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The Brain and Learning

The Brain and Learning. From David A. Sousa’s How the Brain Learns. Look at the following numbers and try to remember them in order 28337 253177049 086 - 92 - 3804 336 - 299 - 7783 2531 - 77 - 049. This method is called "chunking" information

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The Brain and Learning

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Brain and Learning From David A. Sousa’s How the Brain Learns

  2. Look at the following numbers and try to remember them in order 28337 253177049 086 - 92 - 3804 336 - 299 - 7783 2531 - 77 - 049

  3. This method is called "chunking" information Think about it…the brain remembers what is important YOU decide what is important Question: What are other methods to remember?

  4. Shape

  5. Green means… Red means… Yellow means… • Color ROY G BIV HOMES • Acronyms In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue. • Rhymes, silly sayings, lyrics, etc.

  6. Read the following sentence. hte plpae si edr The apple is red USAN BCT VF BIL SD   USA NBC TV FBI LSD

  7. How do we learn? How do we remember? How do we organize our memories?

  8. What’s in a Name? Interview each other regarding your name Suggestions: How did you get your name? Is there any family history associated with your name? Do you like your name? Do you have a nickname? What interesting experiences have you had associated with your name?

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