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Introduction . 5-10% of emergency responses involve childrenChildren may be unable to tell you what happenedSize/anatomical difference make care different. Interacting with Infants, Children, and Caretakers. Prevent anxiety/panic in child/caretakersTell child your name; say you are there to helpBe especially sensitive to child's feelingsEnsure a parent/caretaker has been called.
1. Infants and Children Lesson 17
2. Introduction 5-10% of emergency responses involve children
Children may be unable to tell you what happened
Size/anatomical difference make care different
3. Interacting with Infants, Children, and Caretakers Prevent anxiety/panic in child/caretakers
Tell child your name; say you are there to help
Be especially sensitive to childs feelings
Ensure a parent/caretaker has been called
4. Interacting with Infants, Children, and Caretakers Stay at childs level, be friendly and calm
Observe child for clues about how best to be reassuring
Always be honest with child/caretakers
Keep patient and caretakers informed
5. Interacting with Infants, Children, and Caretakers Dont separate child from caretaker
Approach slowly from a safe distance
Talk with both the caretaker and the child
Observe the child/caretaker before touching the child
Remain calm
6. Infants/children are not small adults
Differences from adult anatomy/ physiology in most body areas Differences in Anatomy and Physiology
7. Head and Neck Smaller airway easily blocked
Tongue relatively larger, can easily block airway
When opening airway , dont hyperextend neck
Suctioning secretions from nose can improve breathing problems
Head of infant/young child relatively larger/heavier
Soft spots (fontanels) put head at greater risk
8. Chest and Abdomen Children compensate for respiratory problems/shock for short periods
Compensation followed by rapid decompensation
Use of accessory muscles a clear sign of breathing problem
9. Chest and Abdomen More susceptible to hypothermia
Blood loss may be fatal
More easily dehydrated (diarrhea/vomiting)
Internal injuries are more likely with trauma
10. Extremities Bones easily fractured by trauma
11. Assessing Infants and Children Assessment uses same steps as for adults
Correct problems threatening airway, breathing, or circulation as soon as found
Assessment varies based on age/nature of problem
12. Scene Size-Up Begin by observing scene
Note how child/caretakers interact
Gather information from caretakers
Observe the environment
13. General Impression You can often tell how ill/severely injured child is from a distance
Skin color
Body position
14. General Impression Mental status
Quality of crying or speaking
Emotional state
Respondse to caretakers
How attentive child is to you
The childs effort of breathing may be obvious
15. Initial Assessment Initial assessment follows same steps as adult
16. Airway, Breathing, Circulation
17. Airway Dont hyperextend neck when using head tiltchin lift
Put folded towel under shoulders for better positioning of airway
18. Airway Look inside mouth for obstructing object
Use the jaw-thrust technique for a trauma patient
Suction airway if needed
19. Breathing With airway opened, check by looking, listening, and feeling
If not breathing, provide ventilations and check pulse
20. Breathing If breathing, assess breathing adequacy:
Respiratory rate
Chest expansion and symmetry of movement
21. Breathing If breathing, assess breathing adequacy:
Effort of breathing: nasal flaring, retractions, grunting
Abnormal sounds: stridor, crowing
22. Circulation Check pulse
Begin CPR if pulse =60 beats/minute
Compare central/peripheral pulses
Assess skin color, temperature, and condition
23. Circulation continued Reduced circulation indicated by:
Pale, ashen, or cyanotic skin color
Cool, clammy skin
Capillary refill time = two seconds
Control external bleeding with direct pressure
24. History and Physical Examination Maintain spinal immobilization in trauma/unresponsive patient
Support head when moving infant
Gather assessment information
Communicate at level with child, gather information from caretakers
25. History and Physical Examination Examine from toe to head
Vital signs normally different from adults
Changes occur quickly
Assess anterior fontanel on top of skull
26. Normal Vital Signs
27. Airway Management Opening airway
Use of airway adjuncts
28. Suctioning Using gauze pad sweep mouth or suction
Dont insert tip of rigid catheter deeper than base of tongue
For newborn, dont suction longer than 3-5 seconds at a time
With an older infant/child, dont suction longer than 10 seconds at a time
29. Airway Adjuncts Use oral airway if no gag reflex
Remove airway if child gags, coughs, etc.
Oral airway not for initial ventilations
Device keeps airway open
Select size
Nasal airways are not usually inserted in children by First Responders
30. Oral Airway Insertion Insert oral airway in upright position
Do not rotate 180 as for adult
Open the childs mouth
Use tongue blade to press base of tongue down
Insert airway in upright (anatomic) position
If tongue blade not available, use index finger to press base of tongue down
31. Respiratory Emergencies
32. Respiratory Emergencies Airway obstructions
Respiratory distress and arrest
Respiratory infections
33. Signs and Symptoms of Mild Airway Obstructions Infant or child is alert and sitting
Hear stridor, crowing, noisy breathing
Retractions on inspiration
Skin pink with good peripheral perfusion
Strong pulse
34. Emergency Care of Mild Airway Obstructions Allow child to assume position of comfort
Assist a younger child to sit up, not lie down
Do not agitate child
Encourage continued coughing
Follow local protocol re: oxygen
35. Signs and Symptoms of Severe Airway Obstructions No crying or speaking
Weak and ineffective cough
Cough that becomes ineffective
Increased respiratory difficulty and stridor
Altered mental status; unresponsiveness
36. Emergency Care of Severe Airway Obstructions Attempt to clear airway
Use alternating back slaps/chest compressions in responsive infant
Use abdominal thrusts in responsive child
Give CPR to unresponsive infant or child
37. Emergency Care of Severe Airway Obstructions continued Check for object in mouth before giving a breath
Remove any object you see
Never perform blind finger sweep
Attempt artificial ventilations with mouth-to-mask technique
38. Respiratory Distress and Arrest Respiratory distress is difficulty breathing
Respiratory distress frequently leads to respiratory arrest
39. Signs and Symptoms of Respiratory Distress Respiratory rate =60 breaths/minute in infants
30-40 breaths/minute in children
Nasal flaring
Intercostal, supraclavicular, subcostal retractions
Stridor, grunting, or noisy breathing
Altered mental status
40. Emergency Care for Respiratory Distress Perform standard patient care
Allow child to assume position of comfort
Ensure appropriate position of head/neck
Follow local protocol re: oxygen
41. Blow-By Oxygen Responsive infant/child may resist mask on his/her face
Use the blow-by oxygen delivery technique
42. Signs and Symptoms of Respiratory Arrest Breathing rate = 20 breaths/minute in an infant =10 breaths/minute in a child
Limp muscle tone
Slow or absent pulse
Weak or absent distal pulses
43. Emergency Care for Respiratory Arrest Perform standard patient care
Provide ventilations by mouth or mask
Follow local protocol re: oxygen
Monitor pulse and provide CPR if needed
44. Respiratory Infections Common in childhood
Range from minor to life threatening
May affect upper or lower airways
Result from infection, foreign bodies, allergic conditions
45. Signs and Symptoms of Respiratory Problems Rapid breathing
Noisy breathing
Mental status changes
46. Croup Viral infection of upper/lower airway
Frequently occurs in winter months and in evening
More common in younger children
Often preceded by being ill 1 2 days with/ without fever
Generally not life-threatening
47. Signs and Symptoms of Croup Hoarseness
A "barking" cough
Difficulty breathing
48. Emergency Care for Croup Perform standard patient care
Difficult to distinguish from life-threatening epiglottitis
If croup persistent, child should see physician
Give care for respiratory distress
Follow local protocol re: humidified oxygen
49. Epiglottitis Rare, life-threatening infection of epiglottis
Epiglottis swells and airway completely obstructed
Occurs more frequently in children =4 years of age
50. Signs and Symptoms of Epiglottitis Child appears ill and frightened
High fever
Child is sitting up to breathe
Saliva may drool from the childs mouth
51. Emergency Care for Epiglottitis Perform standard patient care
Dont examine mouth or place OPA
Allow child to remain in comfortable position
Give care for respiratory distress
Follow local protocol re: oxygen
Ensure immediate transport
52. Bronchiolitis Common cause of respiratory distress in young children
Also called RSV (respiratory syncytial virus)
Viral infection of smaller airways causing respiratory distress/occasional hypoxia
53. Signs and Symptoms of Bronchiolitis Fever
Nasal congestion
Increased work of breathing with retractions/use of accessory muscles
Markedly abnormal lung sounds with crackles/wheezes together
May be cyanotic
54. Emergency Care for Bronchiolitis Perform standard patient care
Give care for respiratory distress
Follow local protocol re: humidified oxygen
If patient has asthma medication inhaler, follow local protocol
55. Asthma Common medical problem in children
Causes periodic attacks of difficulty breathing
Results from an abnormal spasm of lower airways
Attacks range from minor to life-threatening
56. Signs and Symptoms of Asthma Attack Difficulty breathing, rapid irregular breathing
Coughing, wheezing
In severe attack:
Altered mental status
57. Emergency Care for Asthma Attack Perform standard patient care
Give care for respiratory distress
Follow local protocol re: humidified oxygen
If patient has asthma medication inhaler, follow local protocol
58. Shock
59. Shock Commonly occurs from bleeding, traumatic injury, and fluid loss from prolonged vomiting/diarrhea
May occur rapidly and quickly become life-threatening
May be delayed in children
Common cause of cardiac arrest in infants/ children
60. Signs and Symptoms Of Shock Rapid (early) or slow (late) weak pulse
Unequal central and peripheral pulses
Poor skin perfusion, delayed capillary refill
Cool, clammy, pale skin
Altered mental status
61. Emergency Care for Shock Perform standard patient care
Follow local protocol re: oxygen
Monitor pulse carefully and provide CPR if needed
Raise the legs if spinal/traumatic injury not suspected
Keep the patient warm but not overheated
Monitor vital signs frequently while awaiting EMS
62. Seizures
63. Causes of Seizures High fever
Head injuries
Low oxygen levels
Low blood sugar
Other causes
64. Seizures Potentially life threatening
You dont need to know cause to give care
Febrile seizures common in children = 5 years
Most will be over by the time you arrive at the scene
After a seizure (except a febrile seizure), child appears sleepy/confused
65. Assessing Seizures Perform standard assessment
Assess for injuries that may occur
Gather the history from caretakers:
Has the child had prior seizure(s)?
Is this child's usual seizure pattern? How long did it last?
Does child take seizure medication?
Could child have ingested any other medication/potential toxins?
66. Signs and Symptoms of Seizures Altered mental status
Muscle twitching, convulsions, rigid extremities
May be brief or prolonged
Loss of bowel and bladder control
67. Emergency Care for Seizures Perform standard patient care
Protect patient from environment
Loosen any constricting clothing
Ask bystanders (except caretakers) to leave
Assure airway remains open
Never restrain patient
Dont put anything in mouth
68. Emergency Care for Seizures continued If patient is bluish, ensure airway is open/give ventilations
After seizure, place an unresponsive patient in recovery position
Be prepared to suction to maintain airway
Follow local protocol re: oxygen
Report assessment findings to additional EMS personnel
69. Altered Mental Status
70. Causes of Altered Mental Status Low blood sugar
Head trauma
Any condition that causes decreased oxygen levels
71. Assessing Altered Mental Status Perform standard assessment
Ask caretakers about any history of diabetes, seizures, or recent trauma
Monitor patients vital signs
72. Signs and Symptoms of Altered Mental Status in an Infant Or Child Drowsiness
Confusion, agitation
Behavior described as unusual by caretakers
73. Emergency Care for Altered Mental Status Perform standard patient care
Place unresponsive patient in recovery position
Follow local protocol re: oxygen
74. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
75. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Unexpected/sudden death of normal/healthy infant during sleep
Causes not well understood
Leading cause of death between 1 week- 1 year of age in the U.S.
Peak incidence occurs between 2 - 4 months of age
76. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) continued More common during winter months and in males
Not due to external suffocation from blankets/ pillows
Not related to child abuse or vomiting/ aspiration of stomach contents
77. Assessing SIDS Perform standard assessment
In addition, ask caretakers about circumstances:
When was infant put to bed?
When was he/she last seen?
What position was infant in when found?
How did infant look when found?
Was there anything unusual in environment?
Infants general health recently?
78. Signs and Symptoms of SIDS Cardiac and respiratory arrest
Skin cyanotic or mottled
Most commonly discovered in early morning
79. Emergency Care for SIDS Perform standard patient care
Take body substance isolation precautions
Try to resuscitate the infant unless the body is stiff
Lividity is normal, not sign of abuse
Comfort, calm, and reassure the caretakers
Avoid any comments that might suggest blame to caretakers
80. Trauma
81. Trauma Common emergency in childhood
Leading cause of death in children
Blunt trauma causes the most injuries
Pattern of injury may be different from that in adults
82. Common Causes of Trauma Motor vehicle crashes
Unrestrained infants/children have head/neck injuries
Restrained infants/children have abdominal/lower spine injuries
Infant/booster seats often improperly fastened
83. Common Causes of Trauma continued Being struck by a vehicle while riding a bicycle
Being struck by a vehicle while walking
Falls from a height or diving into shallow water
Sports injuries to head and neck
Child abuse and neglect
84. Common Types of Injury Anatomical differences make certain types of injury more likely
Abdominal injuries
Extremity injuries
85. Assessing Trauma Perform standard assessment
Examine responsive child from toe to head
Suspect certain types of injuries based on MOI
Smaller amounts of blood loss can result in shock; signs of shock may occur later
86. Emergency Care for Trauma Perform standard patient care
Use jaw thrust to open airway
Use head tilt-chin lift if unsuccessful
Suction airway as needed
Manually stabilize head and neck
87. Emergency Care for Trauma continued Manually stabilize extremity injuries
Treat shock
Follow local protocol re: oxygen
Ensure transport as soon as possible
88. Child Abuse & Neglect
89. Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect Abuse: an intentional improper/excessive action injuring or causing harm
May include psychological abuse and sexual abuse
Neglect: failing to provide basic needs
90. Who Is Abused Any child, although some more likely to be abused
Child abuser can come from any geographic, religious, ethnic, occupational, educational, or socioeconomic group
Abuser is usually a caretaker or someone in role of parent
Most abusers of children were themselves abused as children
91. Multiple bruises/ burns in various stages of healing
Injury inconsistent with MOI described by caretakers
Bite marks Signs and Symptoms of Abuse
92. Cigarette burns
Whip marks
Hand prints
Injuries to genitals, inner thighs, or buttocks
Rope burns
Repeated calls to same address Suspicious patterns of injury or marks on skin:
93. Signs and Symptoms of Abuse continued Unusual burns
A glove or dip pattern
Burns inconsistent with history presented
Untreated burns
Caretakers inappropriately unconcerned
Caretakers with uncontrollable anger
94. Signs and Symptoms of Abuse continued Conflicting storiesChild fearful to discuss how injury occurred
Childs obvious fear of caretaker
Obvious or suspected fractures in child younger than 2 years of age
More injuries than are usually seen in same age
Injuries scattered on many areas of the body
95. Signs and Symptoms of Neglect Lack of adult supervision
Child appears malnourished
Clothing inappropriate for environment
Unsafe living environment
96. Signs and Symptoms of Neglect continued Signs of drug/ alcohol abuse
Untreated chronic illness (asthmatic with no medications)
Untreated soft-tissue injuries
Delayed call for help
97. Assessing Suspected Abuse or Neglect Perform standard assessment
Obtain as much information as possible
Document all information on patient report
98. Emergency Care When Abuse is Suspected Perform standard patient care
Dont accuse caretakers in the field
Treat patients injuries appropriately
Protect child from further abuse, if necessary
Report objective information to EMS unit
99. Emergency Care When Abuse is Suspected continued Save evidence of physical/ sexual abuse
File a report as required by state law and local protocol:
Remain objective
Report what you see/ hear
Do not comment on what you think
Maintain confidentiality about the call
100. Shaken Baby Syndrome Pattern of injury resulting when caretaker shakes infant
Also occurs in young children
Infant may have severe internal injuries, including brain or spinal injuries
Infant may be unresponsive or experiencing seizures
101. Emergency Care for Shaken Baby Syndrome Perform standard patient care
Manually stabilize the head and neck
Follow local protocol re: oxygen
Ensure transport as soon as possible
102. First Responder Stress Death/serious injury can cause strong emotional reactions/stress
Stress likely in instances of serious child abuse or neglect
Providing care while family members/ caretakers are very emotional is stressful
103. First Responder Stress Dont react personally to others emotions or behavior
Realize that many patients may die regardless of care provided
Talk with family/friends
Seek professional help
Critical Incident Stress Management programs are available