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The pp-chain (and the CNO-cycle) after SNO and KamLAND. Fourth International Conference on Physics Beyond the Standard Model “BEYOND THE DESERT ‘03” Castle Ringberg, Tegernsee, Germany 9-14 June 2003. Barbara Ricci, University of Ferrara and INFN. FAPG. Ferrara AstroParticles Group
The pp-chain (and the CNO-cycle) after SNO and KamLAND Fourth International Conference on Physics Beyond the Standard Model “BEYOND THE DESERT ‘03” Castle Ringberg, Tegernsee, Germany 9-14 June 2003 Barbara Ricci, University of Ferrara and INFN
FAPG Ferrara AstroParticles Group (University and INFN)
Outline • Boron-neutrinos after SNO and KamLAND • What can we learn from B-neutrinos? • What have we learnt from Helioseismology? • The Sun as a laboratory for fundamental physics • Main messages: • Neutrinos are now probes of the solar interior • accurate determinations of S17,S34 and S1,14 are particularly important now.
DM SN Earth The new era of neutrino physics • We have learnt a lot on neutrinos. Their survival/transmutation probabilities in matter are now understood. • We have still a lot to learn for a precise description of the mass matrix (and other neutrino properties…) • Now that we know the fate of neutrinos, we can learn a lot from neutrinos. Sun
1s level The measured boron flux • The total active FB=F(ne + nm + nt) boron flux is now a measured quantity. By combining all observational data one has*: FB= 5.05 (1 ± 0.06) 106 cm-2s-1. • The central value is in perfect agreement with the Bahcall 2000 SSM • Note the present1s error is DFB/FB =6% • In the next few yearsone hope to reach DFB/FB»3% *Bahcall et al. astro-ph/0212147 and astro-ph/0305159
FB The Boron Flux, Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics s33s34s17se7s11 Nuclear • FB depends on nuclear physics and astrophysics inputs • Scaling laws have been found numerically and are physically understood FB= FB (SSM)· s33-0.43 s34 0.84 s171 se7-1 s11-2.7 · com1.4 opa2.6 dif 0.34 lum7.2 • These give flux variation with respect to the SSM calculation when the input X is changed by x = X/X(SSM) . • Can learn astrophysics if nuclear physics is known well enough. astro *Scaling laws derived from FRANEC models including diffusion. Coefficients closer to those of Bahcall are obtained if diffusion is neglected.
Source DS/S(1s) DFB/FB Uncertainties budget S33 0.06* 0.03 S34 0.09 0.08 S17** +0.14 -0.07 +0.14 -0.07 • Nuclear physics uncertainties, particularly on S17 and S34 , dominate over the present observational accuracy DFB/FB =6% (1s ). • The foreseeable accuracy DFB/FB =3% could illuminate about solar physics if a significant improvement on S17 and S34 is obtained. • For fully exploiting the physics potential of a FB measurement with 3% accuracy one has to determine S17 and S34 at the level of 3% or better. Se7 0.02 0.02 S11 0.02 0.05 Com 0.06 0.08 Opa 0.02 0.05 Dif 0.10*** 0.03 Lum 0.004 0.03 • *LUNA result • **Adelberger Compilation: see below • ***by helioseismic const. • [gf et al.A&A 342 (1999) 492] • See similar table in JNB, astro-ph/0209080
Progress on S17 S17(0)[eV b] • Adelberger and NACRE use a conservative uncertainty (»9%), • Recently high accuracy determinations of S17 have appeared. • Average from 5 recent determinations yields: • S17(0)= 21.1 ± 0.4 (1s) • In principle an accuracy of 2% has been reached, however c2/dof=2 indicating some tension among different data. Data published Results of direct capture expts**. **See also Davids & Typel (2003): 19 ± 0.5 eVb :
Source DS/S (1s) DFB/FB Remark on S34 S33 0.06* 0.03 S34 0.09 0.08 S17 0.02 0.02 • If really S17(0) has a 2% accuracy, the 9% error of S34(0) is the main source of uncertainty for extracting physics from Boron flux. Se7 0.02 0.02 S11 0.02 0.05 Com 0.06 0.08 Opa 0.02 0.05 Dif 0.10*** 0.03 Lum 0.004 0.03 • LUNA results on S34 will be extremely important.
pp Be Fi/FiSSM B Tc/TcSSM Sensitivity to the central temperature Castellani et al. ‘97 Bahcall and Ulmer. ‘96 • Boron neutrinos are mainly determined by the central temperature, almost independently in the way we vary it. • (The same holds for pp and Be neutrinos)
The central solar temperature • The various inputs to FB can be grouped according to their effect on the solar temperature. • All nuclear inputs (but S11) only determine pp-chain branches without changing solar structure. • The effect of the others can be reabsorbed into a variation of the “central” solar temperature: • FB =FB(SSM) [Tc /Tc(SSM) ]20. .S33-0.43 S340.84 S17 Se7-1 • Boron neutrinos are excellent solar thermometers due to their high (»20) power dependence.
1s level Present and future for measuring T with B-neutrinos • At present, DFB/FB =6% and DSnuc/ Snuc= 12% (cons.) translate into DTc/Tc= 0.7 % the main error being due to S17 and S34. • If nuclear physics were perfect (DSnuc/Snuc =0) already now we could have: DTc/Tc= 0.3 % • When DFB/FB =3% one can hope to reach (for DSnuc/Snuc =0) : DTc/Tc= 0.15 %
Du/u 1s3s u Helioseismic observables From the measurements of p-modes one derives: a)sound speed squared: u=P/r (1s) accuracy » 0.1 – 1%, depending on the solar region b) properties of the convective envelope Rb /Ro= 0.711(1± 0.14%) (1s) Yph=0.249 (1±1.4%) See e.g. Dziembowski et al. Astr.Phys. 7 (1997) 77
SSM and helioseismology • Standard solar models are generally in agreement with data to the “(1s)” level: e.g. BP2000 • Some possible disagreement just below the convective envelope (a feature common to almost every model and data set) YBP2000=0.244 Y= 0.249±0.003 RbBP2000=0.714 Rb=0.711 ± 0.001 BP2000=Bahcall et al. ApJ 555 (2001) 990
Helioseismology constrains solar models and solar temperature (1) • Temperature of the solar interior cannot be determined directly from helioseismology: chemical composition is needed: (u=P/r »T/ m) • But we can obtain the range of allowed values of Tc by using th following approach: • build solar models by varying the solar inputs which mainly affect Tc (S11, chemical composition, opacity…) • select those models consistent with helioseismic data(sound speed profile, properties of the convective envelope)
Examples: Z/X S11 The metal content is constrained at the 5% level (1s) S11 is constrained at 2% level (1s) • Actually one has to consider: • 1) all parameters which affect Tc in the proper way (compensation effects) • 2) not only sound speed, but above all the properties of the convective envelope .…..
1s level Helioseismology constrained solar models and solar temperature (2) • Temperature of the solar interior cannot be determined directly from helioseismology • So - if we build solar models by varying the solar inputs which mainly affect Tc • -and select those models consistent with helioseismic data(sound speed profile, properties of the convective envelope) • We find: Helioseismic constraint: DTc/Tc= 0.5 % BR et al. PLB 407 (1997) 155
1s level Comparison between the two approaches • Helioseismic constrained solar models give: • DTc/Tc= 0.5 % • Boron neutrinos observation translate into • DTc/Tc= 0.7 % • (main error being due to S17 and S34) • For the innermost part of the sun, neutrinos are now almost as accurate as helioseismology • (They can become more accurate than helioseismology in the near future)
The Sun as a laboratory for astrophysics and fundamental physics • An accurate measurement of the solar temperature near the center can be relevant for many purposes • It provides a new challenge to SSM calculations • It allows a determination of the metal content in the solar interior, which has important consequences on the history of the solar system (and on exo-solar systems) • One can find constraints (surprises, or discoveries) on: • Axion emission from the Sun • The physics of extra dimensions (through Kaluza-Klein emission) • Dark matter (if trapped in the Sun it could change the solar temperature very near the center) • …
Be neutrinos • In the long run (KamLAND +Borexino+LENS…) one can expect to measure FBe with an accuracy DFBe/FBe»5% • FBe is insensitive to S17, however the uncertainty on S34will become important. • FBe is less sensitive to the solar structure/temperature (FBe » T10). • An accuracy DFBe/FBe»5% will provide at best DT/T »0.5% • Remark however that Be and B bring information on (slightly) different regions of the Sun
CNO neutrinos, LUNA and the solar interior • Solar model predictions for CNO neutrino fluxes are not precise because the CNO fusion reactions are not as well studied as the pp reactions. • Also, the Coulomb barrier is higher for the CNO reactions, implying a greater sensitivity to details of the solar model. • The principal error source is S1,14. The new measurement by LUNA is obviously welcome.
Summary • Solar neutrinos are becoming an important tool for studying the solar interior and fundamental physics • At present they give information about solar temperature as accurate as helioseismologydoes • Better determinations of S17, S34 and S1,14 are needed for fully exploiting the physics potential of solar neutrinos. • All this could bring us towards fundamental questions: • Is the Sun fully powered by nuclear reactions? • Is the Sun emitting something else, beyond photons and neutrinos?
8B 8Be*+ e+ +e 2 E 14,06 MeV pp-chain 99,77% p + p d+ e+ + e E 0,42 MeV 0,23% p + e - + p d + e E= 1,44 MeV S(0)=(4,000,068)10-22KeVb 84,7% ~210-5 % d + p 3He + 13,8% 3He + 4He7Be + S(0)=(0,52 0,02) KeV b 13,78% 0,02% 7Be + e-7Li + + e E 0,86 MeV 7Be + p 8B + 3He + 3He + 2p S(0)=(5,4 0,4) MeVb 7Li + p + 3He + p + e+ + e E 18 MeV pp I pp II pp III hep
Observations • On Earth: network of telescopes at different longitudines: -Global Oscillation Network Group (GONG) -Birmingham Solar Oscillations Network (BiSON). GONG • From satellite: • since 1995: SoHo (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory) D=1.5 10^6 km
giorni Solar rotation • Solar surface does not rotateuniformely: T=24 days (30 days) at equator (poles). days • Helioseismology (after 6 years of data taking) shows that below the convective region the sun rotates in a uniform way • Note: Erot =1/2 m wrotR2» 0.02 eV Erot << KT http://bigcat.phys.au.dk/helio_outreach/english/
Radiative zone: B < 30MG, mn > 5 10-15mB Tachocline B < 30000G, mn > 3 10-12mB External zone, flux tube, B =4000G Magnetic field • From the observation of sunspots number a 11 year solar cycle has been determined (Sunspots= very intense magnetic lines of force (3kG) break through the Sun's surface) • the different rotation between convection and radiative regions could generate a dynamo mechanism: • B< 30 kG near the bottom of the convective zone.( e.g. Nghiem, Garcia, Turck-Chièze, Jimenez-Reyes, 2003) • B< 30 MG in the radiative zone • Anyhow also a 106G field give an energy contribution << KT
Inversion method • Calculate frequencies wi as a function of u wi = wi(uj) j=radial coordinate • Assume Standard Solar Model as linear deviation around the true sun: wi=wi, sun + Aij(uj-uj,sun) • Minimize the difference between the measured Wi and the calculated wi • In this way determine Duj=uj-uj, sun
Does the Sun Shine by pp or CNO Fusion Reactions? Bahcall, Garcia & Pena-Garay PRL 2003 • Solar neutrino experiments set an upper limit (3s) of 7.8% (7.3% including the recent KamLAND measurements) to the fraction of energy that the Sun produces via the CNO fusion cycle, • This is an order of magnitude improvement upon the previous limit. • New experiments are required to detect CNO neutrinos corresponding to the 1.5% of the solar luminosity that the standard solar model predicts is generated by the CNO cycle.