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TEAM DYNAMICS GROUP FORMING. Four steps in the process of change Five stages in team development Task: own situation. “It’s easy to get the players, it’s getting them to play together that’s the tough part.”. QUALITY DEVELOPMENT = CONTINUOUS CHANGE.
TEAM DYNAMICS GROUP FORMING • Four steps in the process of change • Five stages in team development • Task: own situation
“It’s easy to get the players, it’s getting them to play together that’s the tough part.”
QUALITY DEVELOPMENT = CONTINUOUS CHANGE • "One should bear in mind the fact that nothing is more difficult in terms of preparation, more questionable in terms of success and more dangerous in terms of development than raise as someone who wants to innovate. • Those who benefit from to the old state will become enemies. He who wants to innovate, only will find faint defenders who could benefit from the new situation. • This faintness partly stems from fear of the ruling opponents, because the current situation is on their side. And partly from a distrust of the people who actually would believe in innovation but have not seen it realized yet.” • Niccolò Machiavelli (1469-1527), Il Principe p.83 (written in 1513, published in 1532)
FOUR STEPS IN THE PROCESS OF CHANGE • The process of quality development has to be accepted and supported by the whole school team. • The participation of every member of this team is essential if progress and results are strived after. • The process of change or innovation (eg. quality development) can be summarized and structured into four steps: • The Jump off • The big confusion • The new working • The final incorporation
1 THE JUMP OFF ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS TIPS FOR THE MANAGEMENT Keep the new process within the vision and mission Organize communication between the management and the initiators Focus on preconditions for success and facilitate success Start with small groups Highlight the successful experiences Organize dissemination to the complete staff • By a small group of enthusiastic people: the initiators or believers • They are very convinced and do not see all side effects of the process • Investment of a lot of energy • Aim to achieve ambitious goals rapidly
2 THE BIG CONFUSION ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS TIPS FOR THE MANAGEMENT Study of all aspects of the innovation before the introduction in the organization Prepare all conditions to allow the innovation to be successful (material and human resources, time, working conditions, communication, additional training, ...) Support those who try, don’t punish when they partially fail Make clear there is no way back, innovation is the official policy • Innovation is introduced in the school or training centre = up scaling • Old and new are in competition, the old is not yet faded out and the new is not fully delivering • Nostalgia from non-believers for the known and secure past
3 THE NEW WORKING ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS TIPS FOR THE MANAGEMENT Evaluate the first results of the innovation on the scale Adjust where needed Communicate about progress and achieved goals • Gradually the new method or innovation will start to deliver better results • Almost all staff are adopting (aspects off) the innovation
4 THE FINAL INCORPORATION ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS TIPS FOR THE MANAGEMENT Run the PDCA-cycle on the innovation Fix the innovation as part of the normal practise Continue with the cyclic improvement • Innovation is fully acquired and incorporated in the organization
FIVE STAGES IN TEAM DEVELOPMENT • The description of the stages in team development are another way of looking at what happens when change or innovation is introduced. • Forming • Storming • Norming • Performing • Transforming / Adjourning
1 FORMING DEVELOPMENTS IN THE TEAM TIPS FOR THE MANAGEMENT Define new goals and roles. Provide orientation, takeleadership. Createstructure. Work on trust and inclusion. • There is need to find the own place in the newsituation. • The members are slightly anxious. • The behaviour is polite, watchful and somewhatguarded. • The council depends on authority and its leader.
EXAMPLE AND TIPS FOR MANAGEMENT: The school starts with quality development, a quality coordinator is appointed and a quality council is put together. • Define what the quality coordinator and the quality council have to achieve, edit your own action on these goals. • Define the role and authority of the newly appointed quality coordinator. • Explain the relationship between the quality coordinator, the quality council, the management and the staff. • Inform the school staff about the process of quality development (new tasks and new responsibilities). • Assemble and prepare information about quality development. • Preside the start meeting of the quality council, give information about quality development and distribute tasks and responsibilities (who is Chairman, who takes the minutes, communication with staff, ...).,
2 STORMING DEVELOPMENTS IN THE TEAM TIPS FOR THE MANAGEMENT (Re-)define goals, tasks and responsibilities Develop skills Remove emotional blocks in the council Encourage the learning by working together Organise explicitation within your council about the struggle for influence, control and jockeying for the position • The new ideas will confront people and the traditional way of acting • Discrepancy between own hopes and the real world or achieved goals will arise • Feeling confused and incompetent • The council will fall apart into sub-groups, polarisation can arise • Dissatisfaction with the dependency on the authority
EXAMPLE AND TIPS FOR MANAGEMENT: The quality coordinator started with a survey among the staff and expects the members of the quality council to process all assembled information and write a report on it. This idea was not discussed in detail in the quality council, some disagreed others made reservations. • Redefine the role and authority of the newly appointed quality coordinator, acknowledge his position as Chairman of the quality council. • Support the members of the quality council in their new task; make realistic work planning allowing time to treat the data from the survey; give good working infrastructure. • Provide IT training (Excel) to facilitate the processing of the surveys’ data. • Have personal interviews with team members about the situation, take an open position and listen but give a clear indication about with you expect.
3 NORMING DEVELOPMENTS IN THE TEAM TIPS FOR THE MANAGEMENT Develop skills and understanding about new situation Improve level of critical evaluation competences within team Support / increase productivity and talk about this • Increase of satisfaction • Lesser discrepancy between expectations and reality • Greater sharing of responsibility and control in team, more open feed back • Establishment of new procedures and norms
EXAMPLE AND TIPS FOR MANAGEMENT: The quality council processed the data of the survey. Together with the quality coordinator, they identified some weak and strong point of the school. They set priorities and wrote an action plan. • Reward this cooperation by presenting their results on a staff meeting. Give a short introduction at this meeting, express your appreciation and let the quality coordinator present the action plan. • Include some members of the quality council in this presentation. • Attend a meeting of the quality council and ask them to make a self evaluation of the produced work and the process they went through. • Express your satisfaction about process and result, point towards other challenges such as the implementation of the action plan.
4 PERFORMING DEVELOPMENTS IN THE TEAM TIPS FOR THE MANAGEMENT Orient the focus on task achievements Deal immediately with (new) personal issues Manage time of the performances Reinforce and deepen acquired knowledge and skills • Collaboration and inter-dependency creates (first) results • The council feels its strength, confidence raises • The council is confident and open towards further steps in the innovation process
EXAMPLE AND TIPS FOR MANAGEMENT: The quality coordinator and the quality council have acquired a lot of new skills concerning both the content and the approach of quality development. They produced an action plan and feel confident to implement it. Each member gained responsibility for some actions and will take contact with staff / colleagues for the practical actions. • Ask the team to set timing on their communication with the staff about the action plan. • Check if this timing is realistic. Observe that each member keeps focused on the achievement of the actions. • If discussions arise about the distribution of the actions, intervene and refer to the made agreements. • Organize consultation between the team members on their approach and results. Make them learn from each other.
5 TRANSFORMING - ADJOURNING DEVELOPMENTS IN THE TEAM TIPS FOR THE MANAGEMENT Recognise and reward members’ efforts If project ends: organise an informal end of the project If project is restarted (cyclic process): evaluate, restart on higher level of competences • Concern (sadness) about future, possible dissolution of team • Decrease in morale and productivity
EXAMPLE AND TIPS FOR MANAGEMENT: By the end of the school year, all actions envisaged in the action plan have been carried out, mostly with good results. New priorities should be decided and a new plan needs to be written. Some team members are leaving school and there is no certainty yet on the composition of the quality council. • Organize an informal moment where the team can express their sadness for the change in composition. Be present as school manager and offer a little reward. • Allow the team to present their results at the last staff meeting, praise their commitment and results. • Explain that quality development is a cyclic process and will continue next year. Reassure the team about continuity. Be open about the change in composition.
TASK: OWN SITUATION • Take your preparation of pre-task 4 • Think of an action to obtain or improve quality that took place in your organization. • You didn’t have to be personally involved in every aspects of the process, but some involvement is needed. • Describe chronologically what happened. • Read the chronological story again. 10 min. • Try to identify the different phases of • team dynamic and group forming. 15 min. • Transfer these elements into the table 15 min.