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Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering

ground. Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering. N. Sivakugan. Duration: 11 min 56 s. T ypical Geotechnical Project. Geo-Laboratory ~ for testing. Design Office ~ for design & analysis. soil properties. design details. soil samples. construction site. Geotechnical Applications.

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Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ground Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering N. Sivakugan Duration: 11 min 56 s

  2. Typical Geotechnical Project Geo-Laboratory~ for testing Design Office~ for design & analysis soil properties design details soil samples construction site

  3. Geotechnical Applications

  4. firm ground bed rock Shallow Foundations ~ for transferring building loads to underlying ground ~ mostly for firm soils or light loads

  5. Shallow Foundations

  6. weak soil bed rock Deep Foundations ~ for transferring building loads to underlying ground ~ mostly for weak soils or heavy loads P I L E

  7. Driven timber piles, Pacific Highway Deep Foundations

  8. Road Train retaining wall Retaining Walls ~ for retaining soils from spreading laterally

  9. reservoir clay core shell soil Earth Dams ~ for impounding water

  10. reservoir concrete dam soil Concrete Dams

  11. Concrete Dams Three Gorges Dam, Hong Kong

  12. Concrete Dams

  13. Earthworks ~ preparing the ground prior to construction Roadwork, Pacific Highway

  14. Construction hazard ~ an unwelcome visitor at an earthwork site. What does it have to do with Geo?#! A dead Anaconda python (courtesy: J. Brunskill)

  15. Geofabrics used on Pacific Highway Geofabrics ~ used for reinforcement, separation, filtration and drainage in roads, retaining walls, embankments…

  16. Reinforced Earth Walls ~ using geofabrics to strengthen the soil

  17. Soil Nailing ~ steel rods placed into holes drilled into the walls and grouted

  18. warehouse ship sheet pile Sheet Piles ~ sheets of interlockingsteel or timber driven into the ground, forming a continuous sheet

  19. Sheet Piles ~ resist lateral earth pressures ~ used in excavations, waterfront structures, ..

  20. Sheet Piles ~ used in temporary works

  21. Sheet Piles ~ interlocking sections

  22. Cofferdam ~ sheet pile walls enclosing an area, to prevent water seeping in

  23. Landslides

  24. Shoring propping and supporting the exposed walls to resist lateral earth pressures

  25. Tunneling

  26. Blasting For ore recovery in mines

  27. Ground Improvement Impact Roller to Compact the Ground

  28. Ground Improvement Sheepsfoot Roller to Compact Clay Soils

  29. Ground Improvement Smooth-wheeled Roller

  30. Craters formed in compaction Ground Improvement Big weights dropped from 25 m, compacting the ground.

  31. Environmental Geomechanics Waste Disposal in Landfills

  32. Instrumentation ~ to monitor the performances of earth and earth supported structures ~ to measure loads, pressures, deformations, strains,…

  33. Soil Testing Cone Penetration Test Truck – Lavarach Barracks, Townsville

  34. Vane Shear Test Standard Penetration Test Soil Testing More Field Tests

  35. Triaxial Test on Soil Sample in Laboratory Soil Testing

  36. Soil Testing Variety of Field Testing Devices

  37. Soil Testing Purdue University, USA Being Pushed around by my Supervisors

  38. Typical Safety Factors

  39. foundations soil exploration tunneling Some unsung heroes of Civil Engineering… … buried right under your feet.

  40. Great Contributors to the Developments in Geotechnical Engineering Hall of Fame

  41. Siva’s teacher in USA – deserves gold frame WJM Rankine1820-1872 A.Casagrande1902-1981 C.A.Coulomb1736-1806 Karl Terzaghi1883-1963 L. Bjerrum1918-1973 A.W.Skempton1914- G.F.Sowers1921-1996 G.A. Leonards1921-1997

  42. Geotechnical Engineering Landmarks Challenges

  43. Leaning Tower of Pisa Our blunders become monuments!

  44. Hoover Dam, USA Tallest (221 m) concrete dam

  45. Petronas Tower, Malaysia Tallest building in the world

  46. Monuments and….

  47. CS2005: Geo-Engineering I

  48. Geo-engineering at JCU CS2005Geo-engineering I CS3002Geo-engineering I CS4001Geo-engineering I PostgradMEngSc/PhD

  49. Practicals ~ five practical sessions ~ closed footwear must be worn in the lab

  50. Laboratory Staff Neville Hines & Rudd Rankine

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