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FUNDRAISING . STUDENT VOLUNTEERS ABROAD (SVA) . WHY FUNDRAISE?. Student Volunteering Abroad is divided into 3 parts: Fundraising Project Evaluation No specific Donors and why this works in our favour Current economic climate fundraising difficulties
WHY FUNDRAISE? • Student Volunteering Abroad is divided into 3 parts: • Fundraising • Project • Evaluation • No specific Donors and why this works in our favour • Current economic climate fundraising difficulties • Fundraising stigma leads to a dismissive view • It is important to consider a wide range of fundraising techniques- balancing a need for diversification whilst maintaining a focus on what you are capable of doing well
IMPORTANT CONSIDERATIONS • Fundraising activities are often the most public face of a charity or voluntary organisation. It is in the interests of all that they are carried out properly and in good taste. Even one instance of bad practice can undermine public confidence and generosity. • What is our fundraising strategy? • What fundraising techniques are right for us? • Is our fundraising legal? • Is our fundraising ethical? • Every single year SVA have raised over our targeted amount, it does seem daunting but you will do it! • You as Volunteers have a large support network in SVA
COLLECTION • On the street, house to house, collection boxes in shops/pubs etc. • Doesn’t require large fundraising budget – just plenty of confident volunteers who are motivated, able and well briefed on the regulations that govern collections • Valentines (and Anti-Valentines!) Day, St Patricks Day, Burns Night etc.
EVENTS • Quizzes, concerts, auctions, club nights, retail hosted parties (Body Shop or Ann Summers), girls/boys nights, charity dinner/brunches- get creative! • Great showcase of your charity and advertisement of organisation • Great for group bonding • Addition of trombolas/raffles etc. • Absorb a lot of resources- so should always assess the costs and risks, as well as the benefits of organising any event • Most of the hard work is in the MARKETING
SPONSORED ACTIVITIES • Walks/runs/climbs/ silences/ singing/ baking/ skydiving(!)/ challenges- again, get creative! • Long been a core fundraising method for charities • people can be sponsored for almost anything • They can be at any location, any time of year and are a great way to get your friends and family members (especially from far away!) involved • Make sure you have an organised way in which to collect the money!
CLUBS/ASSOCIATIONS • Local community clubs such as rotary clubs are often willing to fundraise for local charities • You can take the opportunity to link up with other societies in University and utilise their members and publicity • Ensure the group does not do anything to damage your charity’s reputation • Community groups often want a speaker to speak at their meeting • THANK THE GROUP
LOCAL SCHOOLS • Rich mine of committed and energetic volunteers- eager to help by organising an event to support your charity (Schools from your home are usually more willing to help) • Raises awareness of organisation (as well as possibly recruiting future members) • Permission! • Ensure safe and legal
BAG PACKING • SVA has found bag packing at supermarkets a hugely successful fundraiser • A Saturday morning bag pack can make £1000 • Slots fill up long in advance • Supermarkets only allowed so many per month
Grants • 9000 grant-making trusts in the UK, giving around £2 billion a year • Finding the right grant requires investigation and planning • Most major foundations give clear criteria for funding, so you can save time by only making applications where your plans fit the criteria • - www.turn2us.org.uk- www.fundingcentral.org.uk- www.syfab.org.uk • Make a list of all the organisations you have applied to and post them on the facebook page • Again, if you are awarded money, remember to thank them!
USEFUL RESOURCES • http://www.fundraising-help.co.uk/ • http://www.trustfunding.org.uk/ • http://www.scvo.org.uk/ • http://www.fundraising.co.uk/ • Tried and Tested Ideas for Raising MoneyLocally3rd EditionSarah Passingham, DSC 2003ISBN: 13-978-1-903991-37-4 • Organising Special EventsStephen Elsden and John Gray, DSC 2000ISBN:13-978-1-900360-56-2 • The Complete Fundraising HandbookDSC, 4th Edition (due September 2007)Nina Botting & Michael Norton, DSC 2007ISBN 13-978-1-903991-84-8
Your own Fundraiser • Name of Event • What type of Event • When, Where, Price of entry • How will you publicise it? • What of your own skills/interests can you use? • Why is it interesting?