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Exotic Pet Trade - Release of birds. Hypothesis. Feather plucking in ... Primary research at exotic animal hospital (case reviews) ...and literature review ...
Slide 1:Common Problems of Pet Bird Ownership
Shannon C. Kircher
Slide 2:Introduction
Veterinarian’s duty to educate owners about potential problems: - Health problems - Proper care - Exotic Pet Trade - Release of birds
Slide 3:Hypothesis
Feather plucking in caged birds Abnormal behavior due to lack of enrichment Beak abnormalities
Slide 4:Methods
Primary research at exotic animal hospital (case reviews) …and literature review (reviews, primary research, surveys, discussions)
Slide 5:Results
Most common owner-associated reasons for pet deaths Most common health issues affecting pet birds. Most common problems with patients seen at my hospital.
Slide 6:Owner-associated deaths
Water deprivation Unclipped wings Toxic fumes Trauma Other animals Toxic food/plants Hand-feeding mishaps Diseases caused by owners Heat exposure Sleeping with birds Sources: Wissman 2006, McKechnie 2008, Veterinary Record 2008
Slide 7:Common pet health problems
Feather cysts Baldness Feather plucking Mites Pododermatitis Psittacosis Avian polyoma virus Salmonellosis Pox virus Sources: Smeagal 2008, Faye 2008, Veterinary Record 2008
Slide 8:Clinic results
Slide 9:TOP 5
22 of feather plucking patients = behavioral Giardia found in 10 birds (9 feather pluckers, 1 abnormal stool patient) URI in 10 birds Beak malformations in 6 Mites in 5
Slide 10:Discussion
Hypothesis partially correct, but information was difficult to synthesize Clinic results skewed, but showed owner-associated problems were uncommon (vitamin deficiency) Owner-education important!!!
Slide 11:Thank you…
Dr. Michael Samuels Jody Lee
Slide 12:Sources
Faye, S. 2008. Foods and plants toxic to birds. AvianWeb.com. http://www.avianweb.com. Accessed 30 March 2008. McKechnie, A.E. 2008. Phenotypic flexinility in basal metabolic rate and the changing view of avian physiological diversity: a review. Journal of Comparative Physiology. 178(3): 235-247. Smeagal, L. 2008. Pet bird care: Common diseases and illnesses affecting pet birds. Helium.com. http://www.helium.com. Accessed 25 March 2008. Wissman, M.A. 2006 Top ten bird killers. ExoticPetVet.net. http://www.exoticpetvet.net. Accessed 25 March 2008. Veterinary Record. 2008. Birds. Journal of the British Veterinary Association 162(10): 297.
Slide 13:Questions?