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Project Management The Basics

Project Management The Basics. Kathy Kuryl Project Services Inter Agency Policy & Projects Unit Department of Premier & Cabinet Web Address: www.projectmanagement.tas.gov.au Telephone: 03 6233 3836 Email: kathy.kuryl@dpac.tas.gov.au Facsimile: 03 6233 2678

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Project Management The Basics

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  1. Project Management The Basics • Kathy Kuryl • Project ServicesInter Agency Policy & Projects UnitDepartment of Premier & Cabinet • Web Address: www.projectmanagement.tas.gov.au • Telephone: 03 6233 3836 • Email: kathy.kuryl@dpac.tas.gov.au • Facsimile: 03 6233 2678 • Address: Level 8, 144 Macquarie Street, Hobart

  2. Project Management • Background – Project Services, IAPPU • Role: • Promote and support the use of best practice project management methodology, based on the Tasmania Government Project Management Guidelines, with the support and involvement of all Agencies • Function: • Quality project management information, resources & tools • Project management support & advice • Project & Quality Management Advisory & Review Services

  3. Project Management • Resources: • Project Management Guidelines Version 5.0 (Feb 2002) • Templates • Fact Sheets • Frequently Asked Questions • Glossary • A Quick Guide • Resource Kits • Interactive Tools, including • Project Sizing Calculator • Ups and Downs Game • Hangman • Crosswords • Knowledge Base, including Agency examples • An opt-in mailing list, the List Server

  4. Project Management • Support & Advice: • Information & advice on project management – all Agencies • Information or facilitated sessions – by arrangement, provided to groups on project management in general, or specifics topics e.g. planning and scoping, or risk management

  5. Project Management • Quality Services – fee based: • Project & quality management advisory service • Quality review service • Formal project or phase reviews

  6. Project Management • Tasmania Government Project Management Guidelines • Basis of our approach to managing projects • “Home grown” product, reflecting lessons learnt by Tasmanian Government Project participants • Information from John Smyrk, Rob Thomsett and other best practice research • Have evolved, and continue to evolve over time

  7. Project Management • Tasmania Government Project Management Guidelines • Key Elements: • Planning & Scoping • Governance • Organisational Change Management • Stakeholder Management (including Communication Management) • Risk Management • Issues Management • Resource Management • Quality Management • Status Reporting • Evaluation • Project Closure

  8. Project Management • The Guidelines: • are not an attempt to provide the definitive answer to project management, but a chance to enable organisational learning through drawing on the experiences of others; • are designed to be a working reference and not intended to be read as a complete text; • do provide the “what” of our methodology; and • through continuing effort, provide the “how” with the development of Templates, Fact Sheets, FAQs and other relevant resources. There is, however, no substitute for sharing of personal learnings, and this is why Forums such as today are important.

  9. What is a Project ? • Usually brings about Change • A group of inter-related activities planned and executed in a certain • sequence • To create a unique product or service • Within a specified timeframe

  10. What is Project Management? • Project Management is a formalised and structured method of managing change • Develops specifically defined products (Outputs) • To achieve planned benefits (Outcomes)

  11. WhyProject Management? • Using sound project management techniques will help increase the likelihood that your project will be: • On time • Within budget • To an acceptable level of quality • Will deliver its outputs and achieve its outcomes/benefits

  12. Why use Project Management • Provides a recognised and tested approach to successfully implementing change initiatives. • Structure for planning/ongoing monitoring/ review • Promotes communication to stakeholders of reasons for change and the impact it may have upon them • Maintain links between corporate/strategic plan and the change initiatives being undertaken • Ownership by Senior Management/Steering committee • Safeguard for Project Manager • Safeguard for organisation to ensure it gets what it needs on time and in budget and to the planned level of quality • Details of changes clear for Project Manager, Team and outside contractors

  13. Project Scoping • The Scope of a project includes: • Major objective(s) • Outcomes (long term benefits) • Target Outcomes (those for which success measures are developed) • Customers (those who use the outputs & generate outcomes) • Outputs (services/products) • Work (activities/tasks to deliver outputs) • Resources (human and financial)

  14. Project Scoping • The ITO planning & scoping model • Project is scoped from the “end” and works back to the “beginning” • Project is implemented from the “beginning” and works towards achieving the”end” • Helps establish what the project aims to achieve before scoping what has to be done, how, who and by when

  15. Project Life • Initiate: Project Proposal/Brief, Project Business Case • Manage: Project Business Plan, Project Execution Plan • Finalise: Outcome Realisation Plan, Project Review, Project Closure

  16. Project Management The Basics • Comments? • Questions?

  17. Project Management The Basics • Kathy Kuryl • Project ServicesInter Agency Policy & Projects UnitDepartment of Premier & Cabinet • Web Address: www.projectmanagement.tas.gov.au • Telephone: 03 6233 3836 • Email: kathy.kuryl@dpac.tas.gov.au • Facsimile: 03 6233 2678 • Address: Level 8, 144 Macquarie Street, Hobart

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