1. USPTO Update April 19, 2005
2. New USPTO Headquarters
3. USPTO Challenges Increased filings
Increased complexity
Increased subject matter scope
Federal appropriations process
4. Fact In fiscal year 2004, the USPTO made patentability determinations on more than 10 million claims
5. USPTO Goals Issue quality patents
Reduce pendency
Lead US IP policy agenda
6. Examination Quality Enhancements Improved hiring
Quality control reviews
7. Possible Future Changes Post grant review?
Pre-grant 3rd party participation?
Raise the “patentability bar”
8. USPTO Plans to Reduce Backlogs Hiring
Hiring has been essentially at attrition level since 2002
Current plans call for 860 new examiners in 2005 and 900 the next year
9. USPTO Plans to Reduce Backlogs
Work sharing with other IP offices
Volume and timing are issues
PG Publication Classifications
10. Paper File Room
11. Electronic Application (IFW)
12. Image File Wrapper All pending applications are captured in IFW today
Content is continuously updated with incoming and outgoing correspondence
The IFW is the “official” file
This data base is separate from the published application and patent data base
13. How IFW Works Incoming applications and papers are scanned in the office of initial patent examination (OIPE)
Outgoing papers are scanned into IFW at the Alexandria campus
A messaging system is used to notify employees of incoming work
14. Federal Appropriations USPTO fees were raised in Dec. 2004 for 2 years
Full access in FY2005
FY2006 appropriation to be decided
What happens in 2007?
15. IP Policy Setting International harmonization
Patent “trolls”
Congressional interest
16. House proposes IP Legislation 13 Reform Proposals
First Inventor To File
Post Grant Review