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Join Brenda Jones, the Law Enforcement Challenge Coordinator, for the state-wide Highway Safety Awards program recognizing agencies' efforts to improve traffic safety. Learn how agencies can participate and improve safety through training, policies, incentives, and public education.
TENNESSEE LAW ENFORCEMENT CHALLENGE WORKSHOP Brenda Jones Law Enforcement Challenge Coordinator
What is the Law Enforcement Challenge? • Mirrored after the National Law Enforcement Challenge • Managed through the Governor’s Highway Safety Office • Funded by TDOT through a NHTSA Grant • Also funded by corporate sponsors • It is the only state-wide Highway Safety Awards program. • Recognizes law enforcement agencies for their efforts to improve traffic safety in their communities • Forces agencies to take a hard look at what they are doing to address traffic safety – and in many cases – what they are not doing
Why Do We Do It? • Because we can • To improve traffic safety state-wide • Because we can in fact make a difference • Traffic enforcement leads to other things • Bottom line – to save lives
What Should Law Enforcement Do? • Participate in the Challenge • Get serious about traffic safety (if you haven’t already) • It starts at the top! • Establish meaningful policies • Establish expectations – enforcement with a purpose • Talk about it – always – not just when you have a fatal crash • Establish Enforcement Goals
Application Header Agency Name: Address: Phone: ( ) City/State/Zip: Fax: ( ) Agency Head: E-mail: Contact Name/Rank: E-mail: Total # of Sworn Personnel: Total # of Uniformed Officers working on the street: Total SwornvsUniformed on Street?
Section I - Policies I. Policy & Guidelines (Agency Must Provide an actual copy of their policy.)This agency has a written policy:Yes Norequiring officer safety belt use. Yes Nomaking enforcement of safety belt and child passenger safety restraint laws a priority. Yes Nomaking speed enforcement a priority. Yes Nomaking impaired driving enforcement a priority. The actual policy must be included – not just an explanation of your policy re-written. Scan it, PDF it, highlight it and only include what is needed.
Section II - Officer Training II. Training of Officers (Agency Must Providea narrative or outline of training completed, along with supporting documents. Agencies should also discuss recent past training which is still being utilized today — crash reconstructionists, child passenger safety technicians, etc.) (#) of officers who received training in 2011 in occupant protection. (#) of officers who received training in 2011 in impaired driving. (#) of officers who received speed-related training in 2011. (#) of officers who received any other traffic safety related training in 2011.
Officer Training • An integral part of the Challenge • Officers should be trained in all 3 target areas annually • Utilize all opportunities for training: Schools and Seminars, Roll Call Training, Video-Based, Training Bulletins, Tests on Policies and General Orders, In-Service Training, etc. • Document all training during the year, as well as past training that may be relevant These videos are free from the IACP – call 1-800-THE-IACP
Officer Training How many officers were trained last year in occupant protection? How many officers were trained last year in DUI? How many officers were trained in speed enforcement? How many were trained prior to last year, with skills that are still being utilized? What about other traffic safety related training? DOCUMENT DOCUMENTDOCUMENT!
Section III – Incentives & Recognition III. Incentives & Recognition (Must Providenarrative and supporting documentation with examples.) Yes No Saved By the Belt/Air Bag (IACP officer and/or citizen award programs.) Yes No Officer recognition programs for impaired driving detection and apprehension. YesNo Officer recognition programs for speed detection and apprehension.
Incentives & Recognition • Saved By The Belt • Citizens and Officers • International Chiefs Officers Recognition • Your own departmental award
Incentives & Recognition • Officer Recognition for Enforcement • MADD 100 / 200 Awards
Section IV – Public Information & Education V. Public Information & Education Provide a detailed written narrative of all the public information and education efforts conducted during 2011 to address occupant protection, speed, DUI, and all other traffic safety programs. Include photos, newspaper clippings, press releases, etc. See the How-To Guide for additional information.
Section IV –Public Information & Education • This is a major portion of your application. This is where you document all programs that were non-enforcement. This should include: • Newspaper clippings • Press releases • Child Safety Seat Events • Citizen Police Academies • High School Mock DUI Crashes/Prom Events • Educational Signs • Brochures/pamphlets/Police website • Print screens of televised press events • Tell us what you did and how you did it
Public Information & Education • A HUGE part of what an agency should be doing – as well as part of the application • What are you doing – non-enforcement wise, to get the public to slow down, not drink & drive, wear safety belts, use child restraints, etc.?
Understanding, of course, that there are some really bad drivers out there who are in need of education.
PI&E - Where do good ideas come from? • Ask around! • There are many agencies that have won in past years who would be more than happy to share their successes and ideas. You are limited only by your imagination. • What works for one agency may not work for another. • International Chiefs website – “Nifty Fifty”. • www.theiacp.org • Work with local businesses • Enlist assistance from civic groups (Lions Club, Rotary, etc.) • Citizen Police Academy Alumni, Explorers, Volunteers • Are you participating in State & National Campaigns? • Get sponsors for your programs
Section V - ENFORCEMENT V. Enforcement ActivityProvide a narrative explaining what your agency accomplished during 2011. Also provide the following data for the last 3 calendar years: Does your state have a Primary Seat Belt Enforcement Law? Yes No Number of Seat Belt Citations: 2011 2010 2009 Number of Child Seat Citations: 2011 2010 2009 Number of Speeding Citations: 2011 2010 2009 Number of Impaired Driving Arrests: 2011 2010 2009 Provide the number of Special Enforcement Efforts in 2011(your narrative must explain what your efforts were): Impaired Driving Road Blocks: Impaired Driving Saturation Patrols: Seat Belt Enforcement Zones: Special Speed Enforcement Zones: Other Traffic Enforcement Efforts: Please consult the How-To Guide for clarification on what is and what is not a special enforcement effort.
ENFORCEMENT • Application asks for 3-year data on front • Include “Special Enforcement Efforts” on front of application • Explain what you accomplished during those efforts • Did you take part in “Click It or Ticket,” You Drink & Drive – You Lose, National Drunk & Drugged Driving Prevention Month, or other State or National enforcement campaigns?
ENFORCEMENT A Picture Tells A Thousand Words
ENFORCEMENT • Tell The Whole Picture • Include charts or graphs showing annual data • Do your numbers “add up?” • Look at your enforcement as it relates to # of officers. • 5000 speeding tickets for 100 sworn – pretty good • 5000 speeding tickets for 300 sworn – not so good • Not a “Toasters for Tickets” program – enforcement w/a purpose
Section VI - EFFECTIVENESS VI. Effectiveness of EffortsProvide a narrative of your agency’s effectiveness. Include charts, graphs, and other details and documentation on increases or decreases in enforcement, crashes, crash injuries, and fatalities. Your agency should include efforts to target the worst crash locations. How did your agency make a difference in the community? State’s average safety belt use in 2011. 87.40 % Jurisdiction’s safety belt use rate at the beginning of 2011: %; At the end of 2011: % Percentage of 2011 fatal and injury crashes related to Speed: %; Alcohol: % Total roadway crashes: 2011 2010 2009 Total fatal crashes: 201120102009 Total injury crashes: 2011 2010 2009
EFFECTIVENESS • MUST provide data requested! • Safety Belt use rate before and after • Crash data – speed and alcohol related for each year • Total crash data for the year • Total crashes & injury crashes • Now tell us more in your narrative • Have your crashes decreased? • Injury crashes or total injuries decreased? • Speed-related or alcohol-related crashes decreased? • Citations increased? • How do you measure your effectiveness?
EFFECTIVENESS Just when you think you’ve done all you can to address traffic safety...
QUALITY OF SUBMISSION • What kind of effort did you put into your application? • A pretty package is not a winner – must have what it takes • Use tabs to separate sections of the application • Quality paper, quality scanning of photos, news clips, etc. • Is the submission in the order of the application? • No more than a one inch binder or document • No “Book of Spells” • Make items easy to find and easy to read • You don’t need to spend $$ for professional printing, but don’t fill it out in crayon either
How Are Applications Judged? • Based on agency size (total sworn) • Categories differ between state and national programs
Special Category Awards • You must complete entire application to compete for special awards • You must include a separate tab at the end of the application for EACH special award you wish to be considered for • Special categories are different between state and national awards • Clay Hall Memorial Award • Director’s Award • Championship Class
2005 – Kingsport Police Department Winner of 1st Annual (2004) LEC Police Package Auto
2006 – Winchester Police Department Winner of 2ndAnnual (2005) LEC Police Package Auto
2007 – Union City Police Department Winner of 3rdAnnual (2006) LEC Police Package Auto
2008 – Dover Police Department Winner of 4th Annual (2007) LEC Police Package SUV
2009 – Wartburg Police Department Winner of 5th Annual (2008) Police Package Auto
2009 – Alcoa Police DepartmentWinner of 5th Annual (2008) LEC Police Motorcycle
2010 – Memphis Police Department Winner of 6th Annual (2009) LEC Police Package SUV
2010 – Bartlett Police Department Winner of 6th Annual (2009) LEC Police Motorcycle
2011 – Johnson City Police Department Winner of 7th Annual (2010) LEC Police Package SUV
Your Agency Winner of the 8th Annual (2011) 2011 - Chevy Tahoe Police Package
National Law Enforcement Challenge • First Place winners will receive free complimentary registration to the 2012 IACP Conference in San Diego, California, September 29 – October 3, 2012. • National Challenge gives away a Ford Expedition each year. • Tennessee has only won the National Vehicle one time.
All entries in the Beyond the Traffic Stop award program must be based on traffic stops by duly sworn law enforcement officers. Each entry must be signed and submitted by the observing officer’s agency head or superior officer. All entries in the award program must be based on a traffic stop occurring between January 1, 2011 and March 31, 2012. All entries for the award program must be received by Friday April 20, 2012. No exceptions. BEYOND THE TRAFFIC STOP
Entries and supporting data are the property of GHSO and cannot be returned. A panel of judges comprised of the IACP National Law Enforcement Challenge team determine the winners of the Beyond the Traffic Stop award program. Winners will be notified two weeks prior to the state law enforcement challenge. The decision of the judges is final. Categories of winners include Grand Prize and Honorable Mention awards. Only duly sworn law enforcement officers are eligible for awards.
GHSO reserves the right to publicize the winners’ names and the details of each winner’s Beyond the Traffic Stopincident as part of a national and local law enforcement awareness program. Judging Criteria • Entries are based on cases that were built because of a stop for a traffic violation (i.e. seatbelt violation, speeding, DUI etc.) • As well as thorough and professional police work by officer(s) to solve crime or to make an arrest stemming from the traffic stop • Resulting benefit to community, law enforcement, public and highway safety (Cont’d)
Judging Criteria (cont’d) • Element(s) of danger or risk to officer(s), citizens, and crime victims; details of how officer recognized danger, took effective steps to reduce risks to law enforcement personnel, crime victims, and citizens • Thoroughness of submitted entry (e.g., simply stating “See Attached Report” in lieu of completing each section will not work.) Attachments are encouraged, but concise descriptions are required • Nomination forms will be mailed with Challenge applications or can be downloaded at www.tntrafficsafety.org in early 2012
Challenge applications can be downloaded @www.tntrafficsafety.org
DEADLINE!! APRIL 20, 2012 Must be at GHSO
QUESTIONS ???????? Brenda Jones 901-301-1781 brenhjones@aol.com