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Welcome to Mr. McMaster’s 7 th Grade Science Class. About Mr. McMaster. This is technically my second year teaching Taught 7 th grade science the last half of the year at Centennial. Student taught 7 th grade science at Akimel the first half of last year. ASU and BYU-Hawaii Alum
About Mr. McMaster • This is technically my second year teaching • Taught 7th grade science the last half of the year at Centennial. • Student taught 7th grade science at Akimel the first half of last year. • ASU and BYU-Hawaii Alum • Bachelors degree in Exercise and Sport Science with a minor in Health and Wellness. • Masters degree is in Elementary Education.
About Mr. McMaster • My wife, Caitlin, and I have been married for three years. • We have a baby girl, Margaret, whom we call Maggie. She is now 11 months old. • I love being outside, either playing sports or camping with my fishing pole. • My dad and myself have been camping every summer for 22 years. • I have played in leagues and made money for ultimate frisbee and dodgeball. • I had a full ride scholarship to run cross country at BYU-Hawaii.
7th Grade Curriculum Microbiology •Scientific Method/ lab safety review •How to convert within the metric system •Germ Theory •Virus vs. Bacteria •Characteristics, structure and function of micro-organisms Ecology •Food chains, food webs, predator/prey relationships •Limiting factors and carrying capacity •Human interaction in the environment: Invasive Species Astronomy •Moon phases, moon tides •Lunar and solar eclipses •Seasons, major constellations •Structure of the sun and universe • Geology (Rocks and Minerals) • • Properties of rocks and minerals and rock cycle • • Layers of the Earth • Rock and Fossil Record • • Lithospheric movement due to convection • • Earth landforms: mountains, volcanoes, valleys • • Earthquake detection and measurement
How We Learn the 7th Grade Curriculum • Hands-on Activities and Labs • Group Work, Partner Work, Individual Work, Class Collaboration • Science Notebook • Interdisciplinary Work (math, social studies, language arts, etc) • Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum • Reading Skills from researching throughout the year. • Writing Skills from lab write ups and essays.
Materials Needed • 2 composition books/notebooks (2 should cover entire year) • And/or 1” binder with plenty of loose leaf notebook paper • Writing instruments (many pencils; colorful pens) • Colored highlighters (yellow, pink, blue, green) • Coloring utensils (colored pencils, crayons, markers) • Scissors (optional) • glue sticks (optional)
My Goal and Expectations • My goal is to have all students increase their appreciation and knowledge of science through hands-on learning, the way science is supposed to be learned. • Expectations of students: • Students are expected to be on time • Students are expected to be prepared for class. • Students are expected to master all objectives. • Students are expected to turn in assignments on time and are expected to be prepared for tests. • Students are expected to follow all class and school policies outlined in the student handbook.
Grades A= 90%-100% B = 80%-89% C = 70%-79% D = 60%-69% F = 50%-59% LA = Late AB = Absent MI = Missing • Assessment (tests, quizzes, projects, labs) =80% • Classwork/practice work =20% Grade Weight
Practice Work (Homework) • Practice work includes reviewing concepts, notes, and objectives • Practice work load will vary from week to week, which could mean it is on one night or multiple nights. Late Work • Students may turn in assignments late for full credit, but it will be through the school policy of the lunch homework club. • Practice work that is not turned in by the test, will be counted as 50% and missing.
Absences • Participation is essential in science. • Students cannot take lab materials home with them, therefore missed labs may require alternative assessment or complete on their own time. • Students are given an equal number of days to their absences to complete make-up work. • It is the student’s responsibility to obtain make-up work from the website, a classmate, or the calendar and folder in class.
Classroom Wish List • Straws • Clorox Wipes • Plastic baggies (quart or gallon) • Glue sticks • Colored pencils or markers • Composition notebooks • Colored sticky notes • Scissors • Graphing paper
Contact Information bmcmaster@kyrene.org (480) 541-6509 Thank you!