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“SEEDS” Sustainable and Effective Entrepreneurship Development Scheme INTERREG IIIB - CADSES. INTERREG III Initiative. Strand A: Cross-Border Cooperation Strand B : Trans-National Cooperation Strand C: Interregional Cooperation. INTERREG III B Programme. Alpine Space Archimed
“SEEDS” Sustainable and Effective Entrepreneurship Development Scheme INTERREG IIIB - CADSES
INTERREG III Initiative • Strand A: Cross-Border Cooperation • Strand B : Trans-National Cooperation • Strand C: Interregional Cooperation
INTERREG III B Programme • Alpine Space • Archimed • Atlantic Area • Baltic Sea Region • CADSES • Northern Periphery • North Sea Region • South West Europe • North West Europe • Caribbean Space • Acores - Madeira - Canarias • Reunion • Western Mediterranean
INTERREG IIIB - CADSES Programme Transnational cooperation involving national, regional and local authorities aims to promote better integration within the Union through the formation of large groups of European regions
Priority 1: Promoting Spatial Development Approaches and actions for social and economic cohesion Measure 1.1 Supporting Joint Strategies for spatial development and actions for implementation
The SEEDS project aims to build and test a coherent framework for planning and implementing joint sustainable strategies and actions for the internationalisation of SMEs in the CADSES
OBJECTIVES Carry - out analysis in the participating areas Establish joint reflection groups involving as many as possible of each participating territory’s relevant actors and lay down strategic and operational objectives concerning trans-territorial sustainable SMEs’ development in the areas involved. Develop and implement a coherent framework for establishing and operating effective transnational partnerships to promote SMEs’ sustainable development. Reinforce and further develop the partners’ existing structures for creating and network skilful units to support sustainable SMEs’ development and joint cooperation in the CADSES.
Partners (1) • BIC of Attika (GR) • ACSMI (GR) • ETAT (GR) • ETAKEI (GR) • ELKE (GR) • Association of Balkan Regions (GR) • ETBA SA (GR) • DIPEK (GR) • ITD DIMITRA (GR)
Partners (2) • ELKEDE (GR) • Region of Eastern Macedonia – Thrace (GR) • Alba Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Agriculture (RO) • Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BG) • Open Society Club (BG) • ARC fund (BG) • Region of Puglia (IT) • Tecnopolis CSATA (IT) • Region of Veneto (IT)
Partners (3) • Provincia di Treviso (IT) • IRECOOP (IT) • BIC Frankfurt - Oder (DE) • Frankfurt Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DE) • CLUJ Chamber of Commerce and Industry (RO) • District Administration of Veliko Tarnovo (BG) • Social Entrepreneurship Center (BG) • Industrial Association Veliko Tarnovo (BG)
Project Duration Starting Date: 01 - 11 - 2003 Expiring Date: 31 - 10 - 2006 36 Months Extension 6 months 31 – 5 - 07
Target Areas Greece Attika, Central Macedonia, East Macedonia-Thrace Italy Puglia, Veneto Germany Frankfurt – Oder Bulgaria Sofia, Veliko Tarnovo Romania Bucharest, Alba-Iulia Cluj
TARGET GROUPS Entrepreneurs and SMEs especially from three critical economic sectors that have been selected to be the Pilot Sectors of the project: Food and Drinks, Textile and Clothing, Leather and Footwear
BENEFICIARIES Local and Regional Authorities Organisations, Institutions and other Actors (related to economic, spatial, sustainable development) Policy makers and the scientific community (related to target sectors) Organisations-Structures supporting entrepreneurship (industrial parks, technology parks, incubators etc.). Entities representing SMEs (Chambers, Trade Unions etc.).
ACTIVITIES Diagnosis-analysis of the current situation in the territories concerned identification of the perspectives for sustainable joint SME’s development Elaboration of innovative tools to support planning and implementation for sustainable joint SME’s development Design and establishment of the CADSES International Entrepreneurship’s Support Centers and of their virtual network (International Entrepreneurship Support Network)
ACTIVITIES Elaboration and implementation of a pilot SMEs’ Internationalisation plan for enterprises of 3 sectors (Food/Drinks, Leather/Footwear, Textile/Clothing) support of selected SMEs for developing sustainable joint business activities Dissemination activities Elaboration of Exploitation Schemes: Creation of permanent infrastructure to facilitate and support sustainable SMEs’ internationalisation in the SEEDS territories
EXPECTED RESULTS Methodology for strategic planning of SMEs internationalisation Establishment of 9 Units to Support sustainable entrepreneurship and internationalisation in the CADSES (I.E.S.Cs). Support 45 SMEs of the 3 project’s Pilot Sectors, to conclude and start-up viable transnational business cooperations Organising of sensitisation, training, promotion and dissemination events Mobilisation of important actors of the target areas
EXPECTED EFFECTS EU Member States a. enrichment of existing structures for SMEs b. promotion of the SMEs internationalization activities c. SMEs access to information about the countries of the CADSES Non EU Countries a. improved Structures for SMEs, access to transnational cooperation and high-level expertise / know-how b. enhanced prospects for attracting investments and exploiting business opportunities c. perspectives for a more harmonized and sustainable SMEs development in the CADSES
The SMEs sector in Greece The role of the SMEs in the financial and social development is important. (neither the national economies nor the international economy could exist without the SMEs) About the 92% of the enterprises in the EU are very small and family businesses which employ up to 10 people whilst 6% are medium-sized enterprises In Greece, enterprises employing 50 persons and below form about 99,55% of the total number of enterprises and they employ 74% of the work force of the private sector
The SMEs sector in Greece The role of SME's in the national economy and employment SMEs provide 70% of the new jobs the main business model in Greece is and it will remain the micro enterprise which employs less than 10 persons the number of SME's in Greece exceeds much 733.000 (up to 100 employees), very few enterprises with more than 100 employees .
The SMEs sector in Greece 53,7% do not employ any salaried workers (enterprises of self–employed people in which members of their family also work) 43,8% employ from 1 to 9 salaried workers 2,2% employ from 10 to 49 salaried workers (the majority of the enterprises of this category employs less than 20 people) 0,3% employ from 50 to 249 (average employment of 100,9)
Investing in Greece New Investment Law INVESTMENT INCENTIVES LAW 3299/2004 Greece offers a wide range of generous and competitive investment incentives to the international business community.
Investing in Greece The Incentives Law is applicable to enterprises having business activities in the following sectors: Primary (e.g. greenhouses, animal farms, fisheries etc.) Secondary (e.g. manufacturing, energy etc) Tertiary:-tourism (hotel units, conference centres, marinas, thematic parks, golf courses, development of mineral springs, thalassotherapy centres, health tourism centres, centres for training-sports tourism etc).- other services (e.g. applied industrial research laboratories, commercial centers, software development, supply chain services, logistic centers etc.)
Investing in Greece the Country is divided into four zones ZONE D:Includes the border line zone of the continental part of Greece, the islands and the Prefectures of Xanthi, Rodopi and Evros. ZONE C: Includes the Lavrion Zone of Attica Prefecture, as well as the regions, the prefectures or parts of prefectures of the State which do not fall within the territories D’, B’ and Α'. ZONE Β: Includes the I.B.E., the Langada region and the area west of the river Axiosin Thessalonica Prefecture as well as the Trizinia region of Attica Prefecture. ZONE Α: Includes the Attika and Thessalonica Prefectures, except their parts which fall into the other zones.
Investing in Greece DIVISION INTO ZONES
Investing in Greece INCENTIVES ON OFFER a1) Cash grant, which covers part of the expense for the investment project a2) Leasing subsidy, which covers part of the payable installments relating to a lease which has been entered into for the use of new mechanical and other equipment b) Tax exemption. This incentive involves exemption from payment of income tax on non distributed gains for the first 10 years following completion of the investment, through the creation of a tax exempted reserve c) Cash grant for the expenses of wages relating to the employment created by the investment
Investing in Greece Cash grant and/or leasing subsidy An additional 5% is applicable in investment proposals in case of: Business located in Industrial Zones, Establishment, enhancements of 4 or 5 stars Hotels, Transformation of traditional buildings to hotels, Modernization of hotels characterized as traditional buildings, Installation of tourist enterprises in regions characterized as “Regions of Tourist Growth”, Businesses that operate less than a year
Investing in Greece • APPLICATION • Supporting documents • Feasibility study • (b) Evidence of payment of the required dues • (c) Any additional supporting documents according to each case
Detail Information Interbalkan and Black Sea Business Centre 154, Egnatia Str., GR- 546 36 Thessaloniki, Greece Tel. +30 2310 282313 Fax. +30 2310 291107 E-mail : dipeksa@dipek.gr URL : www.dipek.gr