istituto A.Volta Bari Italy The Apulian cuisine Datemi il boccale con i fiori turchini, il vino calpestato nella vendemmia risorge in allegria: vi racconterà della terra dove le giornate sanno di ristoppie, di ore senza respiro, quando le pietre bruciano come calce viva. Ma il vento di mare alita nei sogni la speranza Gianni Custodero
istituto A.Volta Bari Italy The Apulian cuisine • The Apulian cuisine is a poor one. • - Bread, oil and tomatoes, bread and olives, bread and onions, bread and hot pepper, oil chycories and white beans, sun wild herbs. • - It is based on home cooking, created by women cooking at home rather than male chefs in professional kitchens. • - without rules and regulations, based on the experience of the women. • - moreover a recipe becomes a way of speaking rather than a rule. So you find in the recipe a handful, a pinch, enough, etc. that means experience, tradition.
istituto A.Volta Bari Italy Cicorielle and wild greenery The Apulian cuisine is a poor one: - pasta made without eggs - bread made using hard-grain durum wheat flour that flourishes locally - a diet based on vegetables, including many wild vegetables like "cicorielle", wild chicory, and "lampascione", the bulb of a wild tassel hyacinth, that comes from stony fields and abandoned terraces.
istituto A.Volta Bari Italy Meat and sausages • Meat is not much eaten until a few years ago, and beef was almost unknown on Pugliese tables, horse meat being preferred. • For Christmas and Easter feasts, weddings and baptisms, Pugliese cook look for what is called farmyard animals, especially chickens and rabbits, lamb is the very symbol of feasting, as it is in most of the Mediterranean countries.
istituto A.Volta Bari Italy Taralli • Ingredients • 1kg flour, a glass of olive oil and a glass of white wine, a pinch of raising powder, salt, pepper. • Preparation • Mix the olive oil, the white wine and flour. If the dough is to stiff add as much tepid water as it can absorb. go on until you get it not too stiff nor too soft, then shape them into small rolls, boil them in the hot water, let them dry and cook in the oven.
istituto A.Volta Bari Italy olive oil • Apulian cuisine is based on olive oil, one of the great products of the region. Apulia produces the two-thirds of all the olive oil in Italy.
istituto A.Volta Bari Italy Olive oil is the best!!!! • Olive oil is: • - one of the main ingredients in the Taralli al vino bianco, pasta frolla, cartellate al vino cotto, pastries cooked in wine, panzerotti, fried fish, etc • - seasoning to taste in Focacce e cicci, oil and salt with bread • - means of storing for vegetables, olives, sausages.
istituto A.Volta Bari Italy stip ca trov = if you save you will find • In this culture of sparsity, nothing is wasted. • Stale bread is cut into cubes or crumbled and toasted in oil to make a garnish for pasta and vegetable dishes. • Vegetables and fruits themselves, at the height of their season, are dried, pickled, or preserved like jam or in oil to eke out the larder in the lean months of the year.
istituto A.Volta Bari Italy stip ca trov = if you save you will find • Even the poorest figs are dried and kept in a clay with almonds, bay leaves and chocolate or boiled down to make a syrup, similar to cooked wine , to be served at Christmas poured over the fried sweets called cartellate or like a main ingredient in the sassanelli
istituto A.Volta Bari Italy collecters of wild greeneries Wild greeneries in great variety are still harvested, especially during the brief Apulian winter when gardens are less productive and the wild herbs are at their best, tender and sweet. On misty days, you can see elderly foragers, men and women alike, stoop-shouldered as they course intently over abandoned fields, often accompanied by grandchildren who are learning to tell good from bad.
istituto A.Volta Bari Italy Fave beans and chicories Ingredients: 1/2 kg. white fave 2 potatoes, salt, water oil Preparation: Let rest the white beans fave for one hour in cold water, cook them slowly add salt and olive oil. The chicory has to be boiled separately.
istituto A.Volta Bari Italy Sea food appetizers Usually the Apulian people start with some raw fish and sea food seasoned with lemon. The variety of mussels and fish is very large.
istituto A.Volta Bari Italy Raw seafood • Mussels,ricci, shells, oysters, pilgrim scallops, noahs arks,razor shells, sea urchim,octopus. • You can buy them in the fishmarket and open with a knife to taste the sea flavour.
istituto A.Volta Bari Italy Rice, potatoes and mussels “La tièdda” • In a clay arrange a layer of 2 chopped onions and sliced peeled potatoes, then the mussels, kept on a half shell, and a fistful of rice. • Season with salt, pepper and parsley, oil and piquant grated cheese, keep alternating layers until the pan is full. Decorate with tomato strips, and bake for 1/2 of an hour.
istituto A.Volta Bari Italy Marinatedanchovies Ingredients: 350gr fresh anchovies, sea salt, 3/4 cup white vinegar, 2 Tablespoons fresh lemon juice, 3 cloves garlic, 3/4 cup parsley, 1 medium red onion, 1-1/2 cups mixed bell peppers, Extra virgin olive oil Preparation: Butterfly the anchovies using your fingers. Place the anchovies in a stainless steel pan or casserole, skin side down, and sprinkle them lightly with sea salt. Pour the vinegar over the fillets, cover the pan with plastic wrap, and refrigerate for 2 days. The fish will marinate and turn white. Drain and discard the liquid. Squeeze the fresh lemon juice over the anchovies, then sprinkle them with the garlic, parsley, red onion, and peppers. Drizzle enough olive oil over the fillets to cover.
istituto A.Volta Bari Italy Little ears with piquant ricotta • Orecchiette is a kind of home made pasta, they are made with only hard wheat flour, water and salt. • Cook them in abundant salt water, drain and place all of them in a wide dish. Separately blend some hard piquant ricotta cheese with a tomato sauce, add pepper, and season the pasta with it.
istituto A.Volta Bari Italy Broiled little cuttlefish • Clean 1 kilo of cuttlefish, remove skin, bone, entrails, wash them, and stuff them with breadcrumbs, chopped parale, grated pecorino cheese. • Leave them to marinate in oil, vinegar, salt and pepper for 1 hour, cook them on a grill over a charcoal fire for about 20 minutes, moistening from time to time with the marinade.
istituto A.Volta Bari Italy eggplants • Cut them into halves and keep them in water and salt for a while, let them dry and with a knife cut the flesh into many little squares taking care not to detache them completely. Separately blend together 50gms of black olives, chopped fine, capers grated pecorino cheese, mint basil, pepper and salt. Stuff the cuts you made with this filling, pour oil over and finally cook them in the oven.
Istituto Tecnico Commerciale“Alessandro Volta”Bari • Comenius project • “Cultural wonders of Europe” Prof. Mariella Fanizza Prof. Gianna Pilolla Prof. A.Lisa Giaculli Preside Mario Bosco Michele Saliani Claudio De Canio Fabio Ricci Nicolò Tauro Rosaria Di Bari Noemi Mattiace