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Case Studies of Using Condor for Scientists Barcelona, 2006. Agenda. Extended user’s tutorial Advanced Uses of Condor Java programs DAGMan Stork MW Grid Computing Case studies, and a discussion of your application‘s needs. BLAST. Background.
Agenda • Extended user’s tutorial • Advanced Uses of Condor Java programs DAGMan Stork MW Grid Computing • Case studies, and a discussion of your application‘s needs
Background • Each species has a genetic encoding within its cells • Humans are made of approximately 1014 cells
Background • The human nucleus of each cell contains 46 chromosomes • Each chromosome contains between 231 and 2958 genes • Each chromosome is made of somewhere between 25 million and 237 million (approximately) base pairs
Base Pairs (Simplified) • Each base pair is one of 4 nucleotides • Each nucleotide is represented by one letter: ACGT
The Science Issue Scientists ask many questions and pose computationally difficult issues: map a species’ genome - build a huge database of information understand evolution at a genetic level – answer homology and related questions identify mutations and genes – to develop diagnoses and medical treatments
BLAST • Basic Local Alignment Search Tool • A really good pattern matching program • An answer to the science questions often requires queries such as Does the following nucleotide sequence (~1000 pairs), or something close appear in the database (several billions of pairs)? To what certainty is there a match?
The Biological Magnetic Resonance Data Bank • Department of Biochemistry at University of Wisconsin-Madison • Part of the Center for Eukaryotic Structural Genomics (CESG) • Working on three dimensional protein structure
The BMRB and BLAST • The BMRB (with the help of the Condor Team) has a weekly set of automated BLAST runs • These BLAST runs compare progress on the BMRB set of working proteins to the Protein Data Bank
Serial versus Parallel • Too slow: The BMRB working set could be input as a single BLAST program execution • Load the Protein Data Bank database • Serially query the database with each protein in the working set • Faster: Divide the working set into pieces that allow parallel executions of BLAST
Weekly BMRB Runs • Obtain and install the BLAST executable and Protein Data Bank database • Decide on the best way to split the BMRB working set of proteins to minimize the parallel execution time • Make a custom DAG for this split • Produce a report on the BMRB run
E B B B E E C The Custom DAG . . . B is BLAST . . . E is Extract results
An Economics Application • Computations are done at points on a coordinate plane • Initial values are known along the axes • Computation of one point at a time is too slow (serial execution) • Each point is dependent on 2 neighboring points (x,y) can be computed knowing (x-1,y) and (x,y-1)
The Coordinate Plane known result 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6
The Coordinate Plane known result 6 inputs ready 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6
The Coordinate Plane known result 6 inputs ready 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6
The Coordinate Plane known result 6 inputs ready 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6
The Coordinate Plane known result 6 inputs ready 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6
The Coordinate Plane known result 6 inputs ready 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6
The DAG 1-4 1-3 1-2 2-3 etc. 1-1 2-2 2-1 3-2 3-1 4-1
Use DAGMan • Write a program to generate the DAG input file • The submit description file (and the executable) is the same for each node in the DAG
Job 1-1 gonkulate.submit Job 1-2 gonkulate.submit Parent 1-1 Child 1-2 Job 2-1 gonkulate.submit Parent 1-1 Child 2-1 Job 1-3 gonkulate.submit Parent 1-2 Child 1-3 Job 2-2 gonkulate.submit Parent 1-2 2-1 Child 2-2 Vars 2-2 left=“file1-2” Vars 2-2 below=“file2-1” Vars 2-2 result=“file2-2” . . . DAG input file, continued Job 3-4 gonkulate.submit Parent 2-4 3-3 Child 3-4 Vars 3-4 left=“file2-4” Vars 3-4 below=“file3-3” Vars 3-4 result=“file3-4” . . . DAG Input File
Submit Description File In gonkulate.submit: universe = vanilla executable = gonkulate output = $(result) should_transfer_files = YES when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT transfer_input_files = $(left) $(below) log = gonkulate.log notification = Never queue
Description of Nug30 • nug30 (a Quadratic Assignment Problem instance of size 30) had been the “holy grail” of computational QAP research since 1968 • In 2000, Anstreicher, Brixius, Goux, & Linderoth set out to solve this problem • Using a mathematically sophisticated and well-engineered algorithm, they still estimated that we would require 11 CPU years to solve the problem.
Nugent’s Problem • There are a set of N locations and a set of N facilities, and each facility must be assigned a location. To measure the cost of each possible assignment, the flow between each pair of facilities is multiplied by the distance between the pair's assigned locations, and then a sum is taken over all of the pairs. • For Nug30, N = 30
QAP Definition* The formal definition of the quadratic assignment problem is Given two sets, P ("facilities") and L ("locations"), of equal size, together with a weight function w : P x P g R and a distance function d : L x L g R. Find the bijection f : P g L (assignment) such that the cost function: w(a,b) . d(f(a), f(b)) is minimized and a and b are members of P. Usually weight and distance functions are viewed as a square real-valued matrices. *Wikipedia
Scope of the Problem • This QAP problem is difficult due to the excessively large number of possible facility assignments. • The number of possible assignments is factorial in the number of facilities. N! = N x (N-1) x (N-2) x . . . x 2 • 30! is approximately 2.6 x 1032
The Simplified Approach • Method of choice is branch and bound • The complete tree has 30! nodes as leaves • Branching grows the tree • Bounding results in pruning the tree
The Nug30 Solution • Used a new algorithm called quadratic programming bound developed by Anstreicher and Brixius • Sequential execution would have taken 7 years, so parallelization of the algorithm was important • Used MW
Nug30 Computational Grid • Used tricks to make it look like one Condor pool • Flocking • Glidein • 2510 CPUs total
Win By Gambling Each week, 6 games are played The outcome of each game is • win • lose • tie
Bet, and win $$$ • Get 5 of the 6 games correctly predicted, and you win • What is the minimum number of predictions you must make to guarantee winning?
Known Values number of games minimum predictions
Problem Description • A covering code • An NP Hard problem • Many years of research and effort for 6 games leads to 65 < minimum number of predictions < 73 • An integer programming problem • Best solver is the commercial application CPLEX
Why the Problem is Difficult • Number of tickets possible:6! x 36 • The tree that represents the problem (and solutions) has many isomorphic branches. This makes it difficult to prune the tree. • New techniques have been developed, which leads to reducing the interval of solution • The latest and greatest does many smaller problems using MW
Solution! • Not yet. . . • The first effort (many CPU years worth of time) had a very small error in input • Second effort is still in progress. • All this to improve the lower bound from 65 to 70, thereby reducing the range for the solution