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Literary terms. Imagery. Imagery- Figurative language in a literary work. Within Hamlet (V.i.170.) Within other works http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_guKhYVr5vA. Simile. Simile- A comparison between two things using like or as Within Hamlet (I.ii.17.) Within other works
Imagery Imagery- Figurative language in a literary work. Within Hamlet (V.i.170.) Within other works http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_guKhYVr5vA
Simile Simile- A comparison between two things using like or as Within Hamlet (I.ii.17.) Within other works http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=notKtAgfwDA
Metaphor Metaphor- A figure of speech in which the phrase is not applicable to the object or action Within hamlet (IV.i.2.) Within other works http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGEeLtqtNvU
Personification Personification- Giving human qualities to an inanimate object Within Hamlet (II.ii.180.) Within other works http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bNu4xLIzso
Apostrophe Apostrophe- Punctuation mark to identify possession Within Hamlet (II.ii.179.) Within other works
Symbol Symbol- An object that stands for something beyond itself Within Hamlet (III.ii.250.) Within other works http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uK92NYwBMts
Allegory Allegory- A story that contains a hidden meaning Within Hamlet (III.ii.250-253.) Within other works Platos allegory of the cave
Paradox Paradox- A statement that seems to contradict itself Within Hamlet (I.ii.65) Within other works
Hyperbole Hyperbole- An exaggeration Within Hamlet (V.i.254-255.) Within other works http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RexQLrcqwc
Understatement Understatement- Presenting something in way less significantly than it is. Within Hamlet (III.i.56.) Within other works “Killing a mockingbird is like killing an ant.” -To Kill A Mockingbird
Irony Irony- Knowing a piece of information that the characters of a story do not. Within Hamlet (I.ii.67.) Within other works
Chiasmus Chiasmus- Words or phrases repeated in reverse order Within Hamlet (II.ii.33-34.) Within other works http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vt0Y39eMvpI
Metonymy Metonymy- Substituting a name for a characteristic of the noun Within Hamlet (III.iii.55.) Within other works http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vt0Y39eMvpI
Synecdoche Synecdoche- A figure of speech in which a part represents a whole Within Hamlet (I.v.36.) Within other works http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIizh6nYnTU
Alliteration Alliteration- A repeat of the same letter at the beginning of words Within Hamlet (I.v.44.) Within other works “his hand took hold of hers page” -The Great Gatsby
Assonance Assonance- The repetition of a vowel sound Within Hamlet (II.ii.116.) Within other works “Eagerly I wished the morrow” -The Raven
Consonance Consonance- A repeat in consonant sounds Within Hamlet (III.iv.38.) Within other works “Or, at the least, so long as brain and heart” -William Shakespeare The Sonnets CXXII
Rhyme Rhyme- The similar sound between words Within Hamlet (IV.v.29-30.) Within other works “Roses are red violets are blue, if you were the dive I’d tackle you. -Robert Senter Poem to consider against St. John’s
Rhythm Rhythm- A repeated pattern of sound Within Hamlet (IV.v.29-32.) Within other works http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUMLO6tbQ5U
Meter Meter- Rhythm of poetry Within Hamlet (IV.v.27.) Within other works “Two roads diverged in yellow wood” -Robert Frost The road not taken
End Stopped Line End stopped line- A feature in poetry where a grammatical unit corresponds to the length of the line Within Hamlet (II.ii.160.) Within other works
Run On Line Run on line- When the speaker continues without pause Within Hamlet (III.ii.54-55. Within other works
Caesura Caesura- A break between words Within Hamlet- All ‘round
Free Verse Free verse- Poetry that is without rhyme or meter Within Hamlet (II.ii.532.)
Iambic Pentameter Iambic pentameter- A pattern of meter with an alternate of five stressed syllables and five unstressed syllables Within Hamlet (I.ii.132).
Grammatical Pauses Grammatical pauses- A break in speaking Within Hamlet (V.ii.310.)