Features I'm 1.3 to 2 meters tall and can weigh 3600 kg,that's about the size of a truck. I am dark yellowy brown dark or browny- gray, I like to have mud on me to. I am the largest land animal after the elephant. I have two big horns on my head and I have hooked lips for eating too. My horns are made of similar material to human hair and finger nails. Our horns can grow back. Did you know that rhino means nose and ceros means horn?
Habitat Did you know you can find me in grassland,savannas, shrublands and deserts wallowing in mud or water? I do not migrate. I don't change location much.
What do you eat? • I only eat plants,that means I'm a herbivore. I also like to eat trees,bushes and fruits. I use my hooked lips to pluck off leaves.
How are you born I develop in my mother's womb,my gestation period is 455 days. It takes 15 minutes for me to be born.
How do you take care of your offspring? • I drink my mother's milk for about 1 year,I can eat vegetation 1 week after! And I can stand 1 hour after birth.
Who are your natural enemies? Well,I only have 2 natural enemies. When I feel weak sometimes lions try to attack me. I can get stuck in mud and get mauled by hyenas. I can charge at 12 km per hour to protect myself. When I charge I put my head down and gallop.
Are you endanger Well,yes it is true! Sadly,from you people I have become endangered you shoot me for my horns. On purpose! You believe that my horn can be turned into medicine and dagger handles.
Credits • .jpghttp://farm4.static • http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2713/4290287335_1755c334 • http://content6.eol.org/content/2009/11/03/01/49004_large.jpg • upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c7/Black_Rhino_Diceros_bicornis.JPG • http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3608/3292408711_62ac5de417.jpg?v=0 • http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/70/Black_Rhinos_Kenya.jphttp:/ • black rhinobabies