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National Education Tech Plan. CT Tech Standards. ICT Literacy Assess. Welcome! As we get started think, and discuss with a neighbor: WHY do we use technology in teaching?. Teacher and Leader Tech Skills. Big Six/ WebQuests Web Hunt. Issue: PowerPoint Is Evil.
National Education Tech Plan CT Tech Standards ICT Literacy Assess Welcome!As we get started think, and discuss with a neighbor:WHY do we use technology in teaching? Teacher and Leader Tech Skills Big Six/ WebQuests Web Hunt Issue: PowerPoint Is Evil Today’s Objective: Analyze the use of technology in the curriculum: Standards, trends, issues, resources. The Future? Resources/ End
National Education Tech Plan WHY?? CT Tech Standards ICT Literacy Assess Teacher and Leader Tech Skills Big Six/ WebQuests Web Hunt Issue: PowerPoint Is Evil The Future? Resources/ End
National Education Tech Plan TECHNOLOGY ALLOWS US TO: CT Tech Standards ICT Literacy Assess • GET • USE • MANIPULATE • INFORMATION Faster, easier, better… Teacher and Leader Tech Skills Big Six/ WebQuests Web Hunt Issue: PowerPoint Is Evil The Future? Resources/ End
National Education Tech Plan Types of Technology CT Tech Standards ICT Literacy Assess • Teacher/Student Presentation • Software: Drill & Practice, Tutorial, Simulation (CAI) • Productivity, Multimedia Tools • Communication: Schools, students, teachers • Research: Internet, email • Specialized: Probes (science), etc.. Teacher and Leader Tech Skills Big Six/ WebQuests Web Hunt Issue: PowerPoint Is Evil The Future? Resources/ End
National Education Tech Plan Technology CT Tech Standards ICT Literacy Assess • Can be used in all modes of instruction: whole group, forums, rotating stations, interactive, peers, one on one • Applies to multiple intelligences: visual literacy, auditory, multimedia • Has the power to expand communication •Requires careful thought and planning in the curriculum Teacher and Leader Tech Skills Big Six/ WebQuests Web Hunt Issue: PowerPoint Is Evil The Future? Resources/ End
National Education Tech Plan Where did it come from? CT Tech Standards ICT Literacy Assess • Math People: taught programming • Science people: used instruments, “internet”, WWW • Business People: productivity tools, office • Language Arts: Literacy expanded, including media/visual • Social Studies/World Languages: evaluating POV, around the world, use of research • Library: changed into Info/Media/Tech Teacher and Leader Tech Skills Big Six/ WebQuests Web Hunt Issue: PowerPoint Is Evil The Future? Resources/ End
National Education Tech Plan Traditional -------- Incorporating ------ New Environments New Strategies Teacher-centered instruction Student-centered learning Single sense stimulation Multisensory stimulation Single path progression Multipath progression Single media Multimedia Isolated work Collaborative work Information delivery Information exchange Passive learning Active/exploratory/inquiry-based learning Factual/literal thinking Critical thinking, informed decision-making Reactive response Proactive/planned action Isolated, artificial context Authentic, real world context CT Tech Standards ICT Literacy Assess Teacher and Leader Tech Skills Big Six/ WebQuests Web Hunt Issue: PowerPoint Is Evil The Future? Resources/ End
National Education Tech Plan Teacher and Leader Tech Skills Navigation Slide Issue: PowerPoint Is Evil The Future? Big Six/ WebQuests Web Hunt CT Tech Standards ICT Literacy Assess Resources/ End
National Education Tech Plan National Educational Technology Standards CT Tech Standards ICT Literacy Assess • ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for Students • http://cnets.iste.org/students/s_stands.html • Online Assessment of NETS standards • http://www.iste.org/inhouse/resources/asmt/msiste/assessments.cfm Teacher and Leader Tech Skills Big Six/ WebQuests Web Hunt Issue: PowerPoint Is Evil The Future? Resources/ End
National Education Tech Plan National Education Technology Plan CT Tech Standards ICT Literacy Assess • Introduced January 7, 2005 • Part of the NCLB initiative • http://www.nationaledtechplan.org/ Teacher and Leader Tech Skills Big Six/ WebQuests Web Hunt Issue: PowerPoint Is Evil The Future? Resources/ End
DOE Quote National Education Tech Plan CT Tech Standards “Education is the only business still debating the usefulness of technology. Schools remain unchanged for the most part, despite numerous reforms and increased investments in computers and networks.” ICT Literacy Assess Teacher and Leader Tech Skills Big Six/ WebQuests Web Hunt Issue: PowerPoint Is Evil The Future? -- U.S. Secretary of Education Rod Paige Resources/ End
Quote: GWB National Education Tech Plan CT Tech Standards “We cannot assume that our schools will naturally drift toward using technology effectively. We must commit ourselves to staying the course and making the changes necessary to reach our goals of educating every child. These are ambitious goals, but they are goals worthy of a great nation such as ours. Together, we can use technology to ensure that no child is left behind.” ICT Literacy Assess Teacher and Leader Tech Skills Big Six/ WebQuests Web Hunt Issue: PowerPoint Is Evil The Future? Resources/ End -- President George W. Bush
National Education Tech Plan Economy CT Tech Standards ICT Literacy Assess • Changing • 80% of jobs in 2010 do not exist today (U.S. Department of Labor report) • Information-based, changing world • Global • Other countries are working hard, moving fast and using technology to accelerate progress. . . • Innovation, creativity & tolerance for risk-taking is a strength of the U.S. Teacher and Leader Tech Skills Big Six/ WebQuests Web Hunt Issue: PowerPoint Is Evil The Future? Resources/ End
National Education Tech Plan Aligning Environments to the Real World CT Tech Standards ICT Literacy Assess • From an industrial to a knowledge-based economy . . . • Students today are online, multitasking, highly productive. Students learn quickly, manage and are responsible for their own learning. They are online and ultra communicators. They learn new communication skills, learn just-in-time, and are digital. They are flexible, critical and creative. Teacher and Leader Tech Skills Big Six/ WebQuests Web Hunt Issue: PowerPoint Is Evil The Future? Resources/ End
National Education Tech Plan Goals of NCLB CT Tech Standards ICT Literacy Assess • Every child can read by the 3rd grade. • Students are technology literate by the 8th grade. • A highly qualified teacher in every public school classroom by 2005. • Data used to drive decisions, target resources and support instruction. Teacher and Leader Tech Skills Big Six/ WebQuests Web Hunt Issue: PowerPoint Is Evil The Future? Resources/ End
National Education Tech Plan Internet Use by Age CT Tech Standards ICT Literacy Assess Teacher and Leader Tech Skills Big Six/ WebQuests Web Hunt Issue: PowerPoint Is Evil The Future? Resources/ End
National Education Tech Plan Even Young Children CT Tech Standards ICT Literacy Assess • 72% of all first graders used a home computer during the summer on a weekly basis. • Over 85% of young children with home computers used them for educational purposes. • By 1999, 97% of kindergartners had access to a computer at school or home. • 35% of children ages 2-5 use the Internet from any location. Teacher and Leader Tech Skills Big Six/ WebQuests Web Hunt Issue: PowerPoint Is Evil The Future? Resources/ End
National Education Tech Plan Online Teens CT Tech Standards ICT Literacy Assess • 71% of online teens say they relied mostly on Internet sources for the last big project they did for school. • 48% say their use of the Internet improves their relationship with friends. • 94% of online teens report using the Internet for school-related research. • 74% of online teens use instant messaging. • 24% of online teens have created their own Web pages. • The number of children ages 4 to 18 who own at least one wireless device (e.g. cell phones, PDAs) grew from 32% in 2002 to 43% in 2003. • 13% of those age 7 and under own a wireless device Teacher and Leader Tech Skills Big Six/ WebQuests Web Hunt Issue: PowerPoint Is Evil The Future? Resources/ End
National Education Tech Plan CT Tech Standards ICT Literacy Assess National Education Technology Plan: The Future is NowSeven Action Steps and Recommendations Teacher and Leader Tech Skills Big Six/ WebQuests Web Hunt Issue: PowerPoint Is Evil The Future? Resources/ End
National Education Tech Plan Steps CT Tech Standards ICT Literacy Assess • Strengthen Leadership • Consider Innovative Budgeting • Improve Teacher Training • Support E-Learning and Virtual Schools • Encourage Broadband Access • Move Toward Digital Content • Integrate Data Systems Teacher and Leader Tech Skills Big Six/ WebQuests Web Hunt Issue: PowerPoint Is Evil The Future? Resources/ End
National Education Tech Plan 1. STRENGTHEN LEADERSHIP CT Tech Standards ICT Literacy Assess • Invest in leadership development programs to ensure a new generation of tech-savvy leaders. • Retool administrator education programs to provide training in technology decision making and organizational change. • Develop partnerships between schools, higher education and the community. • Encourage creative technology partnerships with the business community. • Empower students’ participation in the planning process. Teacher and Leader Tech Skills Big Six/ WebQuests Web Hunt Issue: PowerPoint Is Evil The Future? Resources/ End
National Education Tech Plan 2. CONSIDER INNOVATIVE BUDGETING CT Tech Standards ICT Literacy Assess • Consider a systemic restructuring of budgets to realize efficiencies, cost savings and reallocations. This can include reallocations in expenditures on textbooks, instructional supplies, space and computer labs. • Consider leasing with 3-5 year refresh cycles. • Create a technology innovation fund to carry funds over yearly budget cycles. Teacher and Leader Tech Skills Big Six/ WebQuests Web Hunt Issue: PowerPoint Is Evil The Future? Resources/ End
National Education Tech Plan 3. IMPROVE TEACHER TRAINING CT Tech Standards ICT Literacy Assess • Teachers have more resources available through technology than ever before, but have not received sufficient training in the effective use of technology to enhance learning. • Teachers need access to research, examples and innovations as well as staff development to learn best practices. • The U.S. Department of Education is currently funding research studies to evaluate the effective use of technology for teaching and learning. Teacher and Leader Tech Skills Big Six/ WebQuests Web Hunt Issue: PowerPoint Is Evil The Future? Resources/ End
National Education Tech Plan 4. SUPPORT E-LEARNING AND VIRTUAL SCHOOLS CT Tech Standards ICT Literacy Assess • Provide every student access to e-learning. • Enable every teacher to participate in e-learning training. • Develop quality measures and accreditation standards for e-learning that mirror those traditionally required for course credit. Teacher and Leader Tech Skills Big Six/ WebQuests Web Hunt Issue: PowerPoint Is Evil The Future? Resources/ End
National Education Tech Plan 5. ENCOURAGE BROADBAND ACCESS CT Tech Standards ICT Literacy Assess • Evaluate existing technology infrastructure and access to broadband to determine its current capacities and explore ways to ensure its reliability. • Ensure that broadband is available all the way to the end-user for data management, online and technology-based assessments, e-learning, and accessing high-quality digital content. • Ensure adequate technical support to manage and maintain computer networks, maximize educational uptime and plan for future needs. Teacher and Leader Tech Skills Big Six/ WebQuests Web Hunt Issue: PowerPoint Is Evil The Future? Resources/ End
National Education Tech Plan 6. MOVE TOWARD DIGITAL CONTENT CT Tech Standards ICT Literacy Assess • Ensure that teachers and students are adequately trained in the use of online content. • Encourage that each student has ubiquitous access to computers and connectivity. • Consider costs and benefits of online content, aligned with rigorous state academic standards, as part of a systemic approach to creating resources for students to customize learning to their individual needs. Teacher and Leader Tech Skills Big Six/ WebQuests Web Hunt Issue: PowerPoint Is Evil The Future? Resources/ End
National Education Tech Plan 7. INTEGRATE DATA SYSTEMS CT Tech Standards ICT Literacy Assess • Establish a plan to integrate data systems so that administrators and educators have the information they need to increase efficiency and improve student learning. • Use assessment results to inform and differentiate instruction for every child. • Implement School Interoperability Framework (SIF) Compliance Certification as a requirement in all RFPs and purchasing decisions. Teacher and Leader Tech Skills Big Six/ WebQuests Web Hunt Issue: PowerPoint Is Evil The Future? Resources/ End
National Education Tech Plan Conclusions CT Tech Standards ICT Literacy Assess • America’s students need the knowledge and competence to compete in an increasingly technology-driven world economy. • This need demands new models of education facilitated by educational technology. • Industry is far ahead of education. Tech-savvy high school students often are far ahead of their teachers. • Some of the most promising new educational approaches are being developed outside the traditional educational system, through e-learning and virtual schools. • This is an exciting, creative and transforming era for students, teachers, administrators, policymakers and parents. • The next 10 years could see a spectacular rise in achievement – and may well usher in a new golden age for American education. Teacher and Leader Tech Skills Big Six/ WebQuests Web Hunt Issue: PowerPoint Is Evil The Future? Resources/ End
National Education Tech Plan CT Technology: Who is in charge? CT Tech Standards ICT Literacy Assess • Connecticut Commission for Educational Technology • Educational Technology at Bureau of Curriculum Teacher and Leader Tech Skills Big Six/ WebQuests Web Hunt Issue: PowerPoint Is Evil • Learning Resources and Information Technology (Library) Dept Business and Finance and Technology Departments The Future? Resources/ End
National Education Tech Plan Connecticut Commission for Educational Technology CT Tech Standards ICT Literacy Assess • http://www.ct.gov/ctedtech/site/default.asp Teacher and Leader Tech Skills Enhancing Education through Technology Act Grants, standards Requires each district to have a comprehensive technology plan Big Six/ WebQuests Web Hunt Issue: PowerPoint Is Evil The Future? Resources/ End
National Education Tech Plan Bureau of Curriculum and Instruction Educational Technology CT Tech Standards ICT Literacy Assess • http://www.state.ct.us/sde/dtl/technology/technology.htm • CONNECTICUT PREKINDERGARTEN THROUGH GRADE 12 • COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY • COMPETENCY STANDARDS FOR STUDENTS • Adopted by the Connecticut State Board of Education • June 13, 2001 • http://www.state.ct.us/sde/dtl/technology/StudentCompv2.pdf Teacher and Leader Tech Skills Big Six/ WebQuests Web Hunt Issue: PowerPoint Is Evil The Future? Resources/ End
National Education Tech Plan CT Technology Competency Standards CT Tech Standards ICT Literacy Assess • 1. Basic Operations And Concepts • Students demonstrate a sound understanding of the nature and operation of technology systems Students are proficient in the use of technology 2. Social, Ethical and Human Issues Students understand the ethical, cultural and societal issues related to technology Students practice responsible use of technology systems, information and software Students develop positive attitudes toward technology uses that support lifelong learning, collaboration, personal pursuits and productivity 3. Technology Productivity Tools Students use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity and promote creativity Students use productivity tools to collaborate in constructing technology-enhanced models, preparing publications and producing other creative works 4. Technology Communications Tools Students use telecommunications to collaborate, publish and interact with peers, experts and other audiences Students use a variety of media and formats to communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences 5. Technology Research Tools Students use technology to locate, evaluate and collect information from a variety of sources Students use technology tools to process data and report results Students evaluate and select new information resources and technological innovations based on the appropriateness to specific tasks 6. Technology Problem-Solving and Decision- Making Tools Students use technology resources for solving problems and making informed decisions Students employ technology in the development of strategies for solving problems in the real world Teacher and Leader Tech Skills Big Six/ WebQuests Web Hunt Issue: PowerPoint Is Evil The Future? Resources/ End
National Education Tech Plan Changes in the I & TL Framework http://www.state.ct.us/sde/dtl/curriculum/itlNov04.pdf CT Tech Standards ICT Literacy Assess • I&TL Curriculum as Local Initiative --->I&TL Curriculum Based on State and National Standards • Stand-alone Curriculum -->Well-defined, but Integrated Curriculum • Cooperation ---->Collaboration • Personality Driven Program --->Curriculum Driven • Student Competency/Performance Not Systematically Assessed ----->Student Competency/Performance Systematically Assessed Teacher and Leader Tech Skills Big Six/ WebQuests Web Hunt Issue: PowerPoint Is Evil The Future? Resources/ End
National Education Tech Plan Connecticut Learning Resources and Information Technology (LRIT) http://www.state.ct.us/sde/dtl/curriculum/currlibm.htmK-12 Draft for ITL Frameworks CT Tech Standards ICT Literacy Assess • 1. Technology Use • Students will operate and use computers and other technologies as tools for productivity, problem-solving and learning across the content areas. • 2. Responsible Use • Students will demonstrate the responsible, legal and ethical use of information resources, computers and other technologies. • 3. Definition and Identification of Information Needs • Students will define their information needs and identify effective courses of action to conduct research and solve problems. • 4. Information Strategies • Students will understand and demonstrate a command of information skills and strategies to locate and effectively use print, nonprint and/or digital resources to solve problems and conduct research. • 5. Information Processing • Students will apply evaluative criteria to the selection,interpretation, analysis, reorganization and synthesis of information from a variety of sources and formats. • 6. Application • Students will use appropriate technologies to create written, visual, oral and multimedia products to communicate ideas, information or conclusions to others. • 7. Assessment • Students will assess the effectiveness and efficiency of their own choices and uses of information and technology for problem-solving and communication. Teacher and Leader Tech Skills Big Six/ WebQuests Web Hunt Issue: PowerPoint Is Evil The Future? Resources/ End
National Education Tech Plan Connecticut State Department of Education: Division of Teaching and Learning: Bureau of Early Childhood, Career and Adult Education: Career and Technical Education: Business and Finance Technologyhttp://www.state.ct.us/sde/deps/Career/Business/also has a framework that includes computer applicationsContent Standard 4: Computer Information Systems. How do students utilize computer technology?Develop the ability to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate situations at home, school, or work and apply technology in solving problems and completing tasks efficiently and effectively; and utilize appropriate technology in all programs of study. CT Tech Standards ICT Literacy Assess Teacher and Leader Tech Skills Big Six/ WebQuests Web Hunt Issue: PowerPoint Is Evil The Future? Resources/ End
National Education Tech Plan Business Computer Information Systems Standards CT Tech Standards ICT Literacy Assess Teacher and Leader Tech Skills Big Six/ WebQuests Web Hunt Issue: PowerPoint Is Evil The Future? Resources/ End
National Education Tech Plan More computer classes? CT Tech Standards ICT Literacy Assess • From State Department of Education Survey of Business Departments in 2004 • 52% say a technology course is required for high school graduation • 53% have a course in web publishing in the business department • 55% have a course in desktop publishing in the business department • Computer Science Teachers Association http://www.csta.acm.org/ • July 4, 2005 Says that more computer classes are needed for kids: • http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20050704/ap_on_hi_te/computer_science_1 • Bachelor’s degrees in computer science, AP computer science, # teachers for computer science have all declined since the 90s, yet we need more workers! Teacher and Leader Tech Skills Big Six/ WebQuests Web Hunt Issue: PowerPoint Is Evil The Future? Resources/ End
National Education Tech Plan Technology Education CT Tech Standards ICT Literacy Assess • Tech Ed also includes some elements of educational technology • http://www.state.ct.us/sde/deps/Career/TechEd • By the end of Grade 12, students will know about the nature, power, influence and effects of technology, and will be able to design and develop products, systems and environments to solve problems. Teacher and Leader Tech Skills Big Six/ WebQuests Web Hunt Issue: PowerPoint Is Evil The Future? Resources/ End
National Education Tech Plan What is ICT Literacy? CT Tech Standards ICT Literacy Assess Ability to use digital technology, communication tools, and/or networks to access, manage, integrate, evaluate, create, and communicate information ethically and legally in order to function in a knowledge society Teacher and Leader Tech Skills Big Six/ WebQuests Web Hunt Issue: PowerPoint Is Evil The Future? Resources/ End
Technical Literacy Information Literacy National Education Tech Plan ICT Literacy: a bridge between CT Tech Standards • Information and Communication • Technology Literacy • Can I find information on the web? • Can I create a persuasive presentation? ICT Literacy Assess Teacher and Leader Tech Skills Big Six/ WebQuests Web Hunt Issue: PowerPoint Is Evil The Future? Database Word Processing Presentation Access Evaluate Use Resources/ End • Can I bold a word? • Can I open a database? • Can you find information? • Can you evaluate authority?
National Education Tech Plan Educational Testing ServiceNew Information, Communications, Technology Test CT Tech Standards ICT Literacy Assess Demo at: http://www.ets.org/ictliteracy/demo.html • The ICT Literacy Assessment is a comprehensive test of ICT proficiency specifically designed for the higher education environment. It uses scenario-based assignments to assess all the ICT skills required of today's higher education students - not just knowledge of technology, but the ability to use critical-thinking skills to solve problems within a technological environment. • Define, Access, Manage, Integrate, Evaluate, Create, Communicate Teacher and Leader Tech Skills Big Six/ WebQuests Web Hunt Issue: PowerPoint Is Evil The Future? Resources/ End
National Education Tech Plan Skills for Teachers and Leaders CT Tech Standards ICT Literacy Assess • Are the Educators Ready? • Lets find out! Teacher and Leader Tech Skills Big Six/ WebQuests Web Hunt Issue: PowerPoint Is Evil The Future? Resources/ End
National Education Tech Plan Some Have Been Resistant to Change! CT Tech Standards ICT Literacy Assess • " Students today can't prepare bark to calculate their problems. They depend on their slates which are more expensive. What will they do when the slate drops and it breaks? They will be unable to write" - Teachers Conference, 1703 • " Students today depend on store-bought ink. They don't know how to make their own. When they run out of ink they will be unable to write words or cipher until their next trip to the settlement. This is a sad commentary on modern times”…"Rural American Teacher", 1929 • Ball point pens will be the ruin of education in our country. Students use these devices, and then throw them away! The American virtues of thrift and fragility are being discarded. Businesses and banks will never allow such expensive luxuries ”…" Federal Teacher", 1959 • " Why should I bother preparing my lessons on an overhead, when I have the chalkboard? What if the power goes out? ”..comments by a teacher, 1983 • " Calculators will be the ruin of Math education. Students will never learn Math concepts. How will they calculate when they don't have their calculator with them? "..... some Math teachers, several years ago • " The students haven't really learned anything if they used a video camera or computer to research and do a project. I always just wrote a report, and I came out fine" .... an elementary school principal, 1990 Teacher and Leader Tech Skills Big Six/ WebQuests Web Hunt Issue: PowerPoint Is Evil The Future? Resources/ End
National Education Tech Plan Connecticut Teacher Technology Competencies CT Tech Standards ICT Literacy Assess • Connecticut Teacher Technology Competencies • http://www.state.ct.us/sde/dtl/technology/CTTCt.pdf • Teacher Technology Performance Indicators http://www.state.ct.us/sde/dtl/technology/PerfIndi_v2.pdf • Teacher Technology Competencies Rubric • http://www.easternct.edu/depts/edu/edtech/cttechcomp.htm Teacher and Leader Tech Skills Big Six/ WebQuests Web Hunt Issue: PowerPoint Is Evil The Future? Resources/ End
National Education Tech Plan CONNECTICUT ADMINISTRATOR TECHNOLOGY STANDARDShttp://www.state.ct.us/sde/dtl/technology/CATSv2.pdf CT Tech Standards ICT Literacy Assess CT Administrator Technology Standards • I. Leadership & Vision • II. Learning & Teaching • III. Productivity and Professional Practice • IV. Support, Management & Operations • V. Assessment & Evaluation • VI. Social, Legal, Ethical and Human Issues Teacher and Leader Tech Skills Big Six/ WebQuests Web Hunt Issue: PowerPoint Is Evil The Future? Resources/ End
National Education Tech Plan National technology standards for school administrators CT Tech Standards ICT Literacy Assess • International Society for Technology in Education • Educational Computing and Technology Programs: • Technology Leadership • Advanced Program National Council for Accrediation of Teachers • http://cnets.iste.org/ncate/n_lead-rubrics.html • http://cnets.iste.org/tssa/framework.html Teacher and Leader Tech Skills Big Six/ WebQuests Web Hunt Issue: PowerPoint Is Evil The Future? Resources/ End
National Education Tech Plan BIG SIX SKILLS CT Tech Standards ICT Literacy Assess • The Big6™ Skills The Big6 is a process model of how people of all ages solve an information problem. From practice and study, we found that successful information problem-solving encompasses six stages with two sub-stages under each: • 1. Task Definition 1.1 Define the information problem 1.2 Identify information needed • 2. Information Seeking Strategies 2.1 Determine all possible sources 2.2 Select the best sources • 3. Location and Access 3.1 Locate sources (intellectually and physically) 3.2 Find information within sources • 4. Use of Information 4.1 Engage (e.g., read, hear, view, touch) 4.2 Extract relevant information • 5. Synthesis 5.1 Organize from multiple sources 5.2 Present the information • 6. Evaluation 6.1 Judge the product (effectiveness) 6.2 Judge the process (efficiency) • http://www.big6.com/showarticle.php?id=484 Teacher and Leader Tech Skills Big Six/ WebQuests Web Hunt Issue: PowerPoint Is Evil The Future? Resources/ End
National Education Tech Plan Web Quests CT Tech Standards ICT Literacy Assess • WebQuests; http://webquest.sdsu.edu/ • Examples: http://webquest.sdsu.edu/WebQuest1.html • Weaving the Web into your curriculum • http://www.pitt.edu/~edindex/WebQuests/IntegratingtheWeb.htm • Virtual Resource Site for Teaching With Technology (Web) http://www.umuc.edu/virtualteaching/ • Web Site evaluationhttp://www3.essdack.org/socialstudies/webliteracy.htm#Evaluation • How to Help Students Evaluate Web Pages • http://www.widener.edu/Tools_Resources/Libraries/Wolfgram_Memorial_Library/Evaluate_Web_Pages/659 • Designing Internet Assignments http://www.cnr.edu/home/bmcmanus/internetassign.html • Teaching With Electronic Technology http://www.wam.umd.edu/%7Emlhall/teaching.html • Net Tutor http://gateway.lib.ohio-state.edu/tutor/ Teacher and Leader Tech Skills Big Six/ WebQuests Web Hunt Issue: PowerPoint Is Evil The Future? Resources/ End
National Education Tech Plan WEB SCAVENGER HUNT!!!! CT Tech Standards ICT Literacy Assess • Find out the destruction and damage caused by the 1994 earthquake in Northridge. • Find directions and driving distance to Chili’s on New Britain Avenue (possible post class happy hour on Wednesday) • Find a picture of me, Richard Therrien science teacher, as a kid. • Find the best energy source we should use in Connecticut. Teacher and Leader Tech Skills Big Six/ WebQuests Web Hunt Issue: PowerPoint Is Evil The Future? Resources/ End
National Education Tech Plan Issue: Powerpoint is Evil? CT Tech Standards ICT Literacy Assess • Power Point: Shot with its own bullets (with Gettysburg) • http://www.norvig.com/lancet.html#refs • http://www.norvig.com/Gettysburg/ • PowerPoint is Evil Article: • http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/11.09/ppt2_pr.html • Active Learning with Power Point http://www1.umn.edu/ohr/teachlearn/workshops/powerp/index.html • The Problem with Presentations • http://www.searls.com/present.html • PowerPoint in The Classroom • http://www.ntlf.com/html/pi/9705/creed_1.htm Teacher and Leader Tech Skills Big Six/ WebQuests Web Hunt Issue: PowerPoint Is Evil The Future? Resources/ End