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J.D. Power and Associates 2005 Rear-Seat Entertainment Usage and Satisfaction Study SM. Overall Satisfaction (Based on a 1,000-point scale). Vehicle Model. Supplier. Panasonic Visteon Panasonic Mitsubishi Electric Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic JCI Panasonic Panasonic
J.D. Power and Associates 2005 Rear-Seat Entertainment Usage and Satisfaction StudySM Overall Satisfaction (Based on a 1,000-point scale) Vehicle Model Supplier Panasonic Visteon Panasonic Mitsubishi Electric Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic JCI Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic JCI Panasonic JCI Panasonic Delphi NA Delphi Delphi Delphi Panasonic Panasonic Visteon JCI Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Visteon Visteon JCI JCI ASC Panasonic Panasonic ASC JCI Mitsubishi Electric JCI Visteon Panasonic Included in the study but not ranked due to insufficient sample size for award consideration are: BMW 7-Series (Harman/Becker), Infiniti QX (Panasonic), Jaguar XJ (Alpine), Lexus LX 470 (Harman/Becker), Lincoln Navigator (Delphi), Toyota Highlander (Panasonic) and Toyota Tundra (Panasonic). Source: J.D. Power and Associates 2005 Rear-Seat Entertainment Satisfaction and Usage StudySM Charts and graphs extracted from this press release must be accompanied by a statement identifying J.D. Power and Associates as the publisher and the J.D. Power and Associates 2005 Rear-Seat Entertainment Satisfaction and Usage StudySM as the source. No advertising or other promotional use can be made of the information in this release or J.D. Power and Associates study results without the express prior written consent of J.D. Power and Associates.