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GLAST LAT System Engineering

Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope. GLAST LAT System Engineering. LAT Test Planning Meeting Rich Baun SLAC rbaun@slac.stanford.edu (650) 926-3520. Agenda. LAT Level Test Sequence Baseline LAT Level Test Sequence Test Groupings LAT Environmental Test Sequences

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GLAST LAT System Engineering

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope GLAST LAT System Engineering LAT Test Planning Meeting Rich Baun SLAC rbaun@slac.stanford.edu (650) 926-3520

  2. Agenda • LAT Level Test Sequence • Baseline LAT Level Test Sequence • Test Groupings • LAT Environmental Test Sequences • Redundancy Configurations

  3. LAT Level Test Sequence Install Radiators Baseline Ship to NRL Post-Ship Modal Survey Sine Vibe Post-Rad Install EMI/EMC Acoustic P P P F S F S P P E P F T Pre Pre Post Pre Post Axis Pre-TV T-Bal T-Cycle Final Remove Radiators Pack LAT Ship to GD Weight, CG F S F F S F S P TV Chamber Partial Functional (includes Limited Performance) Full Functional (includes Comprehensive Performance) EMI/EMC Emissions/Susceptibility SVAC Tests TCS LPT P F E S T

  4. Baseline Level LAT Test Sequence Basic Function Validation Initialization Infrastructure Tests Register Tests Full Functional Subsystem Response with LAT wide Functions Abbreviated CPTs LPTs LAT Characterization Calibration Initial Inst Functional Timing Operational Settings LCI SVAC Muons LAT Performance Baseline Muons E2E T&DF Muon Tests Full LAT SVAC Tests = Redundancy tests required

  5. Baseline LAT Test - Test Groupings (1/4) • Basic Function Validation • Purpose • Initialization • Validate FSW conducted LAT initialization sequence • Prove FSW interfaces with flight hardware • Infrastructure • Validate all LAT operational functions such as command, telemetry, Configuration and LCI files, FSW File Management, et. al. • Register Tests • Utilize FSW utilities to verify function of all LAT registers

  6. Baseline LAT Test - Test Groupings (2/4) • Subsystem Response • Purpose • Abbreviated Comprehensive Performance Test (CPTs) • Verify subsystem performance remains in spec in LAT wide environment • Demonstrate the complete health of each subsystem • Collect trend data • Run in all prime and all redundant redundancy configurations • Limited Performance Tests (LPTs) • Perform quick check of subsystem performance in cross-strapped redundancy configurations

  7. Baseline LAT Test - Test Groupings (3/4) • LAT Characterization • Purpose • Initial Instrument Functional • High-level validation of the LAT as an integrated scientific instrument • Timing • Measure and adjust LAT wide timing • Calibration • Calibrate the LAT using LCI and Muons • Operational Settings • Determine/adjust LAT operational settings as precursor to LAT Level Performance tests

  8. Baseline LAT Test - Test Groupings (4/4) • LAT Characterization • Purpose • Baseline Muons • Establish Instrument Level baseline performance with Muons • E2E Muon Tests • Verify T&DF performance using Muons • Full LAT SVAC Tests • Collect necessary data for analysis to verify LAT meets all requirements in the SRD

  9. Post Ship Test Sequence Basic Function Validation Initialization Limited Infra Tests Register Tests Full Functional Subsystem Response with LAT wide Functions Abbreviated CPTs LPTs LAT Characterization Calibration Initial Inst Functional Timing Operational Settings LCI SVAC Muons LAT Performance Baseline Muons E2E T&DF Muon Tests Full LAT SVAC Tests = Redundancy tests required

  10. Sine Vibe LAT Level Test Sequence Partial Functional Basic Function Validation Initialization Limited Infra Tests Register Tests Subsystem Response with LAT wide Functions Abbreviated CPTs LPTs • Partial Functional repeated 4 times, one pre Sine Vibe and once after each axis = Redundancy tests required

  11. Post Radiator Installation • TCS LPT • Contents TBD = Redundancy tests required

  12. EMI/EMC LAT Level Test Sequence Partial Functional Basic Function Validation Initialization Limited Infra Tests Register Tests Subsystem Response with LAT wide Functions Abbreviated CPTs LPTs EMI/EMC RERS CECS = Redundancy tests required

  13. LAT Level Test Function/Interface Validation (1/3)

  14. LAT Level Test Function/Interface Validation (2/3)

  15. LAT Level Test Function/Interface Validation (3/3)

  16. LAT Level Redundancy Configurations

  17. LAT Level Test - Interfaces Verified

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