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Fusion Energy Sciences Greenbook Presentation. prepared by: Carl Sovinec (U-WI), Alex Friedman (LLNL&LBNL), Stephane Ethier (PPPL), and Chuang Ren (UCLA). National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center User Group Meeting, June 25, 2004. OUTLINE. Fusion sciences overview
Fusion Energy Sciences Greenbook Presentation prepared by: Carl Sovinec (U-WI), Alex Friedman (LLNL&LBNL), Stephane Ethier (PPPL), and Chuang Ren (UCLA) National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center User Group Meeting, June 25, 2004
OUTLINE • Fusion sciences overview • Plasma properties and descriptions • Ranges of time- and space-scales • Large-scale computations in FES • Magnetic fusion energy (MFE) • Inertial fusion energy (IFE) • Input from FES NERSC users
Fusion Sciences Overview • Fusion science is largely plasmascience. • Matter is in the plasma state at fusion conditions. • Collective plasma dynamics regulate confinement or focusing. • Heating and drive rely on interaction of electromagnetic waves with plasmas. • Macroscopic plasma dynamics impose stability limits. • Plasma-surface interaction (atomic physics) impacts feasibility. • With ITER being planned and NIF now operational, computation has a tremendous opportunity to contribute programmatically. International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor National Ignition Facility
Plasma Properties and Theoretical Descriptions • Particle-particle interactions are long-range but weak, so while classical statistics hold, plasmas are easily driven from local thermodynamic equilibrium. • Dominant interactions occur through collective motions and EM fields (E, B). • Kinetic theory provides an accurate and comprehensive plasma description: } Particle distribution evolution } Maxwell’s equations • fa(x,v,t) is the ensemble-averaged single-particle distribution function for each species (a=i,e). • This system is sometimes solved in primitive (6D+time) form, e.g. for the propagation of ion beams and lasers in plasmas. However, even with large-scale computation, various limits and physically motivated averages are usually applied to isolate different classes of behavior.
Magnetic Fusion Energy Scales and Descriptions • Approximations used for MFE plasmas lead to tractable but limited theoretical descriptions that are suitable for different ranges of spatial scales and characteristic times. RF Transport Gyro-kinetics MHD
In driver -12 -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 In chamber Scales for Heavy Ion Beam Physics Time scales: depressed betatron betatron t electron drift pb out of magnet » transit lattice thru electron period fringe beam cyclotron pulse fields residence in magnet log of timescale pulse beam t pe in seconds residence t pi t pb Length scales: • electron gyroradius in magnet ~10 mm • lD,beam ~ 1 mm • beam radius ~ cm • machine length ~ km's
Large-scale Computation in MFE • Existing computational efforts are addressing the following fundamental issues: • Nonlinear macroscopic plasma stability and the consequences of instability. • Cross-magnetic-field transport of plasma particles and energy from small-scale turbulence. • Heating / current drive / momentum input via RF waves. • Edge plasma dynamics and interactions with core plasma. • Atomic physics arising from plasma-surface interaction. • SCIDAC collaborations have helped extend the capabilities of the numerical models. • Integrated modeling will couple disparate descriptions to predict the nonlinear behavior of burning plasmas. (http://www.isofs.info/)
Computations for macroscopic stability must address stiffness and anisotropy. • Nonlinear dynamics that change the topology of the confining magnetic field are modeled with single- and two-fluid systems of equations, augmented by kinetic closures and/or minority species in some simulations. • Anisotropy produces subtle balances of large forces, nearly singular behavior at rational surfaces, and vastly different parallel and perpendicular transport properties. • System stiffness reflects the large range of time-scales from Alfvén-wave propagation to slow nonlinear evolution (~transport scale). This nonlinear simulation of a loss-of-confinement event in discharge #87009 of the GA DIII-D tokamak helped explain how internal MHD activity altered the heat deposition. (NIMROD data courtesy of Scott Kruger, Tech-X Corp.; SCIRUN graphics from Allen Sanderson, U. Utah) SCIDAC Center for Extended MHD Modeling w3.pppl.gov/CEMM
Performance of macroscopic computations is dominated by parallel linear algebra. • Stiff PDE systems require implicit and/or semi-implicit methods that lead to ill-conditioned matrices. • The algebraic systems are solved at every time-step, and a complete nonlinear computation may require 104 or more time-steps. • SCIDAC collaborations (X. Li, SuperLU; TOPS-PETSc group) led to performance breakthroughs, but scaling to large #s of procs. remains challenging. Fixed problem-size scaling with SuperLU (left) and NIMROD-native CG solver (right).
First-principles computation of microturbulence leading to transport requires kinetic effects. • Ion gyro-orbits about magnetic field-lines are small with respect to the device size and parallel wavelengths but comparable to perpendicular wavelengths. • The gyrokinetic approximation removes fast dynamics. • Determining transport properties from correlations of fluctuations leads to disparate scales (stiffness) that must be resolved. • Both Eulerian (continuum) and Lagrangian (PIC) methods are used numerically. The largest GTC run as of 5/03 required 1 billion particles and 125 million grid points using 1024 processors on the IBM-SP at NERSC. SCIDAC Plasma Micorturbulence Project fusion.gat.com/theory/pmp/
Both particle and continuum codes scale well on present-day machines. • Decomposition strategies (including MPI / loop parallelism) have been tuned. • Computation time with particle-based codes is presently dominated by scatter and gather operations. • As more electron and electromagnetic effects are added, electromagnetic “field-solves” (linear algebra) become an increasingly larger fraction of the CPU time. Fixed problem-size scaling for the continuum GYRO code. Increasing problem-size scaling for the PIC-based GTC code.
Computations of wave-plasma interactions investigate mode conversion and energy deposition. • The electromagnetic wave equation is solved in frequency-space with plasma current density being an integral operator on electric field. • Computations traditionally used spectral representations. • Recent developments include a plasma model valid for arbitrary gyroradius/wavelength scaling. (AORSA, E.F. Jaeger, ORNL) AORSA computation results for a multiple-ion-species plasma in the Alcator C-Mod experiment at MIT showing mode conversion from the long-wavelength “fast-wave” to ion cyclotron waves. SCIDAC Wave-Plasma Interactions Project www.ornl.gov/sci/fed/scidacrf
Computational performance of RF-plasma calculations is dominated by parallel linear algebra. • In-core ScaLAPACK solves for the spectral representation achieved 1.6 Tflops on 1600 processors of Seaborg—67% efficiency! • Some computations are more effective with a configuration-space representation. • Current density computation can be trimmed from vacuum regions of 3D stellarator calculations. • In some cases, the matrix solve time is reduced by a factor of 100; computational efficiency decreases, however. 3D AORSA computation for the LHD stellarator.
While SCIDAC has already provided a boost to MFE computation, predicting plasma behavior in ITER will require continued hardware and algorithmic gains. From the SCaLeS Report (www.pnl.gov/scales), Plasma Science Section by S. C. Jardin, PPPL.
Large-scale Computation in IFE HIF: Simulation of space-charge-dominated beams Intense beams of heavy ions will drive targets for Inertial Fusion Energy & High Energy Density PhysicsThis beam science will benefit from the next NERSC computer - but the machine’s architecture will matter Prepared by: Alex Friedman, LLNL & LBNL Heavy Ion Fusion Virtual National Laboratory NERSC Users Group, LBNL, JUne 25, 2004
Particle-in-cell simulation of injector based on merging 119 intense beamlets Key question in Heavy Ion Fusion:How do intense ion beams behave as they are accelerated and compressed into a small volume in space and time? • Beams are non-neutral plasmas; long-range forces dominate • They are collisionless with “long memories” — must follow beam particle distribution from source to target • “Multiscale, multispecies, multiphysics” computing; ions encounter: • Good electrons: neutralization by plasma aids compression, focusing • Bad electrons: stray “electron cloud” and gas can afflict beam • PIC is main tool; new methods offer: resolution (AMR-PIC), dense plasmas (implicit, hybrid PIC+fluid), low noise (f), halo (Vlasov), short electron timescales (large-Dt advance), …
px 10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 1 beam ions background ions electrons x target df • Nonlinear-perturbative simulation of ion-electron two-stream instability reveals structure of eigenmode • 4D Vlasov testbed captures halo down to extremely low densities • Electromagnetic simulation of a single converging beam in target chamber • Simulation of diode using merged Adaptive Mesh Refinement & PIC
Achieving HIF goals requires many processor-hours, good machine architecture, supportive center • Source-to-focus WARP PIC simulation of a beam in a full-scale HIF driver • On Seaborg: key kernels achieve 700-900 Mflop/s single-processor; aggregated parallel performance is ~100 Mflop/s per processor • Observe good scalability up to 256 proc’s on present-day problems; can assume further algorithmic improvements & larger problems • Next-step exp’t (minimal): 440 proc-hrs (128x128x4096, 16M part’s, 10k steps) • Full-scale system w/ electrons: 1.8 M proc-hrs (4x resolution, 4X longer beam, 4X longer path, two species, Dt halved, using new electron mover) • While performance on the SP is comparable to that of other large codes, the SP architecture is not ideal for this class of problem • A higher fraction of peak parallel speed was achieved on T3E than SP • WARP should adapt especially well to a vector/parallel machine • Hardware gather and scatter valuable; scatter-add even more so • Trends toward multi-physics complexity and implicitness imply that benefits would accrue from easy programmability, flexibility, good parallel performance • NERSC support has been excellent and is a key to successful supercomputing
Compressed fuel e- heating laser overdense plasma Fast Ignition: Separating Compression and Heating • It is relative easy to compress fuel pellet to achieve core density > range • Ignition needs a hot spot to start fusion • Near-perfect compression required to achieve hot spot in conventional ICF • FI: Using a 2nd laser to create hot spot (Tabak et al., 1994) • Heating window: 10 ps --> PW laser • Laser energy needs to be converted into energetic electrons or protons • FI relaxes compression requirement and increase energy gain.
Key question in FI: how much of ignition laser energy is coupled to target core • Energetic particle production (PIC simulation) • Laser-underdense plasma interaction • Channeling • Laser stability, e.g. hose/filament • Laser-plasma interface & vicinity (n≤102 nc) • Hole-boring • Fast e- production • Fast e- transport: current filament/magnetic field generation • Laser-solid material interaction • Energetic proton production/focusing • Laser-gold cone interaction for coned target • Energetic particle transport/energy deposition in dense plasma (hybrid simulation) • Particle description for energetic components + fluid description for dense plasma (n~102-104 nc) • Need to incorporate proper model for resistivity/collisionality
FI simulations requires tremendous computational resources. • For explicit PIC 3D simulations, • Total memory scales as L3n3/2 • Total particle-step scales as L3Tn2 • To simulate a (50m)3 plasma with n=100nc for 10ps requires ~6102 TB memory (1013 particles) and 109 processor-hour (on Seaborg) • State-of-art large PIC runs at Livermore used 7.2109 particles • Analyzing 109-particle data requires running in parallel and interactively data processing software such as IDL.
FES NERSC User Input • NERSC services and support are excellent. • The latency of Seaborg’s inter-node connection is too high and bandwidth is too low—data access relative to CPU speed should be considered carefully in the next purchase. • Scheduling policies are too selective in the type of scientific computations that are supported. • Those who have been able to take advantage of the large-job reimbursement program like it. • Diagnosing large PIC simulations will require support for large parallel interactive sessions. • At least 4 different (and different types of) fusion codes have demonstrated improved performance on the Cray X1 Assessment from CRS: as different types of FES computations expand their physical models and employ more sophisticated algorithms, communication will become a greater burden.