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The Atrocities of the Civil War

The Atrocities of the Civil War. The Massacre at Fort Pillow, TN (April 12, 1864). Nathan Bedford Forrest (Captured Fort Pillow). 262 African-Americans 295 white Union soldiers. Ordered black soldiers murdered after they surrendered! [many white soldiers killed as well]

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The Atrocities of the Civil War

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  1. The Atrocities of the Civil War

  2. The Massacre at Fort Pillow, TN(April 12, 1864)

  3. Nathan Bedford Forrest(Captured Fort Pillow) • 262 African-Americans • 295 white Union soldiers. • Ordered black soldiers murdered after they surrendered! [many white soldiers killed as well] • Became the first Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan after the war.

  4. Confederate Prison Campat Point Lookout, MD • Planned to hold 10,000 men. • Had almost 50,000 at one time.

  5. Point Lookout Memorialof 4,000 Dead Rebel Prisoners

  6. Union Prison Campat Andersonville, GA

  7. Original Andersonville Plan • Planned to hold 10,000 men. • Had over 32,000 at one time.

  8. Distributing “Rations”

  9. Union “Survivors”

  10. Union Prisoner’s RecordatAndersonville

  11. Burying Dead Union POWs

  12. Andersonville Cemetary

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