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This letter was written in 2070. Yes, 2070

This letter was written in 2070. Yes, 2070. It was found in an odd envelope. The paper was hard and gray, like it was ma d e from metal and paper. There was no stamp. The letter. www ww w www w

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This letter was written in 2070. Yes, 2070

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  1. This letter was written in 2070. Yes, 2070

  2. It was found in an odd envelope. The paper was hard and gray, like it was made from metal and paper. There was no stamp.

  3. The letter www ww w www w Wwwwww w w ww w wwwwwwww wwwwwww w w w wwwww ww w w w www wWwwwww w w ww w wwwwwwww wwwwwww w w ww www ww w www wWwwwww w w ww w wwwwwwww wwwwwww w w w wwwww ww w w w www w Wwwwww w w ww w wwwwwwwwWwwwww w w ww w wwwwwwww wwwwwww w w w wwwww ww w w w www wWwwwww w w ww w wwwwwwww wwwwwww w w ww www ww w www wWwwwww w w ww w wwwwwwww wwwwwww w w w wwwww ww w w w www w Wwwwww w w ww w wwwwwwww Document was published: "Crónica de los Tiempos" april 2002.

  4. We are in year 2070. I was just celebrating 50th birthday, but l look like l was 85.. I have severe medical problems, cause l don’t drink much water. I think l have little time left. Today, l am one of the oldest people in our community.

  5. I remember the time when l was 5 years old. Everything was so different. . There were many trees at the parks, houses had beautiful gardens and l could enjoy a bath or just stand in the shower for an hour. Today l use special towels with mineral oils to clean.

  6. Before, women had beautiful long hair. . Today, we shave our heads in order to keep them clean. Before, my dad washed the car, using a hose. . Today, children don’t believe us water was ever used that way !

  7. I remember some saying: “save the water”, but no one took seriously those warnings, cause nobody ever thought the water would be gone. Today, all rivers, lakes, waterfalls are contaminated to a point of being poisoned or not existing.

  8. All the landscape around us now is a vast desert. Skin diseases, urinary infections and digestion problems are main cause of death now.

  9. The industry is paralyzed, unemployment is dramatic. Factories that filter the water are main source of employment,they do not pay with money, but with water.

  10. Attacks for a glass of water on the streets are common. The food is 80% synthetic.

  11. They used to say we should drink AT LEAST 8 glasses of water every day. Now l can only drink a half !

  12. We usually throw away the clothes after wearing them, which is horrible. We had to go back to old sources, cause the waterworks do not work – there is not water.

  13. People look pathetic. Dehydrated bodies with odd shapes, the skin is wrinkled cause of the UV rays; there is no ozone layer left.

  14. The skin of a 20-year old girl, looks like she is at least 40, cause of the dehydration. Scientist seek solutions- there are none. We can’t remake the water. There is not much oxygen left cause there are almost no trees left. The IQ of new generations is extremely lower cause of the lack of oxygen in the air we breathe.

  15. Even the sperm has changed. Consequently, there are many disorders in the functioning of newborn babies, mutations are very common and deformations also…

  16. We pay taxes to the government for the air we breathe. 137 m3 a day for an adult. Those who can’t pay, live in ‘’ventilated areas’’ – there are huge artificial lungs, functioning using the solar power.. The air has no quality, but they can at least breathe. Average age: 35

  17. In some places, there is a little vegetation left by the rivers, guarded by the army. Water became a treasure, much more valued than any gold & diamonds ever were.

  18. There are no trees left, cause there is no rain. If it rains, it is acid rain. Cause of the industry & nuclear tests,pollution of all sorts, the seasons have changed drastically. There were warnings – no one listened on time.

  19. When my daughter asks me to tell her about ‘the old times’, l speak of the beauty of the forests. I tell her of rain, of the flowers, how great swimming in the river was, about fishing and drinking water as much s you could.

  20. When she asks: - Daddy, why there is no more water? I feel a lump un my throat !

  21. There is a huge feeling of guilt, cause l belong to the generation that helped destroy the environment and simply did NOT take seriously the warnings.

  22. Now our children pay for it!

  23. I honestly believe, life on Earth will notexist any more in few years, cause the nature is ruined up to a point of no return.

  24. How would l love to go back in time and do different ! And help Mother Earth ! How would l love to go back in time, When there was time to do better !

  25. … do different before it is too late ! • do different TODAY !

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