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THEME "KEEPING FIT". Unit 1. How to keep fit and healthy. Translate the following words and word combinations. roller - skating . overweight . give up smoking . ban. to be fit . to be rich in vitamins . calorie. low - calorie . drops. fibre. ожирение. ужасающий. опасный.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. THEME "KEEPING FIT" Unit 1. How to keep fit and healthy

  2. Translate the following words and word combinations

  3. roller -skating

  4. overweight

  5. give up smoking

  6. ban

  7. to be fit

  8. to be rich in vitamins

  9. calorie

  10. low-calorie

  11. drops

  12. fibre

  13. ожирение

  14. ужасающий

  15. опасный

  16. нервная система

  17. подмести в комнате

  18. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

  19. мода на здоровый образ жизни

  20. участвовать

  21. бег трусцой

  22. способствовать развитию

  23. Translate the following sentences

  24. Being physically active means movements that expend energy into our daily routine.

  25. A combination of different types of physical activities – aerobic, strengthening and stretching – provides a maximum benefit to all parts of our body.

  26. Balance and stretching activities: such as gentle stretching, dancing, yoga, martial arts.

  27. Health is the man's greatest wealth.

  28. Top models and ballet-dancers are skin and bones.


  30. Why do owners of bars, restaurants, shops use the whole bag of different tricks?

  31. What tricks can you think of to attract more visitors to bars, cinemas?

  32. What's the most popular fast food restaurant in Kazan?

  33. How often do you have a meal at McDonald's?

  34. Why do so many people visit McDonald's?

  35. Why do children like to visit McDonald's so much?

  36. What do you think? Unhealthyeatingandphysicalinactivityareleadingcausesofdeathinthe U.S. Peoplearedying. Accordingtothe U.S. DepartmentofHealthandHumanServices, unhealthyeatingandinactivitycause310,000-580,000 deathseveryyear—similartothenumberofdeathscausedbytobaccoand 13 timesmorethanarecausedbyguns.

  37. What do you think? Almosttwo-thirds (61%) ofAmericanadultsareoverweightorobese.Obesityratesinchildrenhavedoubledinthelasttwodecades.

  38. What do you think? ThetypicalAmericandietistoohighinsaturatedfat, sodium, andsugarandtoolowinfruits, vegetables, wholegrains, calcium, andfiber. Suchadietcontributestofourofthesixleadingcausesofdeathandincreasestheriskofnumerousdiseases, including: • heartdisease • diabetes • obesity • hypertension • stroke • osteoporosis • manycancers (mouth, throat, lung, stomach)

  39. Thank you very much!!!!! My brilliant students!!!!!!!

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