumers Consumers Consumers Supermarkets Consumers
What are the main problems associated with marketing and how might be solved