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10/03/2010. The Bluest Eye. Cavit Can Mutgan Ayse Irmak Sen Berk Sami Gönül Elif Kırcuval Section B-2. c ause you are beautiful no matter what they say. You will be informed about…. Brief Information about novel and the author (Ayşe)
10/03/2010 TheBluestEye Cavit Can Mutgan Ayse Irmak Sen Berk Sami Gönül Elif Kırcuval Section B-2 cause you are beautiful no matter what they say
You will be informed about… • BriefInformationaboutnovelandtheauthor (Ayşe) • Ideaswhichcould be bear in mindduringourpresentation(Elif) • HistoricalContext:(Berk) • CyclicalStorytellingandconcept of time in thenovel(Elif) • Autumn • Winter • Spring • Summer • Coming of age(Ayşe&Can) • Pecola • Cholly • Claudia • References
BriefInformation TheAuthor: ToniMorrison • 1931-Lorain/Ohio • StudiedHumanities in University • The Nobel Prize in Literature 1993 Retrieved May8, 2010 from: http://image3.examiner.com/images/blog/wysiwyg/image/toni-morrison-portrait.jpg
BriefInformation • Publishdate: 1970 • Morrison’sfirstnovel • Setting: Lorain, Ohio 1940-1941 (Morrison’shometown) Retrieved May8, 2010from: http://www.jatsbulgaria.org/upload/images/article_%7BE4105596-12E1-46CF-847C-475F865ACD61%7DImg100.jpg
Duringourpresentationpleasebear in mindthoseideas: • Thedistinctionbetweenrichwhitefamiliesandpoorblackfamilies at 1940s • Definition of beautyaccordingtothenovel • Sexualabusement • Lack of sexualsatisfactionandmentalsatisfaction • Loss of innoncenceduringcoming of age
HistoricalContext:TheGreatMigration Retrieved May9, 2010from: Retrieved May8, 2010from: http://www.jatsbulgaria.org/upload/images/article_%7BE4105596-12E1-46CF-847C-475F865ACD61%7DImg100.jpg Didyourealizetheconceptgreatmigration in thenovel “TheBluestEye”? Pauline,Cholly,Geraldinewascoming Ohio fromSoutherncities.
GreatMigration • The movement of 1.75 million AfricanAmericans out of theSouthern United States to theNorth, Midwest and West from 1910 to 1930/40 - from the docks of Norfolk, Savannah, Jacksonville, Tampa, Mobile, New Orleans, and Galveston: from the cotton fields of Mississippi, and the coal mines and steel-mills of Alabama and Tennessee. Whatcausesmigration?Is it justbecause of thejobopportunities? Can youadaptthistype of migrationtoourcountry?
"I witnessed the sending North from a southern city in one day a crowd estimated at twenty-five hundred. They were shipped on a train run in three sections, packed in day coaches, with all their baggage and other impedimenta." Statingthat it was a journey into freedom. James Weldon Johnson NationalAssociationfortheAdvancementof ColoredPeople Retrieved May8, 2010from: http://upsenglish.files.wordpress.com/2009/05/james_weldon_johnson.jpg
Causes • Urban tensions rose as African Americans and recent European immigrants, both groups chiefly from rural societies, competed for jobs and housing with the white ethnic working class. • Tensions were often most severe between ethnic Irish, defending their positions, and recent immigrants andblacks. In your opinion does the migration form similar cause in our country?
Retrieved May9, 2010from: http://people.cohums.ohio-state.edu/childs1/Outline%20Black%20Americans%20in%20the%201920s_files/image008.jpg
Retrieved May9, 2010from: http://www.cornish.edu/content/docs/library/1930afampop.jpg
Integration • Integrated into society. The divide existing between them became increasingly stark. Theysustained many Southern cultural and linguistic traits, such cultural differences created a sense of "otherness“. Can yougive an exampleaboutthisintegration in thenovel? Retrieved May8, 2010from: http://igmlnet.uohyd.ernet.in:8000/InfoUSA/facts/afrhist/images/dairy.jpg Pauline is beinghumiliatedby her neighborsbecauseshecamefromsouthandfinallyshefeelslikeshemustactlikethem.
SecondGreatMigration • More than 5 million AfricanAmericans from the South to the other three regions of the United States. • Took place place from 1941, through WorldWar II, and lasted until 1970. • To take jobs in the burgeoning industrial cities and especially the jobs in the defense industry during World War II.
CyclicalStorytellingandthetheme “time” in thenovel: • “The Seasons for Growth program is based not on a linear view of life but rather on cyclical view of the world.” Retrieved May8, 2010 from: http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs12/f/2006/338/4/8/four_seasons_wallpaper_by_Dawn42.jpg
“It uses a metaphor:the four seasons of the annual calendar. • The seasons never “end”. Autumn is followed by winter, which is followed by spring, and which is followed by summer, and then we’re into autumn again, and so on. • The seasons never end. They just change.” Retrieved May8, 2010 from: http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/thumb_174/1186866319Ut2fUE.jpg WhythatMorrisonusedthistype of storytelling? Toshowthatthis is not specificevent, it is alwaysrepeating, justpersonandplace is different but theevent is same.
“Each of the seasons has a meaning which flows from the previous and which leads on to the next season.” Retrieved May8, 2010 from: http://www.kuryosity.net/illustrator/aid001.four.seasons.jpg
Autumn • Experienceloss • The fruits drop to the ground • The flowers are no more • The season of harvesting Retrieved May8, 2010 from: http://wilstar.com/wallpaper/autumn2.jpg
Autumn • The flourishing summer is no longer with us “So when i think of autumn ,I think of somebody with hands who does not want me to die.” (Claudia) Retrieved May8, 2010from: http://www.jeanachillelaurent-acla.com/galerie/red/automneatailly.jpg
Winter • Experience the pain of this loss • In the cold of the season, we tend to go inwards Retrieved May8, 2010from: http://ulife.vpul.upenn.edu/careerservices/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/winter.jpg What is thepain, in otherwordsthereasonforgoinginwardsforPecola,ClaudiaandFriedaduringtheWinter of thenovel?
Winter • Suffer from the lack of what is no longer with us. • What can be thislacknessaccordingtobook? “you nasty little black bitch” (p.92)” Retrieved May8, 2010 from: http://www.winterwanderland.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/01/snowy-mill-creek-winter.jpg
Supportingquotationfromthenovel: “If she was cute– and if anything could be believed, she was– then we were not. And what did that mean? We were lesser. Nicer, brighter, but still lesser. Dolls we could destroy, but we could not destroy the honey voices of parents and aunts, the obedience in the eyes of our peers, the slippery light in the eyes of our teachers when they encountered the Maureen Peals of the world. What was the secret? What did we lack? Why wasit important? And so what?” (p.74)
“Outside, the March wind blew into the rip in her dress. She held her head down against the cold. But shecould not hold it lowenoughtoavoidseeingthesnowflakesfallinganddying on thepavement.” (p.93) Retrieved May8, 2010 from:http://snowhawk.files.wordpress.com/2009/03/spring1.jpg
Spring • Experience the thrill of the rebirth of new life • Remember the coldness of winter • Look ahead to the potential of new growth, new energy, new prospects of life. • Whatcould be rebirth , newprospects of life can be forPecola in thespringseason?
Spring “They beat us differently in the spring. Instead of the dull pain of a winter strap, there were these new green switches that lost their sting long after the whipping was over.” (p.97) “Even now spring for me is shot through with the remembered ache of switchings, and forsythia holds no cheer.” (p.97)
Why do you think that Morrisonwrote about Cholly's, SoapheadChurch's and Pauline's life stories in the spring section? • Because spring is a new beginning and in that section the Morrison talked about the events that changed their lives.
Summer • Whatdoessummerremindsyou? • Looking outwards,satisfaction, pleasure, delight of happiness • Can yourelatethisadjectiveswiththesummer of thePecola? • Do youthink is thereirony? • “Itremainsforme a season of storms.” p.187 • However, FriedaandClaudiaaresearchingforPecola’sgood
Summer The enjoyment of the fullness oflife: Can werelatethisspeciality of summertoPecola? “I wantthembluesopeopledon’t do uglythings in front of meand I stop beinginvisible.”
Autumn • Experinceloss: • Pecola’s baby dies in autumn.
Anotheraspect of CyclicalStorytelling: • DickandJaneStories… • Hereisthehouse.Itisgreenandwhite.Ithasareddoor.Itisverypretty.Hereisthefamily.Mother,Father,Dick,andJaneliveinthegreenandwhitehouse.Theyareveryhappy. SeeJane.Shehasareddress.Shewantstoplay.WhowillplaywithJane.TheKittenwillnotplay.Seemother.Motherisverynice.Mother,willyouplaywithJane? Motherlaughs. Laugh,Mother,laugh.SeeFather.Heisbigandstrong. Fatherissmiling.Smile,Father,smile.Seethedog. Bowwowgoesthedog.DoyouwanttoplaywithJane?Seethedogrun.Run,dogrun.Look,lookherecomesafriend. ThefriendwillplaywithJane.Theywillplayagoodgame. Play,Jane,play. Everychildren is start toreadingwiththesebooks. Andthisbooksarealwaysincludingsamethingssoeverytimethesameprejudice is occuring. It is cyclicaltoo.
Coming of Age • Is coming of age is justoneeraor it lastsduringall life? Can yourelateyouranswertothenovelbyusingthecharactersPecola ,Cholly,Pauline? • Coming of ageconcept is beingusedforteenageryears , however in thisbookwe can seeeveryyear can be thekeypoint of thepeople’s life.
Can wedistinguishthecoming of age’s of people as succesfulorunsuccessful ? • Duringthecoming of age , accordingtotheexternalfactorswecreate a solutionforourselvestoescapeoridentifytheeventswhichweareliving in otherwordswecreateour motto tosurvive in theworld.
PecolaBreedlove • Retrieved May8, 2010http://www.dijitalsanat.com/data/media/314/ws_Old_Dirt_Road_1920x1200.jpg To be Beautiful
Supportingmaterialfromthenovel, China,PolandandMissMarie: “Pecolalovedthem,visitedthem,rantheirerrands. They , in turn , did not despise her.”
Supportingmaterialfromthenovel, FriedaandClaudia: “Friedaand I stoppedfightingeachotherandconcentrated on ourguest, trying hard tokeep her fromfeelingoutdoors.”
Supportingmaterialfromthenovel, Media: “Weknewshewasfond of theShirleyTemple cup andtookeveryopportunitytodrinkoutmilk of it justtohandleandseesweetShirley’ face.” “Threepennies had bought her nine lovelyorgasmswihMaryJane. LovelyMaryJane, forwhom a candy is named.”
Supportingmaterialfromthenovel, Viceto be beauty: “Why,look at pretty-eyedPecola. Wemustn’t do badthings in front of thoseprettyeyes.”
ChollyBreedlove • http://www.dijitalsanat.com/data/media/314/ws_Old_Dirt_Road_1920x1200.jpg Hatredagainstworld
Coming of AgethroughClaudia Adulthood Adolescence Childhood BeinghappywhengettingcandiesthroughMr. Henry Frieda: “Somebody has toloveyou.”
Beauty “I look at mychest.’I don’thavenothingtopinch. I’mnevergoingtohavenothing.’” p.100 Retrieved May8, 2010 httpwww.flickr.comphotos21334807@N002143972560.jpg
Sexuality “A coldwindblewsomewhere in me, lifting littleleaves of terrorandobscurelonging.” p.77
Alienation httpwww.flickr.comphotos7823238@N023196186742.jpg
Adults vs Themselves “We do not heartheirwords…” p.14
VariousfirstExperience/Actions SecretSharings httpwww.flickr.comphotos34606192@N00761401.jpg httpwww.flickr.comphotos10533549@N083219503404.jpg