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Bank Regulations

Bank Regulations. Banking & Finance. Bellringer. Complete the Chapter 6 online pretest www.m.g-wlearning.com. Section 6.1 Objectives. Explain the conditions that existed in the banking industry during the 1920s and 1930s Describe the provisions of the Glass- Steagall Act

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Bank Regulations

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  1. Bank Regulations Banking & Finance

  2. Bellringer • Complete the Chapter 6 online pretest • www.m.g-wlearning.com

  3. Section 6.1 Objectives • Explain the conditions that existed in the banking industry during the 1920s and 1930s • Describe the provisions of the Glass-Steagall Act • Explain why the legislation that created FIRREA and FDICIA was needed. • Describe how the Sarbanes-Oxley Act increases transparency and accountability in banking.

  4. Setting the Stage for Failure The Great Depression 9,000 banks closed 4,000 failed in 1933

  5. Causes of Bank FailuresDuring the 1920s and 1930s

  6. Consequences of theStock Market Crash • Banks and investment banking operations that owned securities lost most of their investment. • Unemployment was quite high. • Customers defaulted on loans • Banks paid higher interest rates to attract depositors. • Loans became unprofitable.

  7. Bank Run • Occurs when a large number of depositors withdraw all of their money from the bank at the same time. • Deposits were not insured at the beginning of the Great Depression.

  8. Checkpoint • List four factors that lead to the many bank failures during the Great Depression.

  9. Glass-Steagall • Video: “U.S. History Project—Glass Steagall” • Go to http://www.autoenglish.org/listening/crisisReading.htm

  10. Checkpoint • What were two goals of the Glass-Steagall Act? • How did the Glass-Steagall Act affect interest rates?

  11. Relaxing Depression-Era Regulation . . .You Research. You Learn. You Summarize. • Federal Home Loan Bank Board • Financial Institution Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act (FIRREA) • Federal Depository Insurance Corporation Improvement Act (FDICIA)

  12. Checkpoint • Name two federal agencies that were eliminated under the FIRREA.

  13. Sarbanes-Oxley Act • Video: “Sarbanes-Oxley Act”

  14. Checkpoint • What is the major purpose of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act?

  15. 3-2-1 Review: Prepare to Share

  16. Bellringer • Short Research Assignment: Google “Equator Principles” • A student will be randomly selected to provide a detailed explanation of the concept. • The entire class will receive 4 dots if correct. If unprepared, the entire class will lose 4 dots.

  17. Section 6.2 Objectives • Describe the regulations that govern consumer credit. • Explain the need for regulations that focus on fair access to credit.

  18. ACT RIGHT! Protecting Borrowers Promoting and Ensuring Fair Access to Credit Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HDMA) Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA) • Truth in Lending Act • Fair Credit Reporting Act • Fair Credit Billing Act • Credit CARD Act

  19. Group Activity • You will be split into 2 groups: • Protecting Borrowers • Promoting and Ensuring Fair Access to Credit • Create a rap song thoroughly explaining your assigned topic • Provide written (or typed) lyrics • Provide the instrumental music • Be prepared to be recorded. • Rubric

  20. Section 6.2 Quiz • What are the two most important disclosures that are required under the Truth in Lending Act? • What is the purpose of the Fair Credit Reporting Act? • According to the Fair Credit Billing Act, how long does a consumer have to dispute an error on his or her account statement? • Which law requires that credit card issuers state the monthly payment amount necessary to pay off a cardholder’s existing balance in 36 months? • Under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, lenders may not discriminate against potential borrowers based on what factors?

  21. Bellringer • APR = Total interest paid X 360 days Loan amount Length of loan in days • Bank A will loan you the $1,000 for six months (180 days), and you must repay the $1,000 plus $50 interest at the end of the six months. • APR = $50/1,000 X 360/180 = .05 X 2 = .10 = 10%

  22. Section 6.3 Objectives • Compare and contrast deregulation laws. • Explain the importance of compliance in the banking industry.

  23. Deregulation(Prepare for Dictation) • Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act (DIDMCA) • Garn-St. Germain Act • Interstate Banking and Branching Efficiency Act • Gramm-Leach-Biley Act

  24. Checkpoint • Why did a movement to deregulate banks start in the 1980s? • How much was federal deposit insurance under DIDMCA? • What is the difference between money market deposit accounts (MMDAs) and money market mutual funds (MMMFs)? • Which law did the Interstate Banking Act override?

  25. Compliance • Dual banking system (both states and federal government pass and enforce bank laws • Functional areas include: • Advertising; • Anti-money laundering; • The Bank Secrecy Act; • Depository operations; • Lending; • Loan servicing; and • Loss prevention

  26. Compliance • Plan for compliance must be strong. • Plan should: • Identify areas of high risk • Establish internal controls • Provide for an audit by outside source on ongoing basis • Assign someone in organization to manage all compliance matters (compliance officer) • Provide training to all staff working in areas where compliance is an issue • Set up system to verify bank customer identity

  27. Checkpoint • What are the functional areas of bank compliance?

  28. Individual Activity • Decide if you are in favor of bank deregulation or not. • Outline 3 main reasons for your position. • Defend your position in 3.5 essay format. • Rubric

  29. Unit 2 Summative Assessment Get Ready! Handout will be provided!!!

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