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Alexandre Zabi, Jean-Francois Grivaz and Laurent Duflot (LAL-ORSAY). HIGGS GROUP December 6 th , 2002. Trigger Studies for HZ->bbvv. Outline. Look at the signal HZ->bbvv: Reproduce the cuts from Higgs-Susy workshop. Look at corresponding distributions. Trigger Studies:
Alexandre Zabi, Jean-Francois Grivaz and Laurent Duflot (LAL-ORSAY). HIGGS GROUP December 6th, 2002 Trigger Studies for HZ->bbvv
Outline • Look at the signal HZ->bbvv: • Reproduce the cuts from Higgs-Susy workshop. • Look at corresponding distributions. • Trigger Studies: • Rate and Efficiency studies at all Levels. • Choose a Trigger condition at Level1 (CJT(x,x)?). • Look for Discriminating Variables (signal/bkg) at L2 and L3 • Optimized cuts on Level2 and Level3 variables in order to get a factor of 10 of rejection for each Level. • Overall efficiency.
The Signal: HZ->bbvv (MH=115) Higgs Group p10 MC files: Data Set: higgswg_zh_nunu_bb_m115_mixture-v002 (8K events). Reco Version: p10.08.01. Jet Energy Scale correction (Jets and MEt): version 01.01.02. Jet certified cuts using JCCB jets. Reproduce Cuts from Higgs-Susy Workshop 1998: • 2 bjets tagged with: - one with Pt > 20 GeV and lηl < 2 - one with Pt > 15 GeV and |η| < 2 • MEt > 35GeV • Angle between MEt and closest jet δΦ> 0.5 (28 degrees)
Find b quarks in MC sample. b quark parent Higgs? Is there a certified JCCB jet with Pt > 15GeV and ΔR < 0.5 ? (ΔR wrt bquark direction) bjet Reconstruction Njets(certified,Pt>15GeV) = 18600 Nbjets = 14139.
LEVEL 1 MC Sample = 8000 Events. TRIGSIM (p12.05.00) on Sample. Signal Sample = 2974 Events. Signal Sample = MC sample after Analysis cuts. CJT(3,5) (current multijet standard) CJT(3,5) 2387 Events CJT(2,5) CJT(2,5) 2792 Events Efficiency = 80% TOO LOW! Rate = 100 Hz Efficiency = 94% Rate = 440 Hz TOO HIGH! Rate from Trigger List 8.20 spread sheet rescaled for Luminosity = 40E30 cm-2 s-1
To determine CJT(2,5)CJT(3,3) rate: We need an unbiased CJT(2,5)data sample. We use JT_25TT_NG MarkAndPass events (Trigger List 8.20). JT_25TT_NG: CJT(2,5) at Level1. No conditions at Level2. Data Sample: List of Runs using the trigger List 8.20. Pick_events to retrieve those events. 1000 Events also used as background sample for Level 2 and Level 3 Trigger studies. LEVEL 1 We could use CJT(2,5)CJT(3,3)
LEVEL 1 Signal Sample 2974 Events CJT(2,5)CJT(3,3) 2751 Events Efficiency = 93% Rate = 300 Hz REASONABLE!? Rate for Luminosity = 40E30 • Rate reasonable considering: • Factor of 100 L2/L3 rejection. • L1 bandwidth will increase. • We expect CJT(n,3) to be less noisy.
LEVEL 2 Level 2 jets:L2CalJet. • We consider 5x5TT jets, No explicit threshold cuts, Require 2 Jets in the Event. L2 NJET background signal Efficiency wrt Level 1 = 98%
LEVEL 2 Pt LEADING JET background signal
LEVEL 2 Pt 2nd LEADING JET background signal
LEVEL 2 HT = |Pt(jets)| background signal
LEVEL 2 MHT = | Pt(jets)| An algorithm should be implemented very soon (Adam Yurkewick) background signal
LEVEL 2 = Angle between leading jets in transverse plan. L2CalJet_L2JPhi is an integer[1,160] [1,80] background signal
LEVEL 2 MHT and Most discriminating variables - 80 - 75 - 70 - 65 - 60 Mht > 0 to 40 GeV
LEVEL 2 Try other combinations of variables
LEVEL 3 Level 3 jets:SCJET_9. • Simple Cone Jet Algorithm, Jet Pt > 9GeV, Require 2 Level3 Jets. L3 NJET background signal Efficiency wrt Level 2 = 97%
LEVEL 3 Pt LEADING JET background signal
LEVEL 3 Pt 2nd LEADING JET background signal
LEVEL 3 HT = |Pt(jets)| background signal
LEVEL 3 MHT = | Pt(jets)| background signal
LEVEL 3 = Angle between leading jets in transverse plan. background signal
LEVEL 3 MHT Most discriminating variables (No obvious gain with two variables combined) MHt > 0 to 30 GeV • For MHt > 18 GeV • Efficiency(wrt L2) = 97% • Rate = 3 Hz
Conclusion • Acceptable Scheme using pure Calorimeter Trigger • Overall L1/L2/L3 efficiency = 85% • Level 2 MHt certified algorithm underway (Adam Yurkewicz). • MEt at Level 3 could improve efficiency (to be compared with MHt).