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Overcoming Barriers for Technology Transfer - An example in Minas Gerais, Brasil -. Ghent 9 April 2003 Holger Liptow, gtz. Energy policy and planning Energy policy advisory services Climate Protection Programme World Commission on Dams Public Private Partnership in infrastructure
Overcoming Barriers for Technology Transfer - An example in Minas Gerais, Brasil - Ghent9 April 2003 Holger Liptow,gtz
Energy policy and planning Energy policy advisory services Climate Protection Programme World Commission on Dams Public Private Partnership in infrastructure Energy efficiency in Power utilities Business and industry Municipalities Renewable energy sources Rural energy supply Grid-connected power from renewable sources Wind energy Solar cooker field test Photovoltaic pumping systems GTZ-Portfolio on Energy
Cooperação Brasil-Alemanha Customised Utilisation of Energy in Agriculture in Minas Gerais, Brasil
Project Region: Minas Gerais Size: 588.384 km2 Population: 18 Mio GNP: ca. 60 Mrd. US-$ Project partners: CEMIG partly privatised power utility with largest grid in LA, 5 Mio customers. EMATER-MG federal agency for agricultural development and advisory service in Minas Gerais Brasil
CEMIG Policy: Energy supply essential for development in Minas Gerais! Confliting intentions for rural area: - Improved grid utilisation - 100% electrification in Minas Gerais Project Goal Utilisation of electric energy in a efficient, productive, and income generating manner Project Goal
National energy saving policy Commission for energy efficiency indicators Promotion of energy saving in SME „Power to the people“ up to 2005: mandatory Funding: tariff system Luz no Campo Promotion of productive use in rural area by CEMIG 1 % of utility income for energy efficiency projects DSM R & D Most technologies are available in Brasil Framework Conditions
Activity areas • Communal machinery house • 8 Pilot projects • Dissemination so far 230 houses
Efficient Irrigation • 8 Pilot projects • So far 200 efficientirrigations projects for small scale farmers (supported by CEMIG or EMATER)
Photo Voltaic Systems/ Solar Home Systems • 14 SHS – Pilot installations • CEMIG – Regulation (Pre-electrification!) • Support for setting up of Training centre • So far 1000 SHS in Minas Gerais (5.000 – 20.000 further SHS under preparation)
Improvement of agricultural machinery driven by electric motors • Advisory service • for standards on energy efficiency to producers of agricultural machinery • for improved layout of machinery • Development and test laboratories for agricultural machinery at universities
Efficient Pumping Systems • 3 Pilot projects • So far more than 200 efficient systems (COPASA water authority)
Other Renewable Energy Projects • Ca.10 Pilot projects (Solar dryer, Mini hydro power, PV-Pumps) • Local production of solar dryers (German-Brasilian inter company technology transfer) • So far 180 PVP (COPASA) and 8 Solar dryers
Training for Local Experts and Users • Training material • Training seminars and workshops • Information tour to Germany und LA neighbors
AGRIBOMBAS Programa para Seleção Catálogo de Fabricantes, de Bombas Revendedores, Consultores Agrícolas e Pesquisadores de Versão 1.0 Energias Renováveis - 1997 - • Publications • Articles • Videos, CD’s • Booklets • Presentations
Development of Income of Target Group 7 6 5 4 1995 3 2002 2 1 0 RE-Systems Machineries Irrigation
100 90 80 70 60 yes 50 no 40 30 20 10 0 RE-Systems Machineries Irrigation Survey of Target Group 2002: Has the project improved your living conditions? in %
Essential Results (1) • Selection of target group for pilot projects decisive • Cooperation between utility and extension service for agricultural machinery undispensible • Transfer to other utilities in the country and internationally possible and now requested for.
Essential Results (2) • Economically attractive extension of rural electrification is only possible with transfer of technology and their productive utilisation. • Efficient utilisation of power reduces connection costs • Cooperation with a strong partner such as CEMIG has large potential for implementation and wide spread utilisation of technical cooperation support of the GTZ (good cost benefit relationship).
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